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Korrekturlesen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:20 So 27.09.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

Ich wäre sehr dankbar um Korrekturlesen.

When you hear the words “Green house Effect” do you associate it with something negative or positive? My expierence shows that the most people seems it as something negative.
But this imagination doesn’t correspond to the reality. Why this is so, you will “erfahren” now.
Without the green house effect the Earth’s surface would be on average -18°C instead 14°C. This circumstance shows the vitality of the green house effect.
Consider-we (Betrachten wir) the process that is resposinsible for the warm climate on earth.
The earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of visible light. About 50 percent of the solar energy radiation reaches the surface, where it is absorbed and converts into heat, the infrared rays.. These radiation are restrained from the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Thereby the earth is wam up.
Anthopogenic Greenhouse Effect,
Since the Industrialisierung at the beginning of the 19th century, the humanity influences this natual process. Through/by the combustion of fossil fuels are developed green houses gases. So that the concentration of these gases increase in the atmosphere. The consequence is, that more infrared rays
are absorbed from green houses gases and the temperature on earth increases further. This process, cause through human activities is called/named anthropogenic green house effect.

Greenhouses Gases
Although greenhouse gases make up only about 1 percent of the earth’s atmosphere, they regulate our climate crucial.
Around (....wieviel Prozent natürlichem Ursprung)
Among the green house gases, that are caused through human activities are distinguished difference classes.
With 56 percent Carbon Dioxide is the main causer of Anthopogenic Greenhouse Effect. This gases is mainly build through fossil fuels.. The rainforest. deforestation influences also negative the Carbon Dioxide concentration.
The second most significant green house gase is methane, that is developed through factory farming, garbage dumps or fertilisation. There are further green house gases as Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and nitrous oxide
You can see that the different green house gases have a life cycle between ten years until 500 years. So when we take today an action to reduce the green house gases emission the result is first in several decades visible.

The development of green house Gases
As already mention the humanity influences the green house concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. As you know since then the human being use the different types of fossil fuels. In the last two century the green house gases increase rapidly and their concentration has been doubled in the meantime.
A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis. As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive effects. But of course this is only a meaningless short-term trend.

Coherence between Green house effect and Global Warming Folie 12
As you saw, the antropogenic green house effect is for the temperature increase. Therefore the antropogenic green house effect stands in a close coherence to the global warming.
According the two graphic the green house concentration has increased in the same way as the temperature increased
Simply said, global warming is the consequence of antropogenic green house effect.

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Korrekturlesen: Korrekturvorschlag
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:05 Mi 21.10.2009
Autor: hannelore

Moin Dinker,

anbei mein Korrekturvorschlag. Im Text habe ich Nummern gesetzt und im Anhang unten das warum, weshalb, wieso beschrieben.

Wenn du mir sagen könntest, welche von den vielen Textabschnitten hier im Forum du eigentlich noch brauchst oder mir einen neuen zusammenhängenden Text zum korrigieren posten könntest wäre es nicht schlecht. (Vorrausgesetzt du bist mit meinen Korrekturvorschlägen zufrieden)

When people hear the words “Green house Effect” do they associate it with something negative or positive*(1)? It is seen mostly as something negative. This is not entirely true *(2). Without the green house effect the temperature on Earth’s surface would be on average -18°C instead of 14°C.  To further understand this, the process responsible for the warm climate on earth has to be analyzed.

The earth receives energy from the Sun in form of visible light. About 50 percent of the solar energy radiation reaches the surface, where it is absorbed and converted into heat, what we call infrared rays *(3). These radiations are restrained in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, warming up the Earth.

Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect.
*(4) This natural process has been influenced by humanity since the 19th century, the time of the beginning of the industrialization. At that period of time people started to combust fossil fuels freeing thereby, what we today call green house gases and elevating the concentration of these in the atmosphere. The consequence is that more infrared rays are absorbed from green houses gases and the temperature on earth increases further. This process, caused through human activities is called anthropogenic green house effect.

Greenhouse Gases.
Although greenhouse gases make up only about 1 percent of the earth’s atmosphere, they have a great effect on the regulation of our climate.  Around xxx percent come from natural processes, in other words this small percent is not caused by human activities*(5).

Those created by the earth’s population consist of carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and nitrous oxide *(6). With 56 percent is Carbon Dioxide the main cause of the Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect. It is produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels. The deforestation of the rainforest also influences negatively the concentration of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere. The second most significant green house gas is methane which is developed through factory farming, garbage dumps or fertilization. The different green house gases have a life cycle of ten years to five hundred years.  This means that all action taken to reduce those gases will show its results decades later.

The development of green house Gases
Through the burning of different fossil fuels, humans have been capable of influencing Earth’s delicate environment*(7). In the last two centuries the green house gases have increased rapidly and their concentration has doubled in the meantime. A few weeks ago an article was published*(8) which stated that this trend has been stopped in the last months, as a consequence of the financial crisis. An unpleasant crisis has also positive effects. This is only a short-term trend*(9).

Coherence between Green house effect and Global Warming - Slide 12 (Folie 12)

According to this graphs/graphics *(10) the anthropogenic green house effect is responsible for the temperature increase, because the green house concentration has increased in the same way as the temperature has increased .  This means that the anthropogenic green house effect stands in a close coherence to global warming and therefore is global warming the consequence of the anthropogenic green house effect.

*(1) In einem fachlichen Vortrag hören sich allgemeine Fragen besser oder wissenschaftlicher an, wenn der Hörer nicht direkt angesprochen wird, sondern von Menschen in allgemeinen gesprochen wird. (When people hear….. )

*(2) Ich war ein bisschen erschrocken als ich dein Text hier gelesen habe. Es hat sich so gehört als wäre die Erderwärmung das Beste überhaupt. Dabei, denke ich, wolltest du nur darauf hinweisen, dass dort auch eine positive Seite gibt… und sie nicht so schlecht ist. Mit dieser Umschreibung hört es sich besser an.

*(3) Ich finde diese Umschreibung passender. Du musst aber wissen ob sie fachlich Korrekt ist.

*(4) Mit den Änderungen, gibt es eine Verbindung zur vorherigen Absatz. Sonst klingt das ein bisschen „getrennt“ vom anderen Absatz.

*(5) Meinst du das? Ich weiß nicht ob es das ist was du meinst. Da wo xxx steht, muss einfach der Wert rein.

*(6) Es hört sich besser, wenn die Elemente zuerst erwähnt werden und dann detailierter darüber geredet wird.

*(7) Ich habe den Teil gelöscht, wo erklärt wird, dass Petroleum verbrannt wird und Green house Gases produziert.…. Denn es wurde bereits erwähnt und das wurde den Text unnötig verlängern. (es hört sich sonst wiederholend an) Ich habe das mit einem Satz geändert was zum Kontext passt und einen schönen Übergang erlaubt.

*(8) Sorry.. ich habe das hier geändert aus einem Grund: Ein „Ich“ sollte in einem fachlichen Vortrag vermieden werden. Mit der Änderung zu: „A few weeks ago an article was published” wird ein Abstand zum geschehen gewonnen und der seriouse Eindruck des Vortrags erhöht.

*(9) Das Wort “meaningless” ist sehr herabschauend. Es gibt auch eher das Gefühl einer “Meinung” wieder als eine Analysis im Vortrag. (Verstehe mich bitte nicht falsch. Eine eigene Meinung in einem Vortrag ist willkommen. Deine Meinung sollte vielleicht am Ende des Vortrags erscheinen.  Dadurch gibt es einen das Gefühl, dass du dich mit dem Fakten auseinander gesetzt  hast,  diese erläutert hast und erst am Ende deine eigene Meinung sagst.)

*(10) “Graphs” oder “Graphics”? Ich kenne die Folie nicht, also musst du sagen was hier passt. “Graphs” sind Grafiken und “Graphics” sind Bilder.

MfG Hannelore

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