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Forum "Grammatik" - Present Tense
Present Tense < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Present Tense: Korretur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:05 Do 27.10.2011
Autor: Masaky

Ich weiß zwar nicht ob hioe rnoch was los ist, aber ich frage mal trotzdem :D

Ware super lieb, wenn mal wer drüberschaunen könnte und sage nob alles richtig ist  ode rob da noch irgendwo fehler sind.
Also aufgabe war: Complete this newspaper article. Write the verbs in the correc form (present simple or present continuous) (also die Großgeschriebene Verben müssen nur beachtet warden..)
It’s summer. A man is walking alone a country and he MINDS his own business when he IS KNOCKING DOWN and seriously injured by a minivan. The man SURVIVES but he BECOMES obsessed with the vehicle that maimed him. He BUYS the minivan and HIDES it.
It sounds like the plot of a Stehpen King thriller, but it is in the fact the last chapter in the wirter’s real life. King has bought the van and he INTENDS to take a sledgehammer to it. Ar present King RECOVERS from his injuries at home, where he SUFFERS from a broken hip. The story is uuncannily like the plt of the novel Thinner, in which the victim’s family ARE PUTTING a curse on the driver. King DEMANDS only the withdrawal out  the driver’s licence. As for the minivan, we DO NOT KNOW if King will actually carry out his revenge or if he is simply hatching the plot for a new novel.

Complte also thus dialogue.

S: Welcome. This afternoon I AM STANDING in the middle of the northern Black forrest.
R: Much of the forest was wiped out by the hurricane. Many of the trees are dead and more ARE GOING TO DIE. We at Friends of this forest BELIEVE that the authorities DO NOT DO enough right now to restore this beutifaul forest.
S: But they CLEAR?! The dead trees away.
R: But they ARE DOING that every year. We need more trees now, but they DO NOT PLAN any new tress to replace.
R: We have tied, but each time they SAY that they haven’t got enough money. They ARE ALWAYS USING money as the excuse.
S: They clearly DO NOT HAVE enough money for everything.
R: We ARE NOT ASKING for much money….

Vielen daaaaanl 

Present Tense: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:27 Do 27.10.2011
Autor: chrisno

Meine einzige Kompetenz im Englischen ist, dass ich es reichlich gesprochen habe. Daher korrigiere ich nach Bauchgefühl.

> Ich weiß zwar nicht ob hioe rnoch was los ist, aber ich
> frage mal trotzdem :D

Um die Zeit ist recht viel los. Bloß die Frage aus den 5. und 6. Klassen werden ins Bett geschickt.

> Hallo,
>  Ware super lieb, wenn mal wer drüberschaunen könnte und
> sage nob alles richtig ist  ode rob da noch irgendwo fehler
> sind.

Der Tippfehler sind zu viele als dass ich da etwas machen möchte.

>  Also aufgabe war: Complete this newspaper article. Write
> the verbs in the correc form (present simple or present
> continuous) (also die Großgeschriebene Verben müssen nur
> beachtet warden..)
>  It’s summer. A man is walking alone a country road? and he
> MINDS his own business when he IS KNOCKINGknocked DOWN and

Er schlägt doch nicht den Minivan nieder.

> seriously injured by a minivan. The man SURVIVES but he
> BECOMES obsessed with the vehicle that maimed him. He BUYS
> the minivan and HIDES it.
>  It sounds like the plot of a Stehpen King thriller, but it
> is in the fact the last chapter in the wirter’s real
> life. King has bought the van and he INTENDS to take a
> sledgehammer to it. Ar present King RECOVERS from his
> injuries at home, where he SUFFERS from a broken hip. The
> story is uuncannily like the plt of the novel Thinner, in
> which the victim’s family AREis PUTTING a curse on the
> driver. King DEMANDS only the withdrawal out  the
> driver’s licence. As for the minivan, we DO NOT KNOW if
> King will actually carry out his revenge or if he is simply
> hatching the plot for a new novel.
> Complte also thus dialogue.
> S: Welcome. This afternoon I AM STANDING in the middle of
> the northern Black forrest.
>  R: Much of the forest was wiped out by the hurricane. Many
> of the trees are dead and more ARE GOING TO DIE. We at
> Friends of this forest BELIEVE that the authorities DO NOT
> DO enough right now to restore this beutifaul forest.
>  S: But they CLEAR?! The dead trees away.

clear trees away: Bäume entfernen

>  R: But they ARE DOING that every year. We need more trees
> now, but they DO NOT PLAN any new tress to replace.

plan oder plant?

>  ….
>  R: We have tied, but each time they SAY that they
> haven’t got enough money. They ARE ALWAYS USING money as
> the excuse.

(steht das the wirklich da?)

>  S: They clearly DO NOT HAVE enough money for everything.
>  R: We ARE NOT ASKING for much money….
> Vielen daaaaanl 


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