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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Human rights / Freedom
Human rights / Freedom < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Human rights / Freedom: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:39 Di 05.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

I would be very grateful if someone could take time to check my sentence.

You should call to mind, that in a lot of countries doesn’t count the human rights. Especially in countries which are characterized by communism and totalitarianisms. The people are controlled all the time and rarely the government tells untrue things.
Therewith the government tries to blight conflicts. Dissidents are undesirable and considered as troublemakers. For that reason Stalin has ordered to kill several millions of people. As a result nearly nobody dares to say something again the government. This evokes the impression all over the world how nice the system function and tempts some countries to imitate this system.
Human rights and individual freedom seem to be a foreign word. Comparable  with fascism only the mass counts.
The individuals are so restricted that they cease to think on their own. Of course this circumstance (hemmt?) the economic and science progress. Eventually this was a main reason for the downfall of the Soviet Union

Thank's a lot

Human rights / Freedom: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:56 Di 05.05.2009
Autor: Arnie09


> I would be very grateful if someone could take time to
> check my sentence.
> You should call to mind, that in a lot of countries human rights do not play an important role.

Mit should bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. Eventuell shall oder have to remember / remind.

> Especially in countries which are
> characterized by communism and totalitarianism. The people
> are controlled all the time and the government rarely tells
> untrue things.
> Therewith the government tries to blight conflicts.
> Dissidents are undesirable and considered as troublemakers.
> For that reason Stalin has ordered to kill several millions
> of people. As a result nearly nobody dares to say something
> against the government. This evokes the impression all over
> the world how nice (perfect?) the system functions and tempts some
> countries to imitate this system.
> Human rights and individual freedom seem to be a foreign
> word. Comparable with fascism only the mass counts.
>  The individuals are so restricted that they cease to think
> on their own. Of course this circumstance delays the
> economic and science progress. Eventually this was a main
> reason for the downfall of the Soviet Union.

Vorschläge oder Änderungen habe ich in den Text soweit eingefügt. Schau einfach mal durch... Passt aber ansonsten ganz gut :-).

> Thank's a lot


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