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Forum "Lektüre" - Greyhound Tragedy
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Greyhound Tragedy: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:29 Do 14.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Richard Brautigan

She wanted her life to be a movie magazine tragedy like the death of a young star with long lines of people weeping and a corpse more beautiful than a great painting, but she was never able to leave the small Oregon town that she was born and raised in and go to Hollywood and die.
Though it was the Depression, her life was comfortable and untouched because her father was the manager of the local Penney's  and financially compassionate to his family.
Movies were the religion of her life and she attended every service with a bag of popcorn. Movie magazines were her Bible that she studied with the zealous¬ness of a doctor of divinity. She probably knew more about movies than the pope.
The years passed like the subscriptions to her magazines: 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, until September 2, 1938.
Finally it was time to make her move if she were ever going to go to Hollywood.  There was a young man who wanted to marry her. Her parents were very enthusiastic about his prospects. They approved of him because he was a Ford salesman. “It’s a company with a fine tradition," her father said. Things did not look good for her.
She spent months building up the courage to go down to the bus station to find out how much the fare to Hollywood cost. Sometimes she spent whole days thinking about the bus station. A few times she even got dizzy and had to sit down. It never dawned on her that she could have called on the telephone.
She made it a point during those nervous months never to go by the bus station. Thinking about it all the time was one thing but actually seeing it was another.
Once she was driving downtown with her mother and her mother turned onto the street where the bus station was located and she ask her mother to please turn down another street because she wanted to buy something at a store on that street.
Some shoes.
Her mother though nothing of it and made the turn. She didn't think to ask her daughter why her face was red but that was not unusual because she seldom thought to ask her anything.
One morning she was going to talk to her about all the movie magazines that came in the mail. Some days they would jam up the mailbox so that she would have to use a screwdriver to get the mail out. But her mother had forgotten about it by noon. Her mother's memory had never been able to last until twelve. It usually pooped out around 11:30, but she was a good cook if the recipes were simple.
Time was running out like the popcorn at a Clark Gable picture. Her father had been dropping a lot of "hints" lately about her being out of high school for three years and perhaps it was time for her to think about doing something with her life.
He was not the local manager of Penney's for nothing. Recently, actually, about a year ago, he had become tired of watching his daughter sit around the house all the time reading movie magazines with her eyes wide as saucers.  He had begun to think of her as a bump on a log.
Her father's hints happened to coincide with the young Ford salesman's fourth proposal of marriage. She had turned down the other three saying that she needed time to think it over, which really meant that she was trying to build up enough courage to go down to the bus station and find out what the fare to Hollywood cost.
At last the pressure of her own longings and her father's "hints" made her leave the house early one warm twilight, after getting out of doing the dinner dishes, and walk slowly down to the bus station. From March 10, 1938, until the evening of September 2, 1938, she had been wondering what a bus ticket to Hollywood cost.
The bus station was stark, unromantic, and very distant from the silver screen. Two old people were sitting there on a bench waiting for a bus. The old people were tired. They wanted to be now at wherever they were going. Their suitcase was like a burned-out light bulb.
The man who sold the tickets looked as if he could have sold anything. He could just as well be selling washing machines or lawn furniture as tickets to other places.
She was red-faced and nervous. Her heart felt out of place in the bus station.  She tried to act as if she were waiting for somebody to come in on the next bus, an aunt, as she worked desperately to build up enough courage to ask how much it cost to go to Hollywood, but it didn't make any difference to anybody else what games she pretended.
Nobody looked at her, though she could have rented herself out as an earth¬quake beet. They simply didn't care. It was a stupid night in September and she just didn't have enough nerve to find out how much the fare to Hollywood cost.
She cried all the way home through the warm, gentle Oregon night, wanting to die every time her feet touched the ground. There was no wind and all the shadows were comforting. They were like cousins to her, so she married the young Ford salesman and drove a new car every year except for the Second World War.
She had two children that she named Jean and Rudolph and tried to let her beautiful movie star death go at that, but now, thirty-one years later, she still blushes when she passes the bus station.



[Dateianhang nicht öffentlich]

Guten Morgen
Ich bin der Verzweiflung nahe.
Ich wäre unheimlich dankbar um Hilfe. Einserseits würde es um die Korrektur des bisherig zusammengetragen Materials gehen und anderseits fehlen mir noch zahlreiche Ansätze.
Ich bemüh mich wirklich, aber ich bring es einfach nicht fertig....

Denn ich muss über diesen Text ein mündliches Gespräch führen und wie soll ich etwas sagen können, wenn ich keine Ahnung habe?
Inhaltlich versteh ich das glaub nicht schlecht. Nur bin ich bei der Interpretation auf verlorenem Posten.
Ich bin um jede noch so kleine Hilfestellung sehr dankbar

Was meint in Zeile 41, "a bump on a log"?

Die Szene Zeile 23-29
Als sie mit ihrer Mutter unterweg ist. Die beabsichtigte an der Busstation vorbeizufahren, doch sie konnte dies wohl nicht ertragen und bat sie eine anderen Strasse zu nehmen.  Sagte Sie dann als Ausrede, dass sie ein paar Schuhe kaufen möchte? Und wieso wurde sie dann rot?

Oder der Satz: Zeile 30-31
Some day they would jam up the mailbox so that she would have to use a scredriver to get the mail out.
Das mit dem Schraubenzieher verstehe ich hier nicht wirklich.
Zeile 46
At last the pressure of her own longings and her father's "hints" made her leave the house....
Ich verstehe das hier mit dem "hints" nicht wirklich.
Was denkst du was hat sie für eine Beziehung zu ihren Eltern?
Also ich denke mal, dass sie immer alles von ihren Eltern bekommt was sie will. Doch sie wollen ja schliesslich, dass ihre Tochter nach ihren Vorstellungen lebt und nicht danach was ihre Tochter für das Beste hält? Sind sich eigentlich die Eltern über den Hollywoodtraum ihrer Tochter im Klaren? Auch habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Eltern sehr gefühlskalt sind und kein Interesse und Mitgefühl was ihre Tochter wirklich empfindet.

I think as a child she always got everything from her parents what she wants. But they don’t lead her daughter to live her own life. For example her parents wish that she marries the young Ford salesman, because he enjoys a high esteem and works in a company with fine tradition. So he can offer her a pleasant life. But they aren’t interested if her daughter have the same opinion or if she has other intention.
That she fulfils the parents wish in the end shows that they have a great influence to her and she is to weak to contradict their visions.
They don’t understand what her daughter really want and aren’t interested what she feels and haven’t any sympathies for her. They relationship seems to be very superficial.

Oder die Eltern gehen überhaupt nicht auf ihre Wünsche ein? Weshalb? Können sie ihre Tochter nicht verstehen?

Movie was the religion of her life.
Movie magazines were her Bible
Sind das Metaphern, die Aussagen wollen wie wichtig dies für sie ist?

Time was running out like the popcorn at a Clark Gable picture.
With her eyes wide as a saucers.
He used the words “The years passed like the subscriptions to her magazines….
Sind das nicht ein Similies? Was bezweckt dies eigentlich?
Why wasn’t she able to go to Hollywood?
She hasn’t enough courage to realize here dream, because she hasn’t enough self-confidence to contradict their parents and make her own decision.
In the text you can find the information that her parents are very glad, when a young Ford salesman had the intention to marry her. If she wouldn’t oblige her parents wish, they would be very disappointed.
In my opinion she isn’t able to take her life into her own hand and go the way, which she deems for right.
Was noch?
Her life is very bored (boring), she sits around the house all the day and reads movie magazines and thinks about the bus station to build up enough courage to go to the bus station and finds out how much a ticket to Hollywood costs.
Because she always gets everything from her parents what she wants, she isn’t able to take her life in her own hand and lead her own life.
A suitable word for her characteristic traits would be self-conscious, then if she had a strong character, she would be able to command all the courage to ask how much a ticket to Hollywood costs. Eventually she decides to lead a life with doesn’t correspondent with her Ideas.
Was gibt es noch zu erwähnen?
Her lifelong dream fails. Eventually she must realize that her dream never will become true.
When she comes to this conclusion her life is definitive worthless and she breakdowns internal.
Wie kann ich das bloss schreiben....innerer Zerfall?

Before she always devices some excuse, so that she doesn’t have to marry him. But now she accepts the marriage proposal although she doesn’t love this man.
Her life must be frustrated, depressive and she is internal death.
What does the bus station stand for?
Hier komme ich einfach nicht zurecht.
Mal die Beschreibung: "The bus station was stark unromantik and very distant from the silver screen" Was könnte man daraus schliessen? Und die alten leute welche sich auch dort befinden?
Ich habe einfach keine Idee..........
mal eine Idee:
What does the bus station stand for?
The bus station symbols her dream. If she would get on the next bus, this would be a turning point in her life. She stands on this turning point when she goes early in the morning to the bus station. It’s her last chance to break out of her boring life and fulfils her dream. She isn’t even (wo steht das?) able to ask for the ticket prize. She resigns and returns to her old life what she doesn’t want.
Therefore the bus station stands between her old boring depressive life and her dream to become a Hollywood star.
Und die Szene als sie nach Hause geht, wo sie den ganzen Weg schreit. Was will das sagen? Das für sie das Leben zu Ende ist und sie nun ein Leben leben muss, das sie eigentlich gar nicht möchte?
In my opinion one of the themes is materialistic. She gets everything what she wants from her parents. Since she has been married with the young salesman she drives every year a new car.
Dann wird sicherlich noch ein Thema sich um Hollywood und seinen Lebenstraum drehen, aber wie bloss?
The message could be that we should go our own way and don’t act how the other people would like. For that we must take our life in our hand.

Der Titel heisst ja greyhound tragedy (Windhundtrauerspiel?) doch was hat dieser Titel im bezug auf die Story auf sich?
Was meint eigentlich ihr Vater dazu, dass sie den ganzen Tag nur zu Hause rum sitzt?
About Hollywood star
In my opinion Hollywood symbols fame, glamour, show business. Therefore a lot of young people has the ambition to go Hollywood and lead this nice life. They let blind what they see everyday in the newspaper or television. But actually this doesn’t conform to reality. Then why does a lot of Hollywood star suffer from anorexia or are drug-addicted?
Another aspect would be, millions of people try to become a Hollywood star every year, but finally there are only a few which reach this goal.

Tausendfachen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: jpg) [nicht öffentlich]
Greyhound Tragedy: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:11 Fr 15.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

He had begun to think of her as a bump on a log

Das heisst doch: Er dachte über sie, als wäre sie eine Beule auf einem Holz?
Was könnte das heissen

Her dream is to go Hollywood, but she was never there and only knows something about this place from magazines and TV.

Gruss Dinker

Greyhound Tragedy: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:46 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: mmhkt

eine sinngemäße Übersetzung dieser Redewendung findest Du []hier.

Die bereits vorliegende Deutung in dem anderen Beitrag liegt m.E. auch gut im Ziel.

Da Du öfter mit Redewendungen zu tun hast und haben wirst, empfehle ich zusätzlich []diese Seite.

Schönen Sonntag

Greyhound Tragedy: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 10:13 Fr 15.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Ich wäre sehr, sehr dankbar, wenn dies mal jemand lesen könnte

The short story „Greyhound Tragedy“ by Richard Brautigan is about a woman who has just one single dream.
The women grew up in a little city and her parents always care about her. She is very bored about her life the only thing that she does is to read movie magazines. Movie magazines are a religion to her. And she only has one single dream she wants to go Hollywood and die there like a movie star. But she hasn’t enough courage to realize her dream. She even hasn’t enough courage to ask how much a ticket to Hollywood costs.
Eventually she stays in Oregon, married the young Ford salesman and has two Children.

Why wasn’t she able to go to Hollywood?
She hasn’t enough courage to realize here dream, because she hasn’t enough self-confidence to contradict their parents and make her own decision.
In the text you can find the information that her parents are very glad, when a young Ford salesman had the intention to marry her. If she wouldn’t oblige her parents wish, they would be very disappointed.
In my opinion she isn’t able to take her life into her own hand and go the way, which she deems for right.

How do you would characterize the woman?
Her life is very bored (boring), she sits around the house all the day and reads movie magazines and thinks about the bus station to build up enough courage to go to the bus station and finds out how much a ticket to Hollywood costs.
Because she always gets everything from her parents what she wants, she isn’t able to take her life in her own hand and lead her own life.
A suitable word for her characteristic traits would be self-conscious, then if she had a strong character, she would be able to command all the courage to ask how much a ticket to Hollywood costs. Eventually she decides to lead a life with doesn’t correspondent with her Ideas.
Her entire life revolves around Hollywood.
Her lifelong dream fails. Eventually she must realize that her dream never will become true.
When she comes to this conclusion her life is definitive worthless and she breakdowns internal.
Before she always devices some excuse, so that she doesn’t have to marry him.
She knows if she would marry this young Salesman she wouldn’t be able to realize her dream.
But now she accepts the marriage proposal although she doesn’t love this man.
Her life must be frustrated, depressive and she is internal death.
I would also characterize the woman as a little naïve. Her dream is to go Hollywood, but she was never there and had no experience in acting and only knows something about this place from magazines and TV.
I think she has false perceptions about this place and the reality wouldn’t correspondent with her dream.
That she still blushes when she passes the bus station, thirty-one years later indicates she hasn’t accepted the situation.

Why wasn’t she able to achieve her dream?
Her parents always seem to know what is the best for her daughter. They had detailed ideas how her daughter should live their life but they don’t realize that she has a dream, that doesn’t correspondent with their ideas.
She wasn’t able to disconnect her from her parents and lead her own life. Eventually by Marrying the young Salesman she fulfils the wish from her parents.
Another point would be, that she never shared her dream with any who could support and encourage her by realizing her dream.

What does the bus station stand for?
The bus station is described as unromantic, cold and distant.
The bus station symbols her dream. If she would get on the next bus, this would be a turning point in her life. She stands on this turning point when she goes early in the morning to the bus station. It’s her last chance to break out of her boring life and fulfils her dream. She isn’t even (wo steht das?) able to ask for the ticket prize. She resigns and returns to her old life what she doesn’t want.
Therefore the bus station stands between her old boring depressive life and her dream to become a Hollywood star.

How do you would describe her relationship to her parents?
Her father was the manager of the local Penney’s and could offer his family a pleasant and wealthy life.
I think as a child she always got everything from her parents what she wants. But they don’t lead her daughter to live her own life. For example her parents wish that she marries the young Ford salesman, because he enjoys a high esteem and works in a company with fine tradition. So he can offer her a pleasant life. But they aren’t interested if her daughter have the same opinion or if she has other intention.
That she fulfils the parents wish in the end shows that they have a great influence to her and she is to weak to contradict their visions.
They don’t understand what her daughter really want and aren’t interested what she feels and haven’t any sympathies for her. They relationship seems to be very superficial.
She has no sympathy or interest in her daughter. For example when the face of her daughter blushes she doesn’t realize it. Or when the daughter told her something about magazine, she didn’t really notice it. She was ablivious to her daughter and her dream.
When she goes to the bus station the atmosphere is warm twilight, which creates tension.  
I don’t know for what the two old people stand, but maybe they had also a dream which they never realize.
When she couldn’t find the courage to ask for the ticket prize, the warm gentle atmosphere convey her comfort, that she has never got from her parents. And the circumstance that no wind blows indicates that she has give up her dream.
In my opinion one of the themes is materialistic. She gets everything what she wants from her parents. Since she has been married with the young salesman she drives every year a new car.
In reality she wanted a rich man, children, her single wish is to become a Hollywoodstar.
The Failure of lifelong dream
Every one of us has any dreams. There are two kinds of dreams. One type of dream, you know will highly likely never become true. The other kind of dream you have the ambition to reach anytime in you life. But to fulfil the dreams you must act active and don’t sit all the day in front of TV and hope the dream will come true.

 You can find in the text a lot of metaphors
 The author uses the word bible for movie magazines and that shows how much important these magazines for the girl are.
 He also said that movie were their religion and that shows that the girl really believes that everything is so like in the movie
 Jam up the mailbox so that she would have to use a screwdriver to get the mail out
 Time was running out like the popcorn at …..The time goes very fast
 He had begun to think of her as a bump on a log.
 All the time reading movie magazines with her eyes wide as saucers. Means very wide

The message could be that we should go our own way and don’t act how the other people would like. For that we must take our life in our hand.

He used the words “The years passed like the subscriptions to her magazines….
The author often made similies like this to show that everything has something to do with movies and movie magazines, to clarify how important these terms are for her life.

In my opinion Hollywood symbols fame, glamour, show business. Therefore a lot of young people has the ambition to go Hollywood and lead this nice life. They let blind what they see everyday in the newspaper or television. We see only the glamour parties, so that we come to the conclusion what a nice life they lead.
But actually this doesn’t conform to reality. Then why does a lot of Hollywood star suffer from anorexia or are drug-addicted?
Hollywood star is a hard business and if you want reach something there you really have to work hard.
Another aspect would be, millions of people try to become a Hollywood star every year, but finally there are only a few which reach this goal.

Contrary to this woman I haven’t the dream to go to Hollywood. Therefore I have a lot of other dreams. Anytime I would like to undertake a world trip, have a job, which I like to do and of course to have a good-health as long as possible.  

Vielen Dank
gruss Dinker

Greyhound Tragedy: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:20 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: matux

Greyhound Tragedy: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:52 Fr 15.05.2009
Autor: Asta1809

Hallo Dinker,
auf alle Fragen habe ich keine Antworten, aber ich fang mal an...

Was meint in Zeile 41, "a bump on a log"?

Das ist auf keinen Fall wörtlich zu übersetzen, sondern hat eine übertragene Bedeutung. Wenn du bei im Forum nachschaust wird über eben diese Wendung diskutiert, Vorschläge zur Übersetzung sind z.B. "Faulpelz" oder "Nichtsnutz".

Die Szene Zeile 23-29
Als sie mit ihrer Mutter unterweg ist. Die beabsichtigte an der Busstation vorbeizufahren, doch sie konnte dies wohl nicht ertragen und bat sie eine anderen Strasse zu nehmen.  Sagte Sie dann als Ausrede, dass sie ein paar Schuhe kaufen möchte? Und wieso wurde sie dann rot?

Deine Übersetzung der Szene stimmt, warum sie rot wird ist ja Interpretationssache. Aber ich würde mal tippen, dass ihr die Situation unangenehm ist - rotwerden weist ja häufig auf starke emotionale Belastung hin (sich z.B. schämen oder wütend werden)

Oder der Satz: Zeile 30-31
Some day they would jam up the mailbox so that she would have to use a scredriver to get the mail out.
Das mit dem Schraubenzieher verstehe ich hier nicht wirklich.
Also so wie ich es verstehe bestellt das Mädel so viele Magazine, dass der Briefkasten total überfüllt ist. Dieser Hinweis auf den Schraubenzieher ist wohl so eine typische Floskel a la "wenn du noch mehr isst, wirst du platzen": Wenn du so viele Magazine bestellst, müssen wir irgendwann den Briefkasten aufschrauben. Bin mir hier aber nicht ganz sicher.

Zeile 46
At last the pressure of her own longings and her father's "hints" made her leave the house....
Ich verstehe das hier mit dem "hints" nicht wirklich.

"hints" bedeutet Hinweise: in inverted commas weil der Vater wahrscheinlich nicht nur Hinweise gegeben hat, sondern deutlich wurde.
Was denkst du was hat sie für eine Beziehung zu ihren Eltern?
Also ich denke mal, dass sie immer alles von ihren Eltern bekommt was sie will. Doch sie wollen ja schliesslich, dass ihre Tochter nach ihren Vorstellungen lebt und nicht danach was ihre Tochter für das Beste hält? Sind sich eigentlich die Eltern über den Hollywoodtraum ihrer Tochter im Klaren? Auch habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Eltern sehr gefühlskalt sind und kein Interesse und Mitgefühl was ihre Tochter wirklich empfindet.

I think as a child she always got everything from her parents what she wants. But they don’t lead her daughter to live her own life. For example her parents wish that she marries the young Ford salesman, because he enjoys a high esteem and works in a company with fine tradition. So he can offer her a pleasant life. But they aren’t interested if her daughter have the same opinion or if she has other intention.
That she fulfils the parents wish in the end shows that they have a great influence to her and she is to weak to contradict their visions.
They don’t understand what her daughter really want and aren’t interested what she feels and haven’t any sympathies for her. They relationship seems to be very superficial.

Oder die Eltern gehen überhaupt nicht auf ihre Wünsche ein? Weshalb? Können sie ihre Tochter nicht verstehen?
Ich denke, die Antwort auf diese Frage liegt in den Charakteren der Eltern. Wenn du dir mal anguckst, wie die Mutter beschrieben wird und worauf der Vater Wert legt, ist es eigentlich egal ob sie von den Plänen der Tochter wissen - ernst nehmen würden sie die in keinem Fall.


Movie was the religion of her life.
Movie magazines were her Bible
Sind das Metaphern, die Aussagen wollen wie wichtig dies für sie ist?

Time was running out like the popcorn at a Clark Gable picture.
With her eyes wide as a saucers.
He used the words “The years passed like the subscriptions to her magazines….
Sind das nicht ein Similies? Was bezweckt dies eigentlich?

Würde glaube ich das erste und letzte Beispiel eher Comparison nennen, bin mir hier aber auch nicht sicher.
Der andauernde Vergleich mit Movies zeigt doch nur noch mal, wie wichtig die für sie sind. Alles in ihrem Leben hat mit Film zu tun.
Naja und eyes wide as saucers... beonders groß.

Why wasn’t she able to go to Hollywood?
She hasn’t enough courage to realize here dream, because she hasn’t enough self-confidence to contradict their parents and make her own decision.
In the text you can find the information that her parents are very glad, when a young Ford salesman had the intention to marry her. If she wouldn’t oblige her parents wish, they would be very disappointed.
In my opinion she isn’t able to take her life into her own hand and go the way, which she [rot]deems for right[/rot].
Was noch?

Erst mal fielen mir ein paar Fehler auf:
- auf die richtige Passung der Personalpronomen achten
- bei Analyse im Präsens bleiben
- kein would im if-Satz ;)
- der letzte markierte Ausdruck hört sich für mich auch irgendwie komisch an

Dein erster Satz scheint mir den Kern des Problems zu beschreiben, nämlich ihre eigene Persönlichkeit. Vielleicht könntest du die noch näher beschreiben?

Her life is very bored (boring), she sits around the house all the day and reads movie magazines and thinks about the bus station to build up enough courage to go to the bus station and finds out how much a ticket to Hollywood costs.
Because she always gets everything from her parents what she wants, she isn’t able to take her life in her own hand and lead her own life.
A suitable word for her characteristic traits would be self-conscious, then if she had a strong character, she would be able to command all the courage to ask how much a ticket to Hollywood costs. Eventually she decides to lead a life with doesn’t correspondent with her Ideas.
Was gibt es noch zu erwähnen?
Um welche Frage geht es denn hier?
- würde eher "for her main character trait" sagen, das andere hört sich irgendwie komisch an. Der letzte Ausdruck ist auf jeden Fall falsch, mir fällt grad aber auch nix besseres ein.

Her lifelong dream fails. Eventually she must realize that her dream never will become true.
When she comes to this conclusion her life is definitively worthless and she breakdowns internal.
Wie kann ich das bloss schreiben....innerer Zerfall?

- Also breakdowns internal kann man so nicht schreiben. Vielleicht sowas wie "her life falls into pieces"? Da weiß aber bestimmt jemand noch was besseres. Ansonsten wäre sprachlich "she has an internal breakdown" schon mal besser.

Before she always devices some excuse, so that she doesn’t have to marry him. But now she accepts the marriage proposal although she doesn’t love this man.
Her life must be frustrated, depressive and she is internal death.

- "device" ist meines Wissens nach ein Nomen. Setz hier besser sowas wie "finds" ein.
- "frustrated" = frustriert "frustrating" = frustrierend
- Ich denke du meinst "innerlich tot"? Dann wären die letzten beiden Wörter falsch, denn "death" ist das Nomen, "dead" das Verb. Und wenn sich "internal" auf ein Verb bezieht, brauchst du hier ein Adverb, also "internally".

What does the bus station stand for?
Hier komme ich einfach nicht zurecht.
Mal die Beschreibung: "The bus station was stark unromantik and very distant from the silver screen" Was könnte man daraus schliessen? Und die alten leute welche sich auch dort befinden?
Ich habe einfach keine Idee..........
mal eine Idee:
What does the bus station stand for?
The bus station symbols her dream. If she would get on the next bus, this would be a turning point in her life. She stands on this turning point when she goes early in the morning to the bus station. It’s her last chance to break out of her boring life and fulfils her dream. She isn’t even (wo steht das?) able to ask for the ticket prize. She resigns and returns to her old life what she doesn’t want.
Therefore the bus station stands between her old boring depressive life and her dream to become a Hollywood star.
- symbolize ist das Verb zu symbol
- kein would im if-Satz
- place before time

Find ich gut. Diese Funktion der Busstation als letzte Grenze die es zu überschreiten gilt könntest du vielleich t noch deutlicher machen

Und die Szene als sie nach Hause geht, wo sie den ganzen Weg schreit. Was will das sagen? Das für sie das Leben zu Ende ist und sie nun ein Leben leben muss, das sie eigentlich gar nicht möchte?

Sie schreit doch nicht, sie weint?

In my opinion one of the themes is materialistic. She gets everything what she wants from her parents. Since she has been married with the young salesman she drives every year a new car.
Dann wird sicherlich noch ein Thema sich um Hollywood und seinen Lebenstraum drehen, aber wie bloss?
The message could be that we should go our own way and don’t act how the other people would like. For that we must take our life in our hand.

Der Titel heisst ja greyhound tragedy (Windhundtrauerspiel?) doch was hat dieser Titel im bezug auf die Story auf sich?
Wenn du mal Greyhound bei google eingibst wirst du bemerken, dass es ein Busunternehmen gibt, das sich "Greyhound" nennt. ;)
Was meint eigentlich ihr Vater dazu, dass sie den ganzen Tag nur zu Hause rum sitzt?
Dass sie ein Faulpelz ist (s.o.)

About Hollywood star
In my opinion Hollywood symbols fame, glamour, show business. Therefore a lot of young people has the ambition to go Hollywood and lead this nice life. They let blind what they see everyday in the newspaper or television. But actually this doesn’t conform to reality. Then why does a lot of Hollywood star suffer from anorexia or are drug-addicted?
Another aspect would be, millions of people try to become a Hollywood star every year, but finally there are only a few which reach this goal.

Leider hatte ich keine Zeit, auf alle deine Fragen zu antworten, hoffe aber, dir hilft das schon mal weiter. Beste Grüße

Greyhound Tragedy: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:55 Fr 15.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ja du hast mir sehr geholfen
Gruss Dinker

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