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Forum "Lektüre" - Macbeth
Macbeth < Lektüre < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Macbeth: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:38 Sa 19.06.2004
Autor: Logan

Hi, folks´!

I must analyse scene 5 of act 3 of Shakespeare's Macbeth.
I've already compiled some aspects of interpreatation but now Ive got some problems with the language side.
I mean for instence the stylistic devices, metre, rhythm etc.
It would be great, if you could help with this and I'm also very pleased with getting some aspect of interpretation, if you've some.

Macbeth: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:29 Sa 19.06.2004
Autor: Josef

Hi Jogan.

An analysis of scene IV-VI, act III:


Analysis: Act III, scenes iv–vi

Throughout Macbeth, as in many of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the supernatural and the unnatural appear in grotesque form as harbingers of wickedness, moral corruption, and downfall. Here, the appearance of Banquo’s silent ghost, the reappearance of the witches, and the introduction of the goddess Hecate all symbolize the corruption of Scotland’s political and moral health. In place of the dramatization of Macbeth’s acts of despotism, Shakespeare uses the scenes involving supernatural elements to increase the audience’s sense of foreboding and ill omen. When Macbeth’s political transgressions are revealed, Scotland’s dire situation immediately registers, because the transgressions of state have been predicted by the disturbances in nature. In Macbeth’s moral landscape, loyalty, honor, and virtue serve either as weak or nonexistent constraints against ambition and the lust for power. In the physical landscape that surrounds him, the normal rules of nature serve as weak constraints against the grotesqueries of the witches and the horrific ghost of Banquo.

The banquet is simultaneously the high point of Macbeth’s reign and the beginning of his downfall. Macbeth’s bizarre behavior puzzles and disturbs his subjects, confirming their impression that he is mentally troubled. Despite the tentativeness and guilt she displayed in the previous scene, Lady Macbeth here appears surefooted and stronger than her husband, but even her attempts to explain away her husband’s “hallucination” are ineffective when paired with the evidence of his behavior. The contrast between this scene and the one in which Duncan’s body was discovered is striking—whereas Macbeth was once cold-blooded and surefooted, he now allows his anxieties and visions to get the best of him.

It is unclear whether Banquo’s ghost really sits in Macbeth’s chair or whether the spirit’s presence is only a hallucination inspired by guilt. Macbeth, of course, is thick with supernatural events and characters, so there is no reason to discount the possibility that a ghost actually stalks the halls. Some of the apparitions that appear in the play, such as the floating dagger in Act II, scene i, and the unwashable blood that Lady Macbeth perceives on her hands in Act IV, appear to be more psychological than supernatural in origin, but even this is uncertain. These recurring apparitions or hallucinations reflect the sense of metaphysical dread that consumes the royal couple as they feel the fateful force of their deeds coming back to haunt them.

Given the role that Banquo’s character plays in Macbeth, it is appropriate that he and not Duncan should haunt Macbeth. Like Macbeth, Banquo heard the witches’ prophecies and entertained ambitions. But, unlike Macbeth, Banquo took no criminal action. His actions stand as a rebuke to Macbeth’s behavior and represent a path not taken, one in which ambition need not beget bloodshed. In Holinshed’s Chronicles, the history that served as the source for Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Banquo was Macbeth’s accomplice in Duncan’s murder. Shakespeare most likely changed Banquo’s role from villain to moral pillar because Shakespeare’s patron, King James I of England, was believed to be Banquo’s descendant.

Shakespeare also portrays the historical figure of King Edward the Confessor, to whom Malcolm and Macduff have gone to receive help combating Macbeth. Edward is presented as the complete opposite of the evil, corrupt Macbeth. By including mention of England and Scotland’s cooperation in the play, Shakespeare emphasizes that the bond between the two countries, renewed in his time by James’s kingship, is a long-standing one. At the same time, the fact that Macbeth’s opposition coalesces in England is at once a suggestion that Scotland has become too thoroughly corrupted to resist Macbeth and a self-congratulatory nod to Shakespeare’s English audience.

Macbeth: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:58 So 20.06.2004
Autor: Logan

Thank you very much!
Perhaps you also can give me some infromation concerning the language aspect.
Of course that's a pleas addressed to all the people here.

Macbeth: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:55 So 20.06.2004
Autor: Josef

Equally unique is Shakespeare’s influence on English. Inasmuch as our daily speech is filled with Shakespearean words and phrases, we unconsciously see the world through Shakespearean eyes; where would English be without phrases like "foul play" and "salad days"? Without him we couldn’t begin to recognise a Hamlet among us, nor a Romeo and Juliet. No other writer has left such a mark on the language and none has surpassed him in the artistic representation of universally recognisable human psychology.

Summary see: []


The present chapter is not concerned with an analysis of the style of the text at issue. Such approaches are available from many books that
provide excellent studies of it. What I propose to do now is consider the shifts that occur as the various characters step in. One may notice
that the language evolves in a remarkable way as the play unfolds. The speeches delivered by the ailing captain at the beginning may puzzle
the spectators. Let us consider his words :

            Captain Doubtful it stood;

                    As two spent swimmers, that do cling together

                    And choke their art. The merciless Macdonwald ...


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