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Englisch Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 09:26 Sa 04.07.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

The island works as a microcosm for the world. What happened there is significant for the whole world.

Lord of the Flies is derived from the Hebraic Belzenbub and means “the devil”.

It’s very interesting to notice, that a lot of the author’s warning and topics are also current today. For example he is worried that the modern technology can be misused. Or that technology has a negative influence on our way of live, for example that we prefer to communicate with machines than with people, or that the government uses the technology to manipulation us. The author motivates the reader to think about his own life and the society in general.
Based on this novel my worldview has changed. I never really question our society, the way of life or thought sceptical about different things how they work. Similar to the citizen in Fahrenheit 451 I have all the things accepted how they are, but thanks to this novel I become a more critical person and I’ve been able to see the positive and negative aspects of our society. For example I took the view that we are independent, free and have the right to decide about ourselves. But this view doesn’t correspond with the reality. Our own freedom is limited with a lot of law and we have a lot of duties.

The time doesn’t reach to exemplify all the themes, therefore I select the most important in my opinion. As already mention, technology is a central point. It helps the government to control the people with the intention that the people act and behave them according to the government ideas. Already before they are born the condition and manipulation starts. People aren’t a natural(ly) results because they are genetical(ly) product, which is produced artificially in bottles. The government has the possibility to produce different types of human being with different physical and mental requirements. Because it’s important to find the appropriate mixture between intelligent humans and people who are prepared to hand works. Short time after the are born the manipulation continue. They are conditioned with/through sleep teaching and electro shock is used to show the people what they must dislike. Additionally the government promotes Solidarity service, so that the people are never alone and have time to question the circumstances.

gruss Dinker

Englisch Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:20 Di 04.08.2009
Autor: matux

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