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Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:32 Do 25.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Ich wäre so dankbar um Korrektur

Simon works up the courage to climb on the mountain, because he wants find out, if there is really a beast there. By his exploration he discovers that it’s only a dead person, which the boys regard as the beast. He wants to inform the boys about his discovery. The boys celebrate a tribal ritual dance and in their frenzy they regard Simon as the beast and kill him.

You can see as more the boys lost their connection to civilization the more their instinct to torture or kill other grows.

You know Ralph has a very close reference to civilisation and therefore he tries to maintain civilization elements on the island. In Contrast to Jack he has sympathy with the other boys und wants the best fort he group. Despite of his good manners he has also this dark side within. For example he takes part in the ritual dance and is also responsible for Simone’s death.

He has the unrestricted power and the other boys have to obey him.

Faber sees trough the system, so that he can uncover the weak points of the system.

When the boys vote Ralph to their leader in their first meeting, Jack is very jealous. Therefore he begin to challenge Ralph. Instead helping him to build huts he prefers to hunt pigs to fulfil his inner instinct. Later he established his own group. At first the boys stay Ralph loyal, so that Jack must accept his second defeat. But his instincts becomes stronger and his methods to kill pigs more brutal. But in the course of the novel he can lure the boys to join (?) his tribe. Because he can offer the boys meat and has develop a method to reduce the boys fear of the beast.

A group of boys are evacuated, because an atomic war takes place. Because of the air crash the boys land on a lonely island.

In the frenzy and mass hysteria they lost every connection to common sense.

The lonely island gives the boy the possibility to a primitive animalistic life.

Vielen Dank
gruss DInker

Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:40 Do 25.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> Hallo


Wie immer ohne komplette Gewähr ;-)

> Ich wäre so dankbar um Korrektur

Simon works up the courage to climb on the mountain, because he wants[re]to[/red] find out, if there is really is a beast there. By his exploration he discovers that it’s only a dead person, which the boys regard as the beast. He wants to inform the boys about his discovery. The boys celebrate a tribal ritual dance and in their frenzy they regard Simon as the beast and kill him.

You can see as more the boys lost their connection to civilization theas more their instinct to torture or kill other grows (Den Satz würde ich anders formulieren).  
You know Ralph has a very close reference to civilisation and therefore he tries to maintain civilization elements on the island. In Contrast to Jack he has sympathy with the other boys und wants the best for the group. Despite of his good manners he has also this dark side within. For example he takes part participates in the ritual dance and is also responsible for Simone’s death.

He has the unrestrictedlimited power and the other boys have to obey him.

Faber sees trough the system, so that he can uncover the weak points of the system.

When the boys vote Ralph to their leader in their first meeting, Jack is very jealous. Therefore he begin to challenge Ralph. Instead helping him to build huts he prefers to hunt pigs to fulfil his inner instinct. Later he established his own group. At first the boys stay loyal to Ralph loyal, so that Jack must accept his second defeat. But his instincts becomes stronger and his methods to kill pigs gets more brutal. But in the course of the novel he can lure the boys to join(?) his tribe. Because he can offer the boys meat and has developed a method to reduce the boy's fear of the beast.

A group of boys are evacuated, because an atomic war takes placestarts. Because of the air crash the boys land become stranded on a lonely island.

In the frenzy and mass hysteria they lost every connection to common sense Gemeinschaftsgefühl? Oder was willst du damit sagen.
The lonely island gives the boys the possibility to a primitive animalistic life.

> Vielen Dank
>  gruss DInker


Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:19 Fr 26.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo Rex

Was meinst du mit gründ und unterstrichen?

gruss Dinker

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