Analyse < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
Hi Ihr Süßen,
ich würde mich freuen wenn ich mal korrektur-lesen könntet:
Her first time alone away from her family, the girl felt like standing on sharky ground and was "unsure of her footing"(l 18). The white girls caused her fear and she felt "scared among white people"(l 26). She never faced such a situation before and she tried "to be as unnoticiable as possible"(l.30). She was stampeded, because of the fact that she wanted to evaporate, every time when the white girls looked at her. It seemed to be a sign for the overcharge that she had with this first encounter with white people. Considering the fact that it was her first meeting with white people and that she lost her friends of view in an unknown indoor swimming pool, I think that her behaviour was quite normal. She was an eight year old girl and there were so many new impressions flowing into her.
Hallo Chiquita 85!
Da sind meiner Meinung nach nicht viele Rechtschreib- oder Grammatikfehler drin, die ich aber korrigiert habe. Ich habe auch versucht, ein bißchen umzubauen.
Hier ist mein Vorschlag und ich hoffe, alle Fehler gefunden zu haben.
Her first time alone away from her family, she felt like standing on shaky ground and was "unsure of her appearance"(l 18). The white girls caused her fear and she was "scared among white people"(l 26). She never had faced such a situation before and tried "to be as unnoticeable as possible"(l.30). She was stampeded and wanted to evaporate, every time when the white girls looked at her. It seemed to be a sign of overcharge that she had with this first contact to white people. Considering the fact that it was her first meeting with white people and that she lost her friends of view in an unknown indoor swimming pool, I think that her behaviour was quite normal. She was an eight year old girl and there were so many new impressions flowing into her.