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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Mohandas Gandhi
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Mohandas Gandhi: Salt March
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:13 Mo 09.03.2009
Autor: Asialiciousz

Hello =)

Ich muss für Morgen paar Fragen beantworten, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher was die Antworten angehen, also vom inhaltlichen her und vom gramatischen.
Hoffe ihr schaut euch dies mal an und könnt es korigieren falls (was ich auch glaube) Fehler auftauchen. Danke! =)

Ghandi's "Salt March"

- What was Gandhi protesting against?
   In 1930 in order to help free India from British control, Mahatma Gandhi proposed a non-violent march protesting the British Salt Tax, continuing Gandhi's pleas for civil disobedience.  The Salt Tax essentially made it illegal to sell or produce salt, allowing a complete British monopoly.  Since salt is necessary in everyone's daily diet, everyone in India was affected.  The Salt Tax made it illegal for workers to freely collect their own salt from the coasts of India, making them buy salt they couldn't really afford.

-What exacly was he going to do?
    Gandhi and his satyagrahis reached the coast.  After prayers were offered, Gandhi spoke to the large crowd.  He picked up a tiny lump of salt, breaking the law.  Within moments, the satyagrahis followed Gandhi's passive defiance, picking up salt everywhere along the coast.  A month later, Gandhi was arrested and thrown into prison, already full with fellow protestors.

The Salt March started a series of protests, closing many British shops and British mills.  A march to Dharshana resulted in horrible violence.  The non-violent satyagrahis did not defend themselves against the clubs of policemen, and many were killed instantly.  The world embraced the satyagrahis and their non-violence, and eventually enabled India to gain their freedom from Britain.

-What effect did he hope to have?

He believed in economic self-reliance, with the village as the centre of economic production.

(hm.. und was noch?)

-How did  the British government plan to react?
.. ?? ..

Hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen, danke!!


Mohandas Gandhi: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 04:20 Di 10.03.2009
Autor: matux

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