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Das Mittelwort: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:19 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

a) Ergänzen Sie:

1. I saw the cows (graze) on the hill.
- I saw the cows grazed on the hill.

2. He remained (work).
- He remained is working.

3.Harry watched the boys (steal) apples.
- Harry watched the boys are stealing apples.

4. Dad sent me (fish).
- Dad sent me fished.

5. While (talk) to her neighbour she let the potatoes burn.
- While talked to her neighbour she let the potatoes burn.

b) Verkürzen Sie die Sätze:

1. Mr Lawford who was painting the frontdoor didn't listen to the birds.
- Mr Lawford painting the frontdoor didn't listen to the birds.

2. When he saw his friend he stopped his car immediately.
- He saw his friend he stopped his car immediately.

3. The dog found a cadaver which was lying in a small cave.
- The dog found a cadaver lying in a small cave.

4. Because the cat was run over by a car it couldn't move any more.
- The cat run over by car it couldn't move any more.

c) ,,Machen lassen"

Bitte übersetzen Sie:

1. Linda ließ ihre Schuhe reparieren.
- Linda took repair her shoes.

2. Mr Henderson läßt eine neue Antenne anbringen.
- Mr Henderson lets install a new aerial.

3. Wir hatten unseren Schornstein fegen lassen.
- We had let swept our chimney.

ist das ok so?

lg suzan

Das Mittelwort: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:01 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: milky-way

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> a) Ergänzen Sie:
> 1. I saw the cows (graze) on the hill.
>  - I saw the cows grazed on the hill.

I saw the cows gazing on the hill.

> 2. He remained (work).
>  - He remained is working.

He remained working.

> 3.Harry watched the boys (steal) apples.
>  - Harry watched the boys are stealing apples.

Harry watched the boys stealing apples.

> 4. Dad sent me (fish).
>  - Dad sent me fished.

Dad sent me fishing.

> 5. While (talk) to her neighbour she let the potatoes
> burn.
>  - While talked to her neighbour she let the potatoes
> burn.

While talking to her neighbour she let the potatoes burn.

> b) Verkürzen Sie die Sätze:
> 1. Mr Lawford who was painting the frontdoor didn't listen
> to the birds.
>  - Mr Lawford painting the frontdoor didn't listen to the
> birds.

Mr Lawford didn;t listen to the birds (while)painting.

> 2. When he saw his friend he stopped his car immediately.
>  - He saw his friend he stopped his car immediately.

Seeing his friend, he stipped his car immediately.

> 3. The dog found a cadaver which was lying in a small
> cave.
>  - The dog found a cadaver lying in a small cave.

The dog found the cadaver lying in a small cave.

> 4. Because the cat was run over by a car it couldn't move
> any more.
>  - The cat run over by car it couldn't move any more.

By runned over by a car, the cat couldn't move anymore.

> c) ,,Machen lassen"
> Bitte übersetzen Sie:
> 1. Linda ließ ihre Schuhe reparieren.
>  - Linda took repair her shoes.

Linda had her shoes repaired.

> 2. Mr Henderson läßt eine neue Antenne anbringen.
>  - Mr Henderson lets install a new aerial.

Mr Henderson had his new aerial installed.

> 3. Wir hatten unseren Schornstein fegen lassen.
>  - We had swept our chimney.
> ist das ok so?
> lg suzan

So, das sind meine Vorschlaege.
Liebe Gruesse,

Das Mittelwort: Kleine Korrekturen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:10 Do 10.11.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo suzan, hallo Milky-Way!

Nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten:

> > 1. Mr Lawford who was painting the frontdoor didn't listen
> > to the birds.
>  >  - Mr Lawford painting the frontdoor didn't listen to
> the
> > birds.
>  Mr Lawford didn;t listen to the birds (while)painting.

Das stimmt nicht ganz, es muss heißen: Painting the frontdoor, Mr Lawford didn't listen to the birds.

>  > 4. Because the cat was run over by a car it couldn't

> move
> > any more.
>  >  - The cat run over by car it couldn't move any more.
>  By runned over by a car, the cat couldn't move anymore.

[notok] Das erste by ist zuviel, außerdem ist "to run" unregelmäßig: to run, ran, run.

Es muss also heißen: Run over by a car...

>  > 3. Wir hatten unseren Schornstein fegen lassen.

>  >  - We had swept our chimney.

[notok] We had our chimney swept.

Gruß taura

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