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Englisch Korrektur: Frage (für Interessierte)
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 08:21 Fr 13.11.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

"Let us take a look" how the greenhouse effect function and warms up the earth temperature.  Ich möchte etwas mit den Wörter varieren. Was würde sich auch noch anbieten anstatt: "Let us take a look" ?

As you see the earth works like a huge greenhouse.

By the combustion of fossil fuels are developed green houses gases cause by human activity

Human activities disturb this balance, so that less heat leave the earth and warm up the atmosphere.

This gase is mainly "build through fossil" fuels. Habe da meine Zweifel ob das wirklich Englisch ist.

Since the last two century the green house gases has increased rapidly and their concentration has been "doubled". stimmt doubled für verdoppelt ind iesem Kontex?

You can see "that" floodings were heavier and the interval shorter in the last two decades. Kann ich that irgendwie ersetzen?

I think everyone can remember the flooding incident in the summer 2005, that cause damages of more than 3 billions. Geht das so?

A further indication that the consequences of the anthropogenic green house effect are already visible show the glacier "melt". heisst es melt oder melting?

Extreme weather pattern like Hurrican, Tornados will take place more "frequently". heisst es frequent oder frequently?

A lot of species will be extinction because of the climate change

The UN estimate the cost "at"

I’d like to draw your attention to the future and the question, how the anthropogenic greenhouse effect will be developed in the future.  90 Franks.

Ich habe folgendes Zitat gefunden: "Noone made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do so little" Ist dies wirklich korrektes Englisch?

Wenn ich eine Aufzählig mache: Nutze den öffentlichen verkehr anstatt das Auto. "Weiter" schalte das Licht ab... Was für ein Wort für "weiter passt hier?

This sounds confident because the population is awared of the importance to do something again the global warming. confident = zuversichtlich?

Defintely the green house effect and global warming are the greatest challenges in the 21 century and will have a decisive influence of the humanity future.

But human activities like the emission of Carbon dioxide disbalances this condition. The consequences are that the earth get hotter and hotter, what is called global warming. "Dies wiederum verursacht" are extreme weather pattern, rise of sea level, Drought, Flooding, Famine etc.

Was ist hier das passende Wort?

Vielen Dank für die Korrektur

Gruss DInker

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