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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Death penalty
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Death penalty: Kontrolle
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 19:53 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

musste in Englisch eine Facharbeit über das Thema "death penatly" schreiben. Nun hab ich schon ca.12 Seiten voll getextet und natürlichalles auf englisch nur mein großes problem ist das englsich meine größte schwäche ist. Da die Sprache überwiegend benotet wird und ich weis das ich in diesem aspekt "eine handvoll habe" wäre es von dir/euch total lieb wenn du/ihr es euch mal durch lliest bzw. kontrolliert. Da es ziemlich vielle seiten sind werde ich sie jeweils immer unterteilen.

Ich danke schon mal jeden der sein teil dazu tut.


mfg monja

Hier ist schon mal die Gliederung :


I. Betty Lou Beets
       II. Execution
           2.1       Method of execution
           2.2       The ancient’s methods of executions

      III. History
           3.1       Repeals of executions
           3.2       Death sentence and executions since the last years
           3.3       Actual

      IV. Pros and Cons
           4.1       Pros
           4.2       Cons
       V. Opinion

Death penalty: Death
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:11 Do 21.07.2016
Autor: Jelly2

Hello! This site is especial I reckon. The issues discussed here are of considerable interest for the majority of people. Though if you're no satisfied and eager to know more details, come here

Death penalty: Introduction
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:54 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

Death Penalty

1. Introduction
Betty Lou Beets is the fourth woman since the reintroduction of death penalty 1977 that is execute in the United States of America in the federal state Texas on 24. February 2000. Betty Lou Beets was a 62 old grandmother which was sentence to death because of murder on her fifths husband. Although she have killed a human being lots of people have the view that the jury have sentenced without knowing that had happened in Beets past.
In the lawsuit would only illustrate the symptoms but there would not treat the relevant reasons that maybe could save her life.
She is not the first and the last humane being who is sentenced to death. Thousand of several people sit in the death row and are waiting for their execution.
In this following text will show you what for different kinds of executions it gave and how it was arising.

Death penalty: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:33 Do 19.05.2005
Autor: Hexe

Hi Monja ich werd mich um den inhalt wenig kümmern weil es ja deine Facharbeit sein soll, allerdings werd ich mal auf rechtschreib und Grammatik fehler schauen
> Death Penalty
> 1. Introduction
>  Betty Lou Beets was the fourth woman since the
> reintroduction of death penalty 1977 that was executed in the
> United States of America in the federal state of Texas on 24.
> February 2000. Betty Lou Beets was a 62 old grandmother
> which was sentenced to death because of murder on her fifths
> husband. Although she have killed a human being lots of
> people have the view that the jury have sentenced without
> knowing what had happened in Betty's past.
>  In the lawsuit would only illustrate the symptoms but
> there would not treat the relevant reasons that maybe could
> save her life. ???
>  She is not the first nor the last humane being who is
> sentenced to death. Thousands of several people sit in the
> death row and are waiting for their execution.
> In this following text I will show you what for different
> kinds of executions there were and how it was arising.???

Death penalty: Zusatz
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:21 Fr 03.06.2005
Autor: Becci


hätte da noch ein paar Vorschläge (teils stilistischer Natur) zusätzlich zur schon gegebenen Antwort

1. Introduction
Betty Lou Beets was the fourth woman since the
reintroduction of death penalty   in 1977 that was executed in the
United States of America in the federal state of Texas on 24.
February 2000. Betty Lou Beets was a 62 old grandmother
who was sentenced to death because of murdering her fifth husband. Although she killed a human being , lots of
people have the view that the jury sentencedwithout
knowing enough about what had happened in Betty's past.

In the lawsuit would only illustrate the symptoms but
there would not treat the relevant reasons that maybe could
save her life. ???

(Bitte was willst du hier sagen? Der Satz klingt irgendwie komisch. Wenn dus mir mal auf Deutsch schickst, kann ich eine englische Version versuchen...)

She is not the first nor the last human being who is
sentenced to death. Thousands of ((((several??? muss hier wirklich noch ein "several" rein???)))) people are sitting in the
death row, waiting for their execution.
In the following text, I will show you what (um Himmels Willen an dieser Stelle KEIN "for"!) different
kinds of executions there were and how it was arising.???

"how it was arising" ist mir an der Stelle ziemlich unklar, was willst du sagen?

Death penalty: Execution
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:56 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

2. Execution
Death penalty is share out on our whole planet. Most parts of the global States are allowed to use the execution according to the law. Some countries have used this right for the last time for 19 century. Other has the death penalty but they did not use it. They change it into imprisonment for life. Some forbid it according to the law but death penalty is used there only in absolute exception.
The way of execution distinguishes between the different countries and federal states. In some countries decides the way of crime what way of execution would use. In the USA for example have planned for their execution on the electrocution, in the gas chamber and the lethal injection. In five Islam countries the death penalty is carry out on beheading. In seven countries is telling Stoning for sex crime.

2.1 Methods of executions
The three most famous modern methods for executions are the Lethal Injection, the Electrocution and the Gas chamber.
32 States of USA use the lethal injection as one way of execution. In some States you can choose of this method or an other way of execution. The delinquent would strap into a couch by the lethal injection. Afterwards a doctor pricked in his arm several cannuals. The victim would connect en an EKG and him would give three different toxics by a machine.
Through the needle runs a neutral common salt solution at first what is see to it that afterwards the toxic could find unhindered his way. Then the three different stuffs run one after the other in his body:
The first medicine, Natrium-thiopental a sleeping measure and sedative that prisoner makes unconscious. After it comes Pancuronium-bromide. This is a measure that let slacking and relaxing the muscle. It paralysed the diaphragm and lungs.
The third, Kalium-chlorid brings about finally the stopping of heart beating (herzstillstand). In all the process takes at most about seven minutes. Then a doctor steps on the room and investigate the prisoner on sign of life. Then are not sign he explain him for dead. The chemicals cost about $ 86. The reason why this method is so successful is that lot’s of people claim that the lethal injection is the most humane form of all the executions. The execution through the lethal injection is a peacefully matter; it is clean and the prisoner seems nothing to suffering- at least this is only representing by the audience. But at this method their could appear lots of problems. Mostly there are difficult by the introduction of the injection needle or that the drugs offective not really in the necessary strength or their offective another as extended. What is mostly the case is that the introduction by the injection could be difficult because the blood vessels from the criminal are through the drugs abuse broken down.
The electrical chair was invented for about 100 years by the New Yorker Government David B. Hill since 4. July 1888.
The chair consist still of wood. The “victim” would fix with straps. The head and body would be shaved to produce a better contact to the moisten cooper electrode that the executer fixed on.
This execution is calling the “38-second-death” too because the first electric shock would use 1850volt for 23secunds the second 900 volt for 7 second and 850 for 8 second. At the same time the skull bone burn out the nerve rope would divide into two vein and artery exploded ( in some case the pupil too), The death should enter straightaway because the body already is paralyses through the first shock and the brain is destroys and it enter unconsciousness. The criminal dies finally by stopping the heard besting (herzstillstand) and paralysation the way of breath. Not all execution went as the plan. On one execution have loosened on electrode from the leg of the criminal. It comes to fire, sparks and development of smoke on the loosen electrode and the headgear. Then two doctors come to the room. They find out that the heart is beating. The execution was finished at two further shocks at 14 minutes and a char body staid behind.
In a typical execution operates three or more executer the switch but only one is connecting with the electrical source. This method is practised only in eleven states of America. Because it have his reason: It is very simple to kill somebody with electric but the difficult arise through the rule that execution must be shown by witness. And this exact is unacceptable for the states because witness reported that it is more a torture as a death penalty. This method was never successful in Europe.
The further method of death penalty would be the “victim” strap on a chair in a airtight room. On the chest is a fasten stethoscope what is lead over a cable in an adjacent room so that a doctor could control the trial of the execution, Then their would lead cyanide gas to the room. The death candidate would be in some seconds unconscious and chokes into death if he inhales the gas. The cyanide hampers the formation from breath enzyme and prevents that way the supply of oxygen of the body cell. The procedure could be delayed then the “victim” tries to make his life longer by hold one’s breathing causes the criminal strong shivering-cramps. As like the other methods of execution could work vitals organ further for a short time. Seven states of America have three-dimensional possibilities for this method.
      Among these three kinds of executions it gave still the ancients methods of          executions.

2.2 The ancient’s methods of executions
Till in the middle Ages and in the meantime out the death sentenced people were beheading of an executer with a sword or an axe. Because the sword is a light weapon it was more beating necessary in the praxis to separate the spinal column and that set in consequently an unconscious. The continuance of the execution depended only on the power and precision of the executers.
With the introduction of the Guillotine on the Place de Grêve in Paris since 25. April would the power and precision hand over a machine. The construction came from the Paris doctor Dr. Louis.  The name Guillotine came from the doctor Dr. Guillotin which demanded a human death penalty and the introduction of the fall hatchet. The mechanic of the Guillotine was simple. The sentenced was strapped standing on a moving platform. Them the platform along with the delinquent was topple over parallel to the ground. His face was put to the ground and his neck was fixed up between two boards. The edge of the Guillotine rest on an about 40 kilogram heavy weight of metal what was put up with a rope. Through the pressure of the handle of close through the executer the edge was handle out and went down. The executions were quick executed. The humane beings were in this moment assembly line executed. Her heyday of the guillotine has in praxis though in the moment of 1793 till 1794. Only there were almost executed 1500 human beings in public.
Under the control of the Nazi the guillotine had have her second heyday in Germany. In the period of time 1939 till 1945 the fall hatchet falls between 10 000 till 15 000 mal with the Guillotine.
1977 the last execution with the Guillotine in Europe took place in France. This mechanical fall hatchet has tool his work for 200 years in the name of justice. Still countless swords do it in Katar and Saudi-Arabian.

The stoning was the classical death penalty of the Old Testament. Above all it stands in that time for awful offences like (abgötterei), run down the god and deconsecrate of sanctuary. As well would person which do sex crime executed with stoning, so inzest, adultery, (Päderastie and Sodomie?). At stoning would the man buries till under the belt and the woman buries till under the breast or at another way hold on. The mean incrimination witness must do the first throw. The death enter through suffocate or through hurt on the head. It is absolutely usual that a human being holds out several stone’s throws without losing the consciousness so a stoning brings about a slow dieing.

The method “firing squad” is only using in the federal states Utah. Original this kind of execution comes from the area of jurisdiction of military. It was provide for sentence soldiers, spies, rebels, deserter and similar persons who did not keep the law. In general the death by firing squad was effective as honourable death. Besides the killing through single riflemen there is also a firing squad commando. There are consisting of ten till twelve riflemen. The delinquent would tie to a post in front of a wall. Then he would with a black cloth cover up the visibility. In the order of the office:” On your marks…get set…put on…fire” must all members of the firing squad fire off their shotgun. There should all take aim at the heard of the delinquent.
A further form of firing squad is the shot into the neck which was spread over the former East Block countries.
Alone 1996 in china be at least killed 3500 human beings in this or similar wise. However at crimes like: murder, rape, robbery, corruption, smuggling, dealing with drugs and dealing with women and children and production or presentation of pornographic material.

At the year 1200 A.D hanging becomes in lots of parts in Europe to a mean punish instrument. The voluminous place of execution was the Paris mean gallous in the late middle Ages. It rises up on the Montfancon and consists of 16 columns which formed a two-storied high court. His height amount about 15 metres. At 15. Century should been often hang simultaneous several dozen corpses on a beam which was swinging in the wind, around swarms of crows flutters and spread of rod stink.
Begin the 20. Century was introduced this follow method:
The executer calculated a needing length of a rope means of a table and the age, physique and weight of the sentences. Then the executer put a loop about the neck of the death candidate. After it a trapdoor did open and the sentenced fall down. This fall should break the third and fourth whirl of the neck or caused suffocation. When the rope was calculated to short have the sentences a very painful suffocation death which could stretch about 15 minutes. If again the rope was to long so the whole head would come off of the delinquent.
The hanging would still today execute in lots of countries. Above all numerous African governments do without the “long drop” still today and include the very painful choke to the death penalty.

Death penalty: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:03 Sa 21.05.2005
Autor: Kylie04


ancient’s methods schreibt man nicht, sondern ancient methods,
das 's sagt man nur bei leuten denen was gehöhrt z. B. Monica's house
oder so..

Death penalty: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:40 Sa 21.05.2005
Autor: Heinrich_XXIII


des weiteren...schau mal in deine gliederung.
hab noch n kleinen fehler gesehen.
"method of execution" ... es sollte bestimmt mehr als eine werden, oder?
bei method einfach noch ein "s" dranhängen
wenn ich mir dein konzept ansehe dann sind es in der tat mehr als eine methode.

mfg heinrich

Death penalty: ... Korrekturversuch
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:18 Fr 03.06.2005
Autor: Becci

Hallo nochmal,

auch hierzu eine mir besser vorkommende Version (aber ich markier nicht jede winzige Änderung farbig, das ist mir zu anstrengend - wirst es schon merken :-))

Death penalty is shared out over our whole planet. Most of the global states' law systems allow executions as a legal way of punishment. Some countries have used this possibilitx for the last time in 19th century. Others have the death penalty but did never use it. They change it into imprisonment for life. Some forbid it according to the law but death penalty is used there only in absolute exception.
The way of execution distinguishes between the different countries and federal states. In some countries, the crime someone ist punished for decides about the way of execution. In the USA, for example, methods of execution are execution on the electrocution, the gas chamber and the lethal injection. In five islamic countries, the death penalty is carried out on beheading.

In seven countries is telling Stoning for sex crime.
Nicht verstanden. Was sollte der Satz auf deutsch werden?

2.1 Methods of executions
The three most famous modern methods for executions are the Lethal Injection, the Electrocution and the Gas chamber.
32 States of USA use the lethal injection as one way of execution. In some States, you can choose between this method or an other way of execution.

The delinquent would strap into a couch by the lethal injection. Afterwards, a doctor pricked in his arm several cannuals. The victim would be connected to an EKG and three different toxics would be given to him by a machine.
Through the needle runs a neutral common salt solution at first in order to be sure that afterwards, the toxic will find its way unhindered. Then the three different stuffs run one after the other into the delinquent's body:
The first medicine, Natrium-thiopental, is a sleeping measure and sedative that makes the prisoner unconscious. After this, Pancuronium-bromide is given. This is a measure that lets the muscles slack and relax. It paralyses the diaphragm and lungs.
The third, Kalium-chlorid, finally stops the delinquent's heart from beating.. The whole process lasts for (at most) bout seven minutes. Then a doctor steps into the room and investigates the prisoner's signs of life. If there are none, he declares him as dead. The chemicals cost about $ 86. The reason why this method is so successful is that lots of people claim that the lethal injection is the most humane form of all the executions. The execution by a lethal injection is a peaceful matter; it is clean and the prisoner seems not to suffer - at least this is only representing by the audience. But concerning this method there could appear a lot of problems. Many times, there are difficulties with the introduction of the injection needle or the drugs are not effective in the strength necessary, or their effect is an other one as expected.
The problem arising most times is that the introduction of the injection is be difficult because the blood vessels of the criminal are broken down due to extensive drug abuse.
The electrical chair was invented about 100 years ago by the New Yorker Government David B. Hill since 4. July 1888.

"Der elektrische Stuhl wurde vor 100 Jahren erfunden von dem New Yorker Regierung David B.Hill seit 4. Juli 1888"? Versteh ich nicht genau.)

The chair still consists of wood. The “victim” would be fixed with straps. The head and body would be shaved to produce a better contact to the moisten cooper electrode that the executer fixed on.
This execution is calling the “38-second-death” too because the first electric shock would use 1850volt for 23 seconds, the second 900 volt for 7 seconds, and the third 850 for 8 seconds.

At the same time the skull bone burn out the nerve rope would divide into two vein and artery exploded (in some case the pupil too).

Wieder nen Satz nicht verstanden (so ist er aber auf keinen Fall richtig! Heißt pupil nicht Schüler? Sicher, dass es auch noch was andres heißt?)

The death should enter straightaway because the body already is paralysed by the first shock and the brain is destroyed. The delinquent enters unconsciousness. He finally dies because his heart stops beating and the ways of breath are paralyzed.
Not all executions were going on as planned. During one execution, an electrode loosened from the leg of the criminal. It came to fire, sparked and there was an immense development of smoke on the loosen electrode and the headgear. Then two doctors entered the room. They found out that the heart was beating. The execution was finished after two further shocks and 14 minutes. A char body staid behind.

In a typical execution, three or more executers operate the switch but only one is connecting with the electrical source. For some good reasons, this method is only practised in eleven states of America.
It is very simple to kill somebody with electric shocks, but a difficulty arises from the rule that executions must be shown to some witnesses. This exactly is unacceptable for some states because witnesses reported that watching is more a torture than death penalty itself. This method was never successful in Europe.
An other method of death penalty would be to strap the “victim” on a chair in an airtight room. On the chest is a fastened stethoscope which is lead over a cable into an adjacent room so that a doctor can control the trial of the execution. Then cyanide gas is leaded into the room. The death candidate would be unconscious after some seconds and chokes into death by inhaling the gas.

The cyanide hampers the formation from breath enzyme and prevents that way the supply of oxygen of the body cell.

Hmm, wieder mal nicht ganz kapiert... aber besser wäre auf jeden Fall "and by this prevents the..."

The procedure could be delayed if the “victim” tries to make his life longer by holding his breath, but this causes the criminal strong shivering-cramps. As with the other methods of execution, vitals organ could go on working further for a short time. Seven states of America have three-dimensional possibilities for this method.
Among these three kinds of executions, there still are the ancient methods of executions.

2.2 The ancient methods of executions
Until the middle Ages and in the meantime out the death sentenced people were beheading(??) of an executer with a sword or an axe.
Because the sword is a light weapon it was more than one beating necessary in the praxis to separate the spinal column.

and that set in consequently an unconscious.

The continuance of the execution depended only on the power and precision of the executers.
With the introduction of the Guillotine on the Place de Grêve in Paris since 25. April, the problem of power and precision was handed over to a machine. The construction was invented by the Paris doctor Dr. Louis.  The name Guillotine came from the doctor Dr. Guillotin which demanded a human death penalty and the introduction of the fall hatchet. The mechanic of the Guillotine was simple. The sentenced was strapped standing on a moving platform. Then the platform along with the delinquent was toppled over parallel to the ground. His face was put to the ground and his neck was fixed up between two boards. On the edge of the Guillotine rested an about 40 kilogram heavy weight of metal which was put up with a rope.

Through the pressure of the handle of close through the executer the edge was handle out and went down.

The executions were quickly done.

The human beings were in this moment assembly line executed.

Her heyday of the guillotine has in praxis though in the moment of 1793 till 1794.

Only there, almost 1500 human beings were executed in public.
Under the control of the Nazism the guillotine had her second heyday in Germany. In the period of 1939 till 1945 the fall hatchet was used between 10 000 and 15 000 mal with the Guillotine.
1977 the last execution with the Guillotine in Europe took place in France. This mechanical fall hatchet has done his work for 200 years in the name of justice. Still countless swords do it in Katar and Saudi-Arabian.

Du solltest "justice" vielleicht in Anführunggstriche setzen, sonst outet dich der Satz als gnadenlosen Verfechter der Todesstrafe durch Fallmesser... meinst nicht? *g*

The stoning was the classical death penalty of the Old Testament. Above all, it was used in that time for punishing awful offences like (abgötterei), run down the god and deconsecrate of sanctuary.
As well, persons accused of a sex crime were executed by stoning, so inzest, adultery, (Päderastie and Sodomie?).
At stoning, a man was buried till under the belt and a woman buried till under the breast or at another way hold on. The mean incrimination witness had to do the first throw. The death entered by suffocate or through hurt on the head. It is absolutely usual that a human being can survive several stone’s throws without losing consciousness so a stoning brings about a slow dying.

The method “firing squad” is only using in the federal states Utah. Originally, this kind of execution comes from the area of jurisdiction of military. It was provide for sentenced soldiers, spies, rebels, deserters and similar persons who did not keep the law. In general, the death by firing squad was effective as honourable death. Besides the killing through single riflemen there are also firing squad commandos. Such are consisting of ten till twelve riflemen. The delinquent would be tied to a post in front of a wall. Then his eyes would be covered up with a black cloth. In the order of the office:” On your marks…get set…put on…fire”, all members of the firing squad must fire off their shotgun. They should all take aim at the heart of the delinquent.
A further form of firing squad is the shot into the neck which was spread over the former East Block countries.
In 1996, at least 3500 human beings were killed in China in this or similar kind. However at crimes like: murder, rape, robbery, corruption, smuggling, dealing with drugs and dealing with women and children and production or presentation of pornographic material.

At the year 1200 A.D hanging becomes a mean punishing instrument in great parts of Europe. The most voluminous place of execution was the Paris mean gallous in the late middle Ages. It rises up on the Montfancon and consists of 16 columns which formed a two-storied high court. His height amount was/is? about 15 metres. At 15. Century, often several dozen of corpses were hung simultaneously on a beam which was swinging in the wind, around swarms of crows flutters and spread of rod stink.
In the beginning of the 20. Century, the following method was introduced:
The executer calculated a needing length of a rope means of a table and the age, physique and weight of the sentences. Then the executer put a loop about the neck of the death candidate. After it a trapdoor did open and the sentenced fell down. This fall should break the third and fourth whirl of the neck or caused suffocation. When the rope was calculated too short, the sentences had a very painful suffocation death which could stretch about 15 minutes. If again the rope was too long, the whole head fell off of the delinquent.
Hanging is still in use in lots of countries. Above all numerous African governments do without the “long drop” still today and include the very painful choke to the death penalty.

Letzter Satz ist mir wieder nicht ganz verständlich.

Teilweise konnte ich nicht wirklich rausfinden ob ich jetzt richtig korrigiert habe weil einfach nicht ganz klar war wie etwas lauten sollte. Aber einiges dürfte in dieser Fassung schon richtiger sein :-)



Death penalty: History
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:56 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

3. History
The death penalty is the oldest punishment of all inside of the humane community. They already since the introduction of sentence in prison or penalty ago. The first earlier society’s only knowed these form as punishment or the offence of their community which practical effects amount to a condemnation of death for those people who had violated against their laws.  Even the time of early history sentences had to repent of their violate. The kelten which lived in France, England. And Ireland had sentences thousand of people to reaches the god’s favour. The victims were not only criminals, also voluntaries and innocents had dead. Of methods of executions had not be lack of: The antlers of death became shot by arrows, (gepfählt) or were burned in enormous cages of meadows which presented god. Of the delinquents agory had be predicted the future. Also the intestines had been investigated of god’s omen.
In the time 1000 before christen the crucifixion were a widespread and a using method. The famous individual was Jesus Christies.
In the first century after Christ’s brought the time of the pursuit of christen a great number of new more and more brutally methods of executions. The main reason was that christens were a wealthy minority. Especially emperor Nero wanted the punishment of this humane being. Quite a few prisoners were throws into ditches with hot cabbage, other lost their life in the boiler with boiling oil or melts lead. Martyr were burn up in barrels; their were tied up with oil drench ropes which burn into the flesh when their would kindled. And their would pushed from rocks in which they partly would be bind on a wooden wheel. Instead of rocks or into the sea christen were thrown into a stove of chalk. There were still lots of such a kinds of methods of executions. In the middle ages the life of individuals did not rank very high and less than the human’s pain. At that time Europe horror consisted of barbarous death penalties and frightening rooms of torture. In this moment the executer were very full of ideas when it deals with new methods of execution. It went of killing in a wheel through of boiling of alive people as far as to the guillotine which was dating from the French revolution.
In the 18 century a new method of execution matured: the garrotte. From the 15 century till to the 17 century countless women who were accuses of practise witchcraft suffered under the cruel interrogation a very painful dead with fire. “Witches” were whose wise women which produced herbs and ointments and forecasted the future. Where help was tool occasionally in claim till than. The countless smallest and bigger catastrophes (bad harvest, sickness, a horse what is only able to walk, also burned bread) would be ascribed to the witches. People believed that the women were association with the devil who killed fresh born and drank there blood, who trampled on the Cruz and could called at will demon. Clear evidence that somebody was being in touch with the power of black magic was the water sample in which the tied up victim was thrown in the water. If it get hold of the bless water kicked the body out; the defendant was guilty; went it down she was innocent. As well spots and birthmarks were a reason enough to end up in the stake.
Till the end of the 18.century death penalty take a bride room of the system of law, first after that resistance gradually grow.
The most popular work about the injustice of death penalty came from the Italian lawyer Cesare Beccaria at that time. In his 1764 published work “Di Delitti E Delle Pene” (about crimes and punishments) wrote he about the ineffectiveness of the death penalty. When it went about the avoid and about the possible mistakes of the law. Finally he came to the conviction that death penalty must be repeal. Beccaria’s works became popular through the italan boundary and influence the reformation of the system of law.
The 19 century brings then in lots of countries the abolition of death penalty which was replace by the prison sentence for life.
At 1933 would in “deutschen Reich” enacted several exceptions of laws and fort his reason the impose and the executions of death penalty was enormous heighten. Starting 1941 the so called “Nacht and Nebel- Erlass” made possible that person would be picked up “endanger the German security “but they did not be immediately shot dead or bring to trial. They disappear without living a trace. About their destiny would not give any information. The numbers of the “sentence of death penalty” do not know. After ending the war the power of occupying made considerable of the death penalty in the trial of crime war (kriegsverbrecherprozessen).
In the year 1948 the death penalty was repealed in eight states, in the end of the 20. Century already in 75 states (for all criminal offences). Now death penalty would be banish average two till three states pro year as the law and consequently the number of the death penalty would more and more larger by the refuse countries.

3.1 Repeals of executions
In the year 1948 death penalty was repealing in eight states; in the ending of the 20 century already 75(for all criminals’ offences).
In this time death penalty would banished from the law average two till three states pro year and consequently the number for countries which refuse death penalty get more and more larger. Dates of several repeals:
• 1863 Venezuela (first nation of America)
• 1928 Island
• 1972 Finland (after reintroduction)
• 1976 Portugal, Tuvalu (first nation Oceania’s)  
• 1978 Dänemark
• 1979 Luxenburg, Norway
• 1981 France, Kap Verde( First Nation Afrika)
• 1982  Netherlands
• 1985 Australia
• 1989 Newsealand, Kambodscha ( first nation Asia)
• 1990 Ireland, Hungary
• 1993 Graceland
• 1994 Italy
• 1995 Spain
• 1996 Belgian
• 1997 Poland, south Africa
• 1998 Eastland, Canada, Litauen, United Kingdom, Bulgaria

The death penalty would repealed in all European countries (with exception White-Russia) for a short time as well Turkey and would no longer been accepted by wide society classes. The single countries of industry which still impose and execute the death penalty are China, Japan, Taiwan, South-Korea and the USA. At present in dictate of amnesty international the death penalty is legal or actually repeal in 112 countries. In 76 countries is it prohibit per law, in 15 countries is it expose with exceptions (for example war crime), in 21 countries were no death sentences executed since ten years. But in 83 countries death penalty is a still practise (stands 1.1.2003):
Egypt, Aquatorialguinea, Ethiopian, Afghanistan, Algerian, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, China, Dominican Republic, Eritrea. Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Indian, Indonesian, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, Jemen, Jordanian, Cameron, Kazakhstan, Katar, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Comorian, Democratic Republic Congo, nor Korea, south Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan, Malawi, Malaysia; Morocco, Mauritanian, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete, Philippine, Rwanda, Zambia, Saudi Arabian, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Somalia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadine, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tschad, Tunisian, Uganda, USA, Uzbekistan, United Arabian Emirate, Vietnam, White- Russia.

3.2 Death sentence and executions since the last years
In the year 2001 would executed at least 3048 human beings worldwide at the statements of the rights of human being organisation amnesty international. In the same year at least 5265 human beings would be sentence to death. At the estimation of amnesty international is the actual numbers certainty higher. At several countries however there are no or inaccurate statements to get. Executions take on in 31 states since 2001. 90 per cent of all death sentences take place in these states:
China                2468
Iran                      139
Saudi- Arabian    79
USA                      66
In the year 2000 were announced 1457 executions worldwide, 1999 it were 1813 and 1998 altogether 1625.

3.3 Actual
The highest US-law has repealed death penalty for minor murders. Since this sentence juveniles should not be sentence to death which were not 18 years old to the time f their offence. This decision could concern more as 70 sentences to death murder in the US- prison which committed their criminal offence with 16 or 17 years. The judges judged that death penalty are or minor murders unconstitutional. The decision of the court turned out with five to four voices. Conceivably bare. These represent a victory for the enemies of death penalty. Now the judges agreed with the enemies arguments of death penalty. They explained both the international world community and within the US-society that the executions for minor murders are not justify. Such a practice of sentence should from there as well prohibited pronounce for unconstitutional since 2002.

Death penalty: Korrekturversuch
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:11 Fr 03.06.2005
Autor: Becci

Du solltest dringend nochmal deine Vokabeln durchschauen! Sowas wie Christen und so weiter...

Death penalty is the oldest punishment of all inside the human community.

They already since the introduction of sentence in prison or penalty ago.
Sie schon seit der Einführung von... was bitte?

The first earlier societies only knew this form of punishment or the offence of their community which in practical effected as a condemnation to death for those people who had violated the law.  

Even the time of early history sentences had to repent of their violate.

The Celtics? who lived in France, England and Ireland sentenced thousands of people to gain the gods' favour. The victims were not only criminals, also voluntaries and innocents died in these ceremonies (? Wenns denn so gemeint war.).
There was no lack of methods for executions: The antlers of death were shot by arrows, (gepfählt: da ist shot eher das falsche Wort??) or were burned in enormous cages of meadows which presented god.

Of the delinquents agory had be predicted the future.

Also the intestines had been investigated of god’s omen.
BY god's omen? Oder? Wie?

In the time about 1000 before christen, the crucifixion was a widespread and often used method. The most famous individual killed by crucifixion was Jesus Christies.
In the first century after Christ’s, the pursuit of christen brought up a great number of new more and more brutal methods of executions.
The main reason was that christens were a wealthy minority. Especially emperor Nero wanted the pursuit of this group of society. Quite a few prisoners were thrown into ditches with hot cabbage, others lost their life in the boiler with boiling oil or melts lead. Martyrers were burned up in barrels; they were tied up with oil drench ropes which burn into the flesh when they kindle. And they were pushed from rocks, partly while being bound on a wooden wheel. Instead of rocks or into the sea christen were thrown into a stove of chalk. There were a lot more of such kinds of methods of executions. In the middle ages the life of individuals did not rank very high and less than the human’s pain. At that time, Europe horror consisted of barbarous death penalties and frightening rooms of torture. In this moment the executer were very full of ideas if they dealed with new methods of execution. They went from killing by a wheel to boiling people alive as far as to the guillotine which was dating from the French revolution.
In the 18 century, a new method of execution matured: The garrotte. From the 15th century till to the 17th century, countless women who were accused of practising witchcraft suffered under the cruel interrogation a very painful dead with fire. “Witches” were most times those wise women who produced herbs and ointments and forecasted the future.

Where help was tool occasionally in claim till than.

The countless small and bigger catastrophes (bad harvest, sickness, a horse that is only able to walk, also burned bread) were often ascribed as a work of witches. People believed that the women were in association with the devil who killed fresh born and drank their blood, who trampled on the Cruz and could call down demons at will. "Clear evidence" that somebody was being in touch with the power of black magic was the "water sample" in which the tied up victim was thrown in the water. If she got hold of the bless water kicked the body out; the defendant was guilty; went it down, she was innocent. As well spots and birthmarks were a reason enough to end up in the stake.
Till the end of the 18th century, death penalty take a bride room of the system of law, first after that resistance gradually grow.
The most popular work about the injustice of death penalty came from the Italian lawyer Cesare Beccaria at that time. In his 1764 published work “Di Delitti E Delle Pene” (about crimes and punishments), he wrote about the ineffectiveness of death penalty concerning the avoiding of crimes and possible mistakes of the law. Finally, he came to the conviction that death penalty must be revealed.

Beccaria’s works became popular through the italan boundary and influence the reformation of the system of law.

The 19th century then brouht  the abolition of death penalty in lots of countries, it was replaced by the prison sentence for life.

At 1933 would in “deutschen Reich” enacted several exceptions of laws and fort his reason the impose and the executions of death penalty was enormous heighten.

Starting 1941 the so called “Nacht and Nebel- Erlass” made possible that person would be picked up if they “endangered the German security “but they did not be immediately shot dead or bring to trial. They disappeared without leaving a trace. About their destiny, no information was given. The numbers of the “sentence of death penalty” is not known. After the end of war, the power of occupying was made considerable of the death penalty in the trial of war crimes (kriegsverbrecherprozessen). (nnaaaajjjaaaaa Satz nochmal überdenken...)
In the year 1948 the death penalty was repealed in eight states, in the end of the 20th Century already in 75 states (for all criminal offences). Now death penalty would be banish average two till three states per year as the law and consequently the number of the death penalty would more and more larger by the refuse countries.

3.1 Repeals of executions
In the year 1948 death penalty was repealing in eight states; in the ending of the 20 century already 75(for all criminals’ offences).
In this time death penalty would banished from the law average two till three states pro year and consequently the number for countries which refuse death penalty get more and more larger. Dates of several repeals:
• 1863 Venezuela (first nation of America)
• 1928 Island
• 1972 Finland (after reintroduction)
• 1976 Portugal, Tuvalu (first nation Oceania’s)  
• 1978 Dänemark
• 1979 Luxenburg, Norway
• 1981 France, Kap Verde( First Nation Afrika)
• 1982  Netherlands
• 1985 Australia
• 1989 Newsealand, Kambodscha ( first nation Asia)
• 1990 Ireland, Hungary
• 1993 Graceland
• 1994 Italy
• 1995 Spain
• 1996 Belgian
• 1997 Poland, south Africa
• 1998 Eastland, Canada, Litauen, United Kingdom, Bulgaria

The death penalty would repealed in all European countries (with exception White-Russia) for a short time as well Turkey and would no longer been accepted by wide society classes. The single countries of industry which still impose and execute the death penalty are China, Japan, Taiwan, South-Korea and the USA. At present in dictate of amnesty international the death penalty is legal or actually repealed in 112 countries. In 76 countries it is prohibited per law, in 15 countries is it exposed with exceptions (for example war crime), in 21 countries there were no death sentences executed for ten years. But in 83 countries death penalty is still at practise (Information from 1.1.2003):
Egypt, Aquatorialguinea, Ethiopian, Afghanistan, Algerian, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, China, Dominican Republic, Eritrea. Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Indian, Indonesian, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, Jemen, Jordanian, Cameron, Kazakhstan, Katar, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Comorian, Democratic Republic Congo, nor Korea, south Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan, Malawi, Malaysia; Morocco, Mauritanian, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete, Philippine, Rwanda, Zambia, Saudi Arabian, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Somalia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadine, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tschad, Tunisian, Uganda, USA, Uzbekistan, United Arabian Emirate, Vietnam, White- Russia.

3.2 Death sentence and executions in the last years
In the year 2001, at least 3048 human beings were executed worldwide according to the statements of the rights of human being organisation amnesty international. In the same year at least 5265 human beings were sentenced to death. Following the estimation of amnesty international, the actual number is certaintly higher. About several countries, however, there are no or inaccurate statements to get. Executions take on in 31 states since 2001. 90 per cent of all death sentences take place in these states:
China                2468
Iran                      139
Saudi- Arabian    79
USA                      66
In the year 2000, 1457 executions were announced worldwide, 1999 there were 1813 and 1998 altogether 1625.

3.3 Actual
The highest US-law has repealed death penalty for minor murders. Since this sentence juveniles should not be sentenced to death which were not 18 years old to the time of their offence. This decision could concern more as 70 sentenced to death murderers in the US- prison which committed their criminal offence with 16 or 17 years. The judges judged that death penalty is unconstitutional for minor murders. The decision of the court turned out with five to four voices. Conceivably bare. These represent a victory for the enemies of death penalty. Now the judges agreed with the enemies arguments of death penalty. They explained both the international world community and within the US-society that the executions for minor murders are not justified.

Such a practice of sentence should from there on as well be prohibited pronounce for unconstitutional since 2002.

:-) ich kann nicht alles korrigieren mal wieder, aber ein paar Verbesserungen sinds schon...

Death penalty: pros and cons
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 19:57 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

4. Pros and cons

4.1 Pros
Some advocates of death penalty argument that this kind of punishment is humane. The sentenced could mostly chose between two different methods of executions. The prisoner has lots of time to prepare for his dead and to say goodbye to all his friends and family. In the death row the early executed person have plenty of thinking about lots of thinks. In the most case the prisoner could choose his last meal. At the execution the sentenced could once again take leave of his family there their would observe the hole process in the room for witness. By the most methods of executions the delinquent notice nothing because he died very quick.
The advocates have the opinion that then somebody kills that his own life would be finished because the life of the person who is responsible for the crime would not should judge higher then of the victim.
“Eye by eye, tooth by tooth” these words of the Old Testament must be always as a justification by withdrawal of life.
Advocates of death penalty arguments that the execute person is no longer a dangerous person for the society. Because there is one dangerous people less than who threaten the society. And living in prison could not really call as a life so it would be a relief for the prisoner to die.
Another pro-argument is that the sentenced that live for life in prison could have a carefree life. In prison the prisoner must be feed for life and take space away for “small criminal”.
A further argument for death penalty is that it is a fair punishment for a murder because the duties of the States are to repay injustice.
A great number of advocates of the death penalty arguments that it serve as deterrence.  With this punishment people thought about it two times their act. Because their can choose between life or death. Either they do legal thinks and their reward with their life or they do acts which are prohibiting by the law. So they would punish with death.

4.2 Cons
The enemies of death penalty could show lots of arguments. According to the organisation of humane rights “Amnesty International” (ai) is the death penalty the cruellest, inhumane and humiliate form of punishment. In all avaible methods of executions could take minutes till the criminal is really dead. The punishment is the opposite of humane. It is a torture for the sentenced because the person waited on their execution average seven years and / or longer.
At this time they stay 23 hours daily in rooms 1, 80 metres by 2, 50 metres. It is allowed to make only one personal telephone call per month.
Heating and airing are often insufficient.
Over years the prisoner must live with the certainty that he / she would killed on a certain day.
Already the fact to inform the sentenced about his /her day of execution is for the prisoner an inhuman mental strain. It looks sooner like a torture what it is not allowed through internationals rights. The death penalty depicts for the relative of the criminal an immeasurable sorrow. They are not guilty for the crime but they would punished too and are offer still retaliation and discrimination after the execution. The methods of executions look on the first view humane. But:
At first the delinquent would shave on the necessary place of the body and afterwards they would fix on a chair or a bier.
Under the eyes of several witness take place finally the execution. If an execution failed would it repeat as long as the “victim” really is killed. But the aim on it is that the prisoner suffers pain. So the book of criminal law of Iran lay down that by a stoning is it not allowed to take big stones so that the sentenced would not killed at the first or second time. But they should not be very small so that they would not describe as stones.
The right of life is not tied to conditions because the victim would not be living again after the execution of the criminal.
Beside the relative of the victim would in no way helped through the execution of the prisoner. The opposite is the case. The relative stays with their pain alone because the public interest looks at first of all on the execution and satisfy the feeling of revenge.
Jesus disproves the death penalty in the New Testament:
“do no resistance if somebody do you something evil but when somebody beats you on the right cheek so hold him your another cheek. Pope Johannes Paul 2. supports for the global abolition of death penalty. Not only the Christianity but all religion, Buddhism, Hinduism or Judaism emphasizes the holiness of life. But the toleration of execution through the states reduces however this holiness and the respect of dignity of life.
A further con for death penalty is that a prisoner who is for life in prison is not dangerous for the society because the prisons are very secret and it is not possible to going out.
The process what ends with death penalty cost much higher as the sentenced would live for life in prison. Therefore must the United States do for example twice four different certificates of psychiatrist, clergyman and psychologist before the execution.
On top of it is that all the time would be lead procedure for adjournments. A death sentence cost average 2.3 million $ in Texas. This is roughly three times more as a prisoner cost who live in a single cell in a high security prison for 40 years or longer.
Another con is that death penalty has through his acts a function of idol for the state.
The state creates with it an atmosphere of violence. An existed readiness of violence in the society would not remove that way. The state should not put itself on the same level like the criminal.
About deterrence of death penalty their do not exist direct connections between the introduction of death penalty and a fall of criminalities.  Because criminals do a criminal offence on condition that they would not be catches. Studies of the USA show that the instalment of murder in states with death penalty is not different as the states without death penalty.
Reasons for crime are rather in poverty, social injustice, bad residential area, unemployment as well as the rising criminalities of drugs. Further argument of deterrence could be not used by criminals who stay under influence of drugs, deals in the head of passion or are mentally ill. People with mentally obstruction show often social desirable behaviour that means they agree or refuse things although they did not know what they are ask for. They react how they think it is desirable. Mentally obstruction people did not understand what they do in the moment of their offence. Death penalty could not serve as deterrence because this people are not able to understand the currencies of finishing of death are not realized by them.  Investigation prove clearly that death penalty imposes disproportionately frequently against poor, mental obstruction or relative racial, religious or ethnic minorities.  The most come of under the social class. Since their childhood belongs violence to their daily course. The majority has only visit irregular or never the school and lots of them are full or half illiterate persons. Most prisoners are to poor to pay for a lawyer. They must be lead by duty counsels by lawsuits and later by appeal. The fees of such a defence counsel are very low and amount only a fraction of a least fee of a private representative lawyers. Most of falls would be lead by inexperienced lawyers who straight at first have finished their instruction. The imposition of death sentence consists how well or bad work police, public prosecutor, law and defender. Neither the police nor the system of law worked completely faultless. The fact that an execution could not be cancel is one of the strongest arguments against the death penalty.
Numbers of amnesty international prove that since 1900 at least 450 people were sentence to death penalty in the USA which innocence was proved. At some would be determine their innonce at first( bei einigen wurde erst nachfolgend die unschuld später festgestellt).
Since the reintroduction of death penalty would be execute more criminals which innocence were proved as really prisoners in the US federal state Illinois.
But official numbers about innocence person were sentence to death because of the incompetence by the authorities or because of bribery are nearly in every country that use the death penalty.

Death penalty: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:59 Mi 18.05.2005
Autor: monja

So das ist der groß teil jetzt fällt nur noch die eigene meinung die in den nächsten tagen kommt...

nochmals vielen dank für eure bemühungen....

mfg monja

Death penalty: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:02 Sa 18.06.2005
Autor: honey_ill

Hallo monja,
leider ist die Fälligkeit dieser Frage auch abgelaufen.
Lg Hanna

Death penalty: Frage
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:23 Di 24.05.2005
Autor: H-Style

um was gehts eigendlich genau in deinem text eher gesagt was war deine aufgabe?

Death penalty: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:03 Sa 18.06.2005
Autor: honey_ill

Hallo monja,
leider ist die Fälligkeit deiner Frage abgelaufen. Ich habe sie für Interessierte markiert.
Drücke dir die Daumen für deine Facharbeit!
Lg Hanna

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