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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Nursery School
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Nursery School: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:43 Sa 03.11.2012
Autor: Blaub33r3

Beschreiben eines Tagesablaufes in einem Kindergarten!

For me the typical day in the nursery school starts with preparing the room for free play activities.
So after I make sure that the toys and all other learning materials are available I´m waiting for my key children. As usally happens children arrive together with their parents. We greet them and try to have a short talk about their children how they are. Then we check the register to see which children are present today.
Once all of my key children are in we start and celebrate each morning with singing a song all together. Subsequently we encourage the children to come and start an individual activity. In the meantime I go to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. So when it´s finished we´re all eating at the table and making a relaxing and enjoyable time for everyone.
Afterwards the freeplay starts for children and at this point my role as a nursery teacher which I´m playing depends on the needs of the children. This can be for example the role of a storyteller.
At lunchtime the free play phase stops because the children needs new energie, so we gather all children to consume the lunch together. After this lunch the children can decide whether or not they go to get some sleep or playing around outside of the nursery´s area. I use this time to observe the children or give them a helping help.
At four in the afternoon the parents come for getting back their children in order that i can finally end my work with saying "till tomorrow" to them.

Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr diesen Text auf optischer Ebene auf diverse Fehlerquellen hin untersuchen könntet! VIelen lieben Dank!!! Die b33r3

Nursery School: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:29 So 04.11.2012
Autor: chrisno

Hallo b33r3,

das ist ein schwerer Brocken. Darum habe ich das auch erst mal liegen gelassen. Zum Ausdruck werde ich kaum etwas schreiben, da gibt es so viel anzumerken.

>  For me the typical day in the nursery school starts with
> preparing the room for free play activities.

Ich würde das erste the durch "a"  ersetezn und das zweite streichen, falls es sich nicht um einen speziellen Kindergarten handelt, der vorher benannt wurde.

>  So after I make sure that the toys and all other learning
> materials are available I´m waiting for my key children.

Da stimmt die Zeit nicht. After I made .... the streichen
Was sind key children? Schlüselkinder? -> latchkey children

> As usally happens children arrive together with their
> parents. We greet them and try to have a short talk about
> their children how they are.

about how their children are

> Then we check the register


> to
> see which children are present today.
> Once all of my key children are in we start and celebrate
> each morning with singing a song all together. Subsequently
> we encourage the children to come and start an individual
> activity. In the meantime I go to the kitchen to prepare
> the

the streichen
>breakfast. So when it´s
it is

> finished

du meinst ready

> we´re

we are

> all eating at
> the table and making


> a relaxing and enjoyable time for
> everyone.
> Afterwards the freeplay starts for children and at this
> point my role as a nursery teacher which I´m

I am

> playing

spielst Du die Rolle nur?

> depends on the needs of the children. This can be for
> example the role of a storyteller.
>  At lunchtime the free play phase stops because the
> children needs new energie,

need new energy

> so we gather all children to
> consume the

have, consume the streichen

> lunch together. After this

this streichen

> lunch the children
> can decide whether or not they go to get some sleep or
> playing

to play, around streichen
around outside of the nursery´s area. I use this

> time to observe the children or give them a helping help.

helping hand? Was meinst Du?

>  At four in the afternoon the parents come for getting back
> their children in order that i


> can finally end my work with
> saying "till tomorrow" to them.

Ofenbar sind es keine Schlüsselkinder.

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