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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Correction
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Correction: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:42 Mo 05.11.2007
Autor: GK-Niete

Hier die "Top of the flops" unserer Arbeit:

15.But in the USA also live millions of other people,...

16.Not everyone is so lucky like Schwarzenegger.

17.(...) it was told something about the USA,he was always day-dreaming(...)

18. When Schwarzenegger was still living in Austria,his attitude towards America was,that he wants to live there because when he grew up in Austria the Soviets controlled a part of Austria.

19: Slums, poverty and rassism are reality.Many immigrants who came to America with the hope of a better live has false hope.They get no social help,can't visit a expensive school and do not get help when they unemployed.

Diese Sätze sollen wir nun verbessern.Bei manchen weiß ich allerdings nicht genau was falsch ist,wäre froh und dankbar über eure Hilfe!!=)

15. hm irgendwas falsch mit den millions of other people??
    ich weiß es leider selbst nicht....

16. Not everyone is as lucky as Schwarzenegger.
    Sonst wüsste ich wieder nicht was falsch ist.Vllt noch  
    everybody anstatt everyone(gibts da einen großen

17. daydreaming ; mehr weiß ich wieder nicht

18. When Sch. was still living in Austria his attitude  
    towards America was to live there because he grew up when Austria were controlled by the Soviets.

(ich glaube das ist fast genauso schlimm=))

19. Slums,poverty and racism are the reality.Many immigrants who came(ist glaub falsch aber ich weiß nciht welche zeit sonst) to America in hope of a better life  had false hopes/were wrong.They don't/didn't get any social help,couln't attend an expensive school and don't get help when they are unemployed.

Also wirklich Ahnung habe ich bei keinem Satz,aber der versuch war da ;)

Correction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:25 Mo 05.11.2007
Autor: Ripischiep

Hallo GK-Niete [winken],

Hier hab ich für dich mal die Sätze korrigiert:

15.But also in the USA live millions of other people....
16.Deine Version ist richtig. « Everybody » oder « everyone » is wurscht.
17.....he always daydreamed when there was told something about the USA..
18.Der Satz ist total katastrophal, darum ändere ich den mal um:
Also z.B.: S. Did not want to live in Austria anymore, since the part in which he lived was controlled by Soviets. So he immigrated to the USA.
19.Slums, poverty and racism are the reality.Many immigrants who came to the USA (besser: comming to the USA) with the hope for a better life ~were badly disappointed. ~They did neither get any social help in case of unemployment(,) nor could they attend an expensive school.

Hopefully it's helpful :-)

Correction: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:30 Mo 05.11.2007
Autor: GK-Niete

Ja sehr! Danke schön!

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