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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch zum Korrigieren
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Englisch zum Korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:18 Mi 11.11.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo wäre echt dankbar,w enn jemand drüber schauen könnte.

I'm glad that so many people are coming. Kann ich das that irgendwie weglassen?

I collect some newspaper article from the last weeks. Geht da from?

Further reasons for this topic choice are: It’s something that concern everyone of us, so it’s a global issue. Kann ich diesen Satz flüssiger machen? Nicht "are" Doppelpunkt.

It will have significance influence on the earth future and all kind of area, from economic, (über?) egological until migration. A survey of the Federal office of statistic shows that more than 75% procent are worried about the consequences.

The most people don't /doesn't?

Let’s me start with taking a look on the overview.

Finally I will sum up the most important and try to answer your questions.
Muss ich "will" sagen?

So That everyone understand about what I speak I will fix a word list on the board.   Geht das?

Gruss Dinker

Englisch zum Korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:05 Mi 11.11.2009
Autor: Lorli3

I'm glad that so many people are coming(1). Kann ich das that irgendwie weglassen?

I collect(2) some newspaper article from the last weeks. Geht da from?

. Another reason for the choice of this topic was: ..: It... concerns... everyone of us, so it’s a global issue. Kann ich diesen Satz flüssiger machen? Nicht "are" Doppelpunkt.

It will have significance influence on the earth future and all kind of area, from economic, (über?) egological until migration(3). A survey of the Federal office of statistic shows that more than 75% procent(4) are worried about the consequences (5).

The most people don't /doesn't?(6)

Let’s me (7)start with taking a look on(8) the overview.

Finally I will sum up the most important (9)and try to answer your questions.
Muss ich "will" sagen?

So That everyone understand about what I speak I will fix a word list on the board.   Geht das?

1) that muss sein; "...many people have come"
2) from ist o.k. aber:  " I have collected ..."
3)It will have significant influence on the future of Earth and on all kinds of areas, from the fields of economy and  ecology to migration.
4) 75% of ???   (wenn du % schreibst, brauchst  du "percent" ausgeschrieben nicht mehr: Du sagst nicht, worauf sich die 75% beziehen.
5) consequences (of what?)
6)typ.deutscher Fehler; es heißt: "Most of the people don't ..."
7) wer fängt denn an? wir? = let's= let us...
oder du: "let me start..."
8) ...start by having a look at ..."
9) will musst du sagen, wenn du "werden" (ich werde...) meinst; meinst du "ich will..." musst du "I want to..."
sagen. Aber: du musst ergänzen: ..."the most important facts / issues /information


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