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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Gedicht Interpretation
Gedicht Interpretation < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Gedicht Interpretation: Korrektur und Idee
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:52 Mi 07.02.2007
Autor: Brezel

We're waiting in the corridor,
My dad, my mum and me.
They're sitting there and
I'm nervous as can be.
I wonder what she'll tell 'em.
I'll say I've got a pain!
I wish I'd got my spellings
I wish I had a brain.

We're waiting in the corridor,
My husband, son and me.
My son just stands there
I'm smiling, nervously
I wonder what she'll tell us.
I hope it's not all bad.
He's such a good boy, really;
But dozy - like his dad.

We're waiting in the corridor
My wife, my boy and me.
My wife's as cool as
I'm nervous as can be.
I hate these parents' evenings.
I feel just like a kid again
Who's gonna get the stick.

I'm waiting in the classroom.
It's nearly time to start.
I wish there was a way to stop
The pounding in my heart.
The parents in the corridor
Are chatting cheerfully;
And now I've got to face them;
And I'm nervous as can be.

(By Allan Ahlberg)

a) Read the text carefully, then describe the sitation that is in the poem.

b) What is the relationship between the characters? Compare what the outhers think about them an what they really feel.

c) Think of a reason why the writer wrote this poem in four verses. Could there be a different grouping? Why?/Why not?

d) Very often pupils don't go to a parents' evening. Imagine the parents talk to their daughter/ son the next morning. Use reportet speech to write five things the teacher told them. Write the dialogue.  

So, hallo!

Ziemlich viel Arbeit, puuuh!

Kann mir bitte jemad mit meinem Text helfen bzw. mir Tipps geben?! Bitte überprüft außerdem die grammatikalische Richtigkeit:

a) The poem "Parents' evening" by Allan Ahlberg discribe the situation of a parents' evening.
Four people are waiting and thinking about the parents' evening. In this poem a famlily, mother, father and a boy waiting in the corridor. The teacher is waiting in the classroom.

b) The boy is the son of the mother and the father. In the classroom is the teacher of the boy. The son doesn't want the talking. He's very nervous likes his parents and the teacher. The family is worried about what the teacher will tell them, they hope the teacher wouldn't tell bad things.  The teacher hopes the "parents' evening" will be over soon. The parents in the corridor seem keep cool.

c) Yes, I think there is a grouping.
The family and the teacher of the son. In each verses are thoughts of another person.

d) Parents: Hi, good morning son, can we talk about yesterday evening?
Son: Yes, of course, what is your problem?
Parents: Your teacher told us, that you looked often very tired in the morning.
You know, you go to bed too late.
She said you have to do something more for school.
She's worried about your involvement.It's too irregular. You often hang around and look for your friends, this isn't good. Her opinion is if you had been more interesting while the lessons you will make better notes.
She thinks you have talent and must take part at the lessons.
Son: I know it's all the same, I should so something more. It isn't easy to be good at school. Other thinks are more intresting and many topics are boring at school. I will think about the talking, mum and dad.

Gedicht Interpretation: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:34 Mi 07.02.2007
Autor: first_lady_in_red

hi nochmal,
ich hab mich verklickt. also nochmal neu, erstmal hier die korrektur mit schreiben und grammatik und so...: :-)

a) The poem "Parents' evening" by Allan Ahlberg discribes the situation of a parents' evening.
Four people are waiting and thinking about the parents' evening. In this poem a famlily within mother, father and a boy is waiting in the corridor. Also the teacher is waiting in the classroom.

b) The boy is the son of the mother and the father and in the classroom is his teacher. The son doesn't want to talk. He's very nervous and likes his parents and the teacher. The family is worried about what the teacher will tell them so they hope that the teacher will not talk about bad things. The teacher hopes the "parents' evening" will be over soon. The parents in the corridor seem to be cool.

c) Yes, I think there is a groupe, which means the family and the sons' teacher. Each verse deals with thoughts of different person.

d) Parents: Hi, good morning son???, can we talk about yesterday evening?
Son: Yes, of course, what is the matter?
Parents: Your teacher told us, that you often look very tired in the morning. You know, that you`re going to bed too late. She said you have to do more for school.
She's worried about your involvement??? (environment). It's too irregular. You often hang around and look for your friends, this isn't good. Her opinion is, that if you are more interested during the lessons you will make better notes. She thinks you have talent and that you have to take part at the lessons.
Son: I know it's all the same, I should so something more. It isn't easy to be good at school. Other things are more interesting and many topics are boring at school. I will think about the talking, mum and dad.

weiter werde ich dri nicht helfen... du solltest dir mal was mühe geben, man schreibt nicht nur einen satz für einen kompletten aufgabenteil. ich hoffe ich konnte dir trotzde helfen...

Gedicht Interpretation: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:20 Do 08.02.2007
Autor: Brezel

Ja danke hast du!
Das mit dem einen Satz in c), mir ist nicht mehr eingefallen. mache mir aber nochmal gedanken darüber.



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