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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Process description
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Process description: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 10:42 Di 28.04.2020
Autor: makke306

Ziel der Aufgabe war es den Prozess der Orangensaft herstellung im Passiv zu schreiben. Kann jmd. mal den Text durchlesen und sagen ob das so passt. Vielleicht gibt es da ja ein paar Korrekturen.

The Diagram illustrates the process of producing orange juice. There are total of 13 steps. The process commences with fresh oranges being delivered a factory where the raw product is graded and washed. Graders remove bad fruit as it passes over the rollers. Then the oranges went through a sizer and into a juice extractor. At this step the oranges were compressed and the juice went into an evaporator. The waste can be used as an animal feed. Into the evaporator the juice is being heated up at high temperature for a short time. At the end of this process we get concentrate juice. This concentrate juice is being refrigerated and packed in tins. Now the product can be shipped to Dubai. In Dubai water will be added to concentrate. After this step we have orange juice and this can be packed into a bottle and can be sold.

Process description: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:58 Di 28.04.2020
Autor: chrisno

> ... Vielleicht gibt es da ja ein paar Korrekturen.

Das ist eine Untertreibung. Ich habe besondere Qualifikation, bemühe mich ein wenig auf die Schnelle.

>  The Diagram

diagram klein schreiben

> illustrates the process of producing orange juice.

Allerdings verwendest du hier, wie auch mehrfach im Weiteren kein Passiv.

> There are total of 13 steps.

There are 18 steps in total.

> The process commences with fresh oranges being delivered


> a factory where the raw product is graded and washed.
> Graders remove bad fruit as it passes over the rollers.
> Then the oranges went

wieso der Wechsel in die Vergangenheit? meinetwegen

> through a sizer

sizer oder slicer

> and into a juice extractor. At this step the oranges were

s.o. are

> compressed and the juice went

s.o. go, aber da gibt es sicher ein passenderes Wort.

> into an evaporator. The waste can be used as an animal feed.


> Into


> the evaporator
> the juice is being heated up at high temperature for a
> short time.

is breifly heated to a high temperature

> At the end of this process we get concentrate
> juice. This concentrate juice is being refrigerated and
> packed in tins.

bei packed bin ich mir nicht sicher
filled into tins

> Now the product can be shipped to Dubai. In
> Dubai water will be added to concentrate.

teh concentrate

> After this step
> we have orange juice and this can be packed into a bottle

filled into bottles

> and can be sold.

Process description: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:30 Di 28.04.2020
Autor: makke306

Ok vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe

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