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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale
Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:45 Mo 09.04.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo :-)

Ich muss in Englisch eine Sequenz aus dem Film "A Knight`s Tale" (Ritter aus Leidenschaft) analysieren.
Ich denke, dass ich eigentlich mit der Szene gut umgehen konnte, jedoch unterlaufen mir ständig Fehler, die mir in der 11 nicht mehr passieren dürften.

Kurz zur Szene (für die, die den Film kennen): die Sequenz beginnt mitte Kapitel 22, mit der Brücke auf der die Ritter richtung Arena gehen.

Los gehts ;-)

The sequence of the film “A Knight`s Tale” is about William Thatcher who is on his way to the World Championships in London with Roland, Wat, Kate and Geoffrey.

The first shot is a long shot, a bridge – transit in London where the World Championships will happen. It is a general view and shows knights and their followers on the road. On the sidewalks hundreds of people look the marching of the knights. The long shot, filmed from above, is used to introduce the new setting. In a few medium shots many knights and their squires are shown. The arrangement of these medium shot is done by a normal cut whish is the most basic editing technique for connecting shots. William rides his horse and looks very bashful. It seems as if William cannot realize that the crowed of people enthuse over himself and the other knights. The audience scream, wave and is in a very good mood because the marching of the knights and their following is a massive spectacle. Kate affects Williams lance while Wat carries the coat of arms of the family “von Lichtenstein” from Gelderland who is thought up by William. William hat to made – up the story that he is a nobel man even though he is not. However he had to do this to take part in the tournaments and Geoffrey tempered the documents. Kate is very cheerful and laughs the audience. Beside Kate Wat goes and he is happy and laughs the audience, too. In comparison with William, Kate and Wat are not shy contrariwise they enjoy the attention. These two shots are medium shots and jointed by a cut. The medium shots are filmed at eye – level. This camera angle is called “straight – on angle”. The next shot is a full shot at which William rides his horse and is reserved furtheron but he waves the audience. There is the evidence that William starts slowly to enjoy the attention. It seems as if Kate, Wat and Roland are very proud of being a part of the marching. The three characters wear green clothes, it is a symbol color because the coat of arms of William is in green, too. Likewise Kate and Wat have divices painted on their faces. This shows that Wat, Roland, and Kate are very proud of William and it highlights the friendship between them. This is a medium shot as the next one, too. Wat speaks to the audience and he gets nothing else scream back. This clarify his proud and that he is in the same enthusiastic mood like the audience. The audience is in a very special and enthusiastic mood because the marching is a very big event and all people feel sympathy for the knights, there are many emotions. This is a cut and the arrangement of the shots makes clear the relation between William, Wat, Roland and Kate. They establish a unit and belong together. William looks to the right and spots a gallows. On top of the gallows a young boy sits and waves William. There is a transition between this shot and the next one because a flag is borne over the screen and William Thatcher gets visible as a young child. This is a flshbac because only the adult William and the viewer have the ability to see William as a little child. This flashback is very important for the film because when William was a little child he and his father looked at a tournament and Williams` big dream was being a knight and having the licence to take part in tournaments. However it was not possible because William and his family were not members of the nobility. At the tournament William saw a parade of knights who were proudly riding and he was very intrigued by this and said to his father that he will be a knight in the future. A man heard it and laughed but Williams` father said to him that if he believed enough a man could do anything and changed his stars and that happens. While the short flashback, William figure out that he had changed his stars. He notices that his dream had come true and he is a knight now. After the flashback is a close up shot and Williams` face is visible, with a cut the next shot is the boy at the gallows. The real boy and not the little William of the flashback. With a long shot, filmed in an high – angle way the entirety is seen therefore all knights the following and the audience.
The music song of this scene is “boys are back in town” by Thin Lizzy. The song is added on, it is non – diegetic. The diegetic sound is unseen because the characters cannot hear the music in the plot, just the viewer is in a position to hear the music. The song is very rock – like, striking is that it does not fit to the depicted time. Typical for this time was slow music played by different instruments. The music does really comment the story because the knights and the following are marching in. Certainly the song fit perfectly to William, Roland, Wat and Kate. London is the native town of the four characters.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich schreiben, dass Wat vor 6 Jahren, Kate vor drei Jahren, Roland vor 8 Jahren und William vor 12 Jahren das letzte Mal in London waren. Allerdings sollte das so formuliert sein, dass es sich nicht nach einer plumpen Aufzählung anhört - bin für alle Ratschläge offen ;-)

William had to leave London because his father, a poor roofer wanted to facilitate William a good life. He wantet to make possible that Williams dream came true and he becomes an knight.In discharge of his duties he gave William to a real knight and William should learn everything from him. However William hat the fear that he could not come back to London but he had managed it and comes back to London to take part in the World Championships. His dream came true.

Das wird nicht so das Ende sein, ich werde versuchen, das mit dem vorherigen Abschnitt zu verknüpfen, damit der Text fließend bleibt.

Bin für absolut jede Hilfe dankbar!

Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Ostermontag,

Sarah :-)

Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:12 Do 12.04.2007
Autor: marzl

also ganz ohne aufzählung geht es wohl nicht. probiers mal damit:

But all of them have been there some time ago. It was the largest interval (Zeitabstand) for William - 12 years. Kate visited London just three years ago. Wat waited double the time and Roland went to London after eight years.


Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:34 Do 12.04.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey du,

danke schön für diesen Abschnitt ;-) Klar, dass es auch eine Art der Aufzählung, aber so gemacht, dass man nicht denkt 1 - 2 - 3. Also danke ;-)


Filmanalyse: A Knight's Tale: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:15 Fr 13.04.2007
Autor: Analytiker

Info @ all:

Habe espritgirl eine Korrektur persönlich zugesandt. Allerdings sind natürlich weitere Anmerkungen sicher gern gesehen...*smile*.

Allen einen schönen Abend

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