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Englisch Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:02 Sa 14.11.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Wäre sehr dankbar wenn jemand dies auf die Richtigkeit prüfen könnte.

How current and worried the people are shows a survey of the ETH Zurich. Four of five people classify the danger of climate change and greenhouse effect as high. 1994 were it only a little more than the half. You see in the last few years has took place a change of thinking.

Gruss DInker

Englisch Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:40 So 15.11.2009
Autor: Dinker

How current the topic is and how worried the people are shows a survey of the ETH Zurich. Four of five people classify the danger of climate change and greenhouse effect as high. 1994 were it only a little more than the half. You see in the last few years has took place a change of thinking.

Englisch Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:54 So 15.11.2009
Autor: Mary2505

hallo dinker!
> How current the topic is and how worried the people are
> shows a survey of the ETH Zurich.

diesen satz würde ich umstellen, also : a survey of the....shows how...

> 1994 were it only a little more than the half.

;) ich finde das sollte man anders sagen z.B.
1994 there were ?% of the people worried that's only (a little more than) the half of today (oder wann auch immer).

> you see in the last few years has took place a change of
> thinking.

(to take place ist glaube ich mehr so für ein "kurzes Geschehen" gedacht)
Now you can see clearly the change of thinking which happened in the last few years.


Englisch Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:46 So 15.11.2009
Autor: Lorli3

How current (2)) and worried the people (3) are shows a survey of the ETH Zurich (1). Four of five people classify the danger of climate(4) change and (4)greenhouse effect as high. 1994 were it only a little more than the half (5). You see in the last few years has took (7) place a change of thinking.(6)

Deine Krux: du übersetzt nach deutschem Satzbau-Schema (im ersten Satz steht z.B. das Subjekt am Satzende!)

1) also: A survey of the ...shows how ...
2) willst du "aktuell" sagen? muss hier heißen:
"up to date" (ohne Bindestriche)
3) people wird nicht näher eingegrenzt, daher ohne "the".
4) hier muss "the" rein
5) typ.dt.Satz; im Engl. unverständlich. Fange doch mit dem Subjekt an: "Only a little more than a half of the people questioned thought so (were of that opinion) in 1994.
6) auch hier: Subjekt an den Satzanfang:
You see, a change of thinking ...
7) guter Versuch mit present perfect: aber 3. Form von "take" ist "taken".; die Zeitangabe zum Schluss.


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