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Korrektur summary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:24 Mo 22.09.2008
Autor: Kiyoshi

Unsere Aufgabe war, eine summary über einen Text zu schreiben, den wir bekommen haben. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen ein paar Fehler aus meinem Text zu suchen, die sich bestimmt irgendwo befinden ^^.

The text "Address to a Terrified Nation" presented by George Bush on the 20th Septermber 2001 is about the speech of George Bush where he announced, what he'll do to justify the terroristic attack on the 11th Septermber 2001.
Nine days after the terroristic act George Bush has delivered an address to calm the american people. At first he talked about some occurences in the past to make the people belive that the USA is a strong nation. He was very self-confident and he didn't want to leave the terroristic attack out. He believed that the terrorists are their enemys and thought that they're hating them. So he also showed that he'll not be peaceful to the terrorists. He wanted to find the soulution in war. Everybody were very angry about the attack and George Bush took the opportunity and tried to bring the people to his side. He described how he'll proceed and he used some tactics like to ask for God's assistance. Furthermore he was very agressive, for example he said that "either you are with us or you are with the terrorists" but at the same time he showed that he's very sympathetic because he knew that the people were afraid and shocked about the terroristic act.
So he was very successful in presenting his opinion.

Das wars.
Vielen Dank schonmal, dass ihr euch die Zeit nehmt. ;)

Korrektur summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:31 Mo 22.09.2008
Autor: Kimi-Maus

Hallo Kiyoshi


belive --> believe
soulution ---> solution
everybody were ---> everybody was
bring the people to his side --> he tried to convince the people
So he also showed that he'll not be peaceful to the terrorists. -->
So he also showed that he wont´t be peaceful to the terrorists.

lg Kimi-Maus =)

Korrektur summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:44 Mo 22.09.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


der Text ist in Ordnung. Fehler wurden schon entdeckt aber das wichtigste wurde nicht gesagt:

Summarys werden in Präsens geschrieben nicht in der Vergangenheit.

[hut] Gruß

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