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English Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:18 Di 14.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Ich wäre wirklich sehr dankbar um Korrektur

In all his life he has never thought about something relevant. Therefore he must first learn what means to smell rain, to have a superficial discussion, to experience the beauty of nature. Clarisse helps him to learn/experience what real life means. In this process he becomes aware/dawn on what a unfulfilled, numb senseless life he has lead in the past. Especially his wife makes him aware that he must change his life radically. She shows no interest in real life, she is only care about her TV family. She sits all the day in front of the TV and takes in regular intervals a ration drugs to eradicate any sort of feelings. Montag undergoes a transformation and looks for real happiness and life. Mildred is a model citizen, so that the reader gets an impression how they people life in this world.

Gibt es Unterschied zwischen „Propensity“ und “inclination“?

Bradbury reveals (geht das?) a completely new image of humanity

Read Book to His wife

Atmopshere LOF

They don’t burn only book, as well the completely house what serves as deterrent

The government Philosophy is as follows: When everyone is equal, everyone will be happy.

Roger takes great pleasure by torturing others baseless

But to tell the true means for the boys to show weakness what makes “itself” vulnerable.

Darwin's theory of evolution
Possibly, Bradbury was inspired by Darwin’s evolution theory. Based on his experiences, especially in the first world war, he came to the conclusion that this theory has partly (wo steht dieses Wort?) also validity for human being. Evidence for this view supplies Simone’s and Piggy’s death. Simone suffers from epilepsy and Piggy is fat and has several disabilities, his asthma and his near blindness. According to the principle, struggle of the survival they must die. But of course this principle is only correct, because they revert to a primitive animalistic life and act in similar way as animals would.
Erinnert mich an Stunde Null

Impact on the reader
This book is definitely nothing for bad nerves. The reader is very close by the boys and observe emotional what happens on the island. When the reader realizes in what bad direction the things go, he feels sympathetic to Ralph who lose more and more the control over the boys. When the reader must witness the cruelty how they kill pigs he is shocked, because it’s incredible for a civilized person how a people can act in this way. The author doesn’t spare the reader any details and must witness their bloodthirsty acting uncensored. The reader is in a powerless situation. He sees in what worse direction the life on the island goes, but he can’t intervene.

A particularly effect has the abrupt ending. The reader witnesses in what primitive way Jack’s group hunts Ralph. In their frenzy manhunt, they ignite the island to lure Ralph out of his hideout. The situation seems to be hopeless for Ralph when in the last moment a naval officer arrives. At first he is relieves about the rescue but then he falls down and can only weep, because of losing his innocent and the experiences of the human nature. The reader begins to reflect the incident on the island and thinks about what happened and how this could happen. Furthermore he ponders if Golding’s assessment that everyone of us has a dark part within is true.
Vielen herzlichen Dank
Gruss Dinker

English Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Fr 14.08.2009
Autor: matux

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