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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen
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Korrekturlesen: Vortrag
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:47 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: monchichi

Könnte sich das bitte jemand durchlesen und mich auf Fehler aufmerksam machen? Schonmal vielen Dank. :)

Today I will tell you something about my calendar which deals with Australia. Each month has a different topic. The viewer should have a overview about Australia. So I took a variety of topics. My calendar starts with the Great Barrier Reef which has a all kinds of fish in different colours. The Dezember deals with Kylie Minougue and the January with the rock band Jet. Maybe you know their radio hit „Are you gonna be my girl?“. When you have a look at the september you can read something about the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Know I want give you a detailed presentation about this topic, because I was very fascinated when I concerned me about the National Park. ( als ich mich mit dem Nationalpark befasste, ist das so richtig?)

Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:55 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: Princess17

Hey monchichi,

die Fehler, die ich gefunden habe, sind fett markiert.

Today I will tell you something about my calendar which deals with Australia. Each month has a different topic. The viewer should have an overview of Australia. So I took a variety of topics. My calendar starts with the Great Barrier Reef which contains all kinds of fish in different colours. The Dezember deals with Kylie Minougue and the January with the rock band Jet. Maybe you know their radio hit "Are you gonna be my girl?“. When you have a look at the september you can read something about the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Now I want to give you a detailed presentation about this topic, because I was very fascinated when I concerned myself in the National Park.

Liebe Grüße, Sabrina

Korrekturlesen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:18 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: wauwau

> Hey monchichi,
> die Fehler, die ich gefunden habe, sind fett markiert.
> Today I will tell you something about my calendar which
> deals with Australia. Each month has a different topic. The
> viewer should get an overview of Australia. So I took a
> variety of topics. My calendar starts with a picture of the Great
> Barrier Reef which housesall kinds of fish in different
> colours. The sheet ofDecember deals with Kylie Minougue and the
> January with the rock band Jet. Maybe you know their radio
> hit "Are you gonna be my girl?“. When you have a look at
> the september you can read something about the Uluru-Kata
> Tjuta National Park. Now I want to give you a detailed
> presentation about this topic, because I was very
> fascinated when I ?????concerned myself in the National Park.
> Liebe Grüße, Sabrina

Korrekturlesen: Erklärung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:29 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: Princess17

to concern oneself in sth. --> sich mit etw. beschäftigen

Da monchichi von sich selbst spricht, heißt es dann myself (anstatt von oneself). :-)

Korrekturlesen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:17 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: espritgirl

> to concern oneself in sth. --> sich mit etw. beschäftigen

Ist völlig in Ordnung diesen Ausdruck zu nehmen ;-)


to busy oneself with sth

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