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Bitte Grammatik prüfen: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:56 So 02.12.2007
Autor: mactimo

The Peru-Chile Trench came into being by means of subduction. Subduction occurs when a oceanic plate converges with a continental plate. Oceanic plates are denser and heavier than continental plates, hence oceanic plates will dive under continental plates when they collide producing a trench along the coast on the ocean floor. Another feature of converging plate boundaries is the compressing of the continental plate which results in mountain chains like the Andes in South America. As a consequence of this collision earthquakes occur due to the distortion of the rocks. The foci of the earthquakes at the trench are shallow and the foci is getting deeper as it goes further into the continent reaching its climax in the Andes with depth up to 700 km. This characteristic feature is called a Wadati-Benioff zone. The magnitude of the earthquakes in subduction zones are among the heaviest reaching magnitudes of more than 8 on the Richter scale. Yet another characteristic are the volcanic arcs which always lie a few hundred kilometres away from the trench. In the present case they lie in the Andes and belong to the type of volcanoes which have explosive eruptions.  

also ich weiß da sind ein paar schwierige Wörter drin aber vielleicht kann ja jemand die Grammatik überprüfen und hat vielleicht auch ein paar Tips wie man die Sätze verbessern könnte. Bin über jede Hilfe dankbar.

Bitte Grammatik prüfen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:23 So 02.12.2007
Autor: rainerS

Hallo mactimo!

Der Text gefällt mir sehr gut, bis auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten.

Meine Korrektur:

> The Peru-Chile Trench came into being by means of
> subduction. Subduction occurs when an oceanic plate
> converges with a continental plate. Oceanic plates are
> denser and heavier than continental plates, hence oceanic
> plates will dive under continental plates when they collide,
> producing a trench along the coast on the ocean floor along the coast.
> Another feature of converging plate boundaries is the
> compressingcompression of the continental plate which results in
> mountain chains like the Andes in South America. As a
> consequence of this collision earthquakes occur due to the
> distortion of the rocks. The foci of the earthquakes at the
> trench are shallow and the foci is

entweder: "the focus is" oder "the foci are"

> getting deeper as it

worauf bezieht sich das "it", auf "trench" oder auf "focus"?

Ich vermute, du willst eher sagen:

" and the foci are getting deeper as they go further into continent, reaching their climax ..."

> goes further into the continent reaching its climax in the
> Andes with depth up to 700 km. This characteristic feature
> is called a Wadati-Benioff zone. The magnitude of the
> earthquakes in subduction zones are among the heaviest known,
> reaching magnitudes of more than 8 on the Richter scale.
> Yet another characteristic areis the volcanic arcs which
> always lies a few hundred kilometres away from the trench.

Der Satz ist schlecht wegen der Vermischung von Singular (characteristic) und Plural (volcanic arcs). Außerdem ist es doch nur ein Bogen, oder?

> In the present case theyvolcanoes lie in the Andes and belong to the
> type of volcanoes which have explosive eruptions.

Viele Grüße

Bitte Grammatik prüfen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:04 Mo 03.12.2007
Autor: mactimo

Hallo Rainer,
also vielen Dank für das Lob über den Text und tausend Dank für die Verbesserungsvorschläge die ich sofort umgesetzt habe.

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