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Korrektur Englisch: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:06 Fr 24.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo, wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

The novel is written from the perspective of an omniscent narrator. Because the narrator isn’t a character he has a broad knowledge of the situation and knows what the characters think.

The different castes are produced various. Alpha people are developed from a single egg, meanwhile from one Egg are produced 100 identical Epsilons. Furthermore they are treated with a different dose of alcohol and oxygen

Also their comprehension of the death is unusual
The Brave new World people are also death-conditioned. So that they connect the death with something positive and delightful. Based on this death-teaching they don’t mourn/grieve when a person dies. This emotionless behaviour is necessary to ensure the stability.

One of the themes is the dependence of technology and government
As consequence of their dependence they have lost their identity and freedom. The government is strived to bring the people in a relationship of dependence, because this makes it much easier to control and manipulate the people. Through the measure of sleep-teaching, solidarity services and. hypnopedia they can ensure the prior aim stability. The government is persuaded that the stability causes happiness, because nobody suffers from anything or has a conflict with his neighbour. But in my opinion an important question we have to raise is, if this is real happiness. I don’t think so rather I have the opinion it’ a consequence of their condition, which pretends untrue happinness.
The motto/slogan of the world state is community, identity, stability, whereas Stability is the priority in this world. Every teaching method and activity are concentrated on these principles.

Technology plays a very important role in this society. Assemble lines are launched so that the people like mass consumerism. Also the medicine is responsible for ensure the stability by soma. Furthermore technology is abused to produce people biochemical.  

It isn’t only a battle between Ralph and Jack, but it’s a conflict between two completely different systems.
Between democracy orders and dictatorship. At first democracy orders has the upper hand, when they elect Ralph in a democratic election to the leader. But in the course Jack’s leadership methods begin to prevail and he is able to lure the boys to his tribe.
Mass consumption plays also a very important rule in BNW. On the one hand the society form is mass consumerism so that the government encourage the people to buy permanently new things. Otherwise also the people are the result of mass production.
Beatty makes a very cold and callous impression, but in reality he is very discerning/perceptive and intelligent. He is a excellent manipulator, who knows exactly how he can persuade the people.
Bernard mocks shakespear’s because he is annoyed that John refuses to participate on a very important event. The people insults him with swear word, so that he lose his new gained self-confidence in falls back in his self-pity and self- consciousness.

They are stranded on a deserted island in the ocean. The climate is pleasant/comfortable and the island supplies them with more than sufficient food and water.
In the same way as human being has a dark and a bright part, the island can divide into two areas.

Gruss Dinker

Korrektur Englisch: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Mo 24.08.2009
Autor: matux

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