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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Referat --> Anabolika
Referat --> Anabolika < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Referat --> Anabolika: Korrektur bitte
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:12 Mi 15.09.2010
Autor: playa111

Anabolika Steroids

1. What is actually anabolic steroids?
Something can grow.

2. What are anabolic steroids?
There are a group of hormones that are present natural in the body. One of the most    
important hormones is Testestoron (male sex hormone). You will be involved by another  
hormone, produced in the testicle. Testosterone determined the growth, development and
function of male sexual organs. Testosterone makes also a boy to man. In short, a
testosterone and related hormones with him a masculinizing effect, which also are called
androgens. Androgens influence bone growth,elongation growth, muscle, skin and  
metabolism (protein synthesis). Androgens has thus also an anabolic effects.

3. Anabolic steroids in medicine
Anabolic steroids is administered in anemia or after major surgery

4. Reasons for the consummation of anabolic steroids for athletes and sportsmen
so that they make themselves stronger, faster, more aggressive, competitive
Desire for recognition
Desire for more and more masculine attractiveness, so that their self-esteem rises.

5. Risk groups
Some studies are show that anabolic steroids consumed mainly between 16-30 years. Anabolic steroids at all sports and in occupations where strength and muscle would be beneficial. On most endangered group is young people, performance and weight training activity. A study from Switzerland has also been shown to take recruits with a high consumption of tobacco and alcohol, 4.5 times more likely to anabolic steroids, as recruits with low consumption.

6. The effect of anabolic steroids on exercise performance and on the muscles
You can really increase muscle mass and strength performance by Anabolic Steoride. This only works if you make a diet with rich calories and proteins and this combined with intense physical training. A study has also shown that anabolic steroids is both efficiency in power sports. For other sports, such as for example in endurance sports, the effect is not entirely clear. Although testosterone and similar hormones increase the number of blood cells take that over the transport of oxygen in the blood. But are the test results in terms of performance persistence not clear. But are the test results in terms of performance persistence not clear. There is finding also a that consumption fall under anabolic steroids, the plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone). This allows athletes to train under the influence of anabolic steroids resume faster because you are less tired after training.

7. Risks of use of anabolic steroids
It is say hard what kind of damage you can add the body, because it consumes the medicament, dosage, frequency of consumption and how the body reacts depends dadrauf. It also plays a major role, whether oral or consumed by the syringe. But one thing is certain, that can have the high and persistent consumption of serious health consequences. Risk people are young people who are still growing and people for the liver and heart disorders.

8. Diseases from anabolic consumption
severe liver and kidney failure
severe acne
loss of hair
Narrowing of the arteries (serum cholesterol)
Pychische disorders: vocal variation, aggression, depression, and in rare cases, psychosis
Pychische disorders: vocal variation, aggression, depression, and in rare cases, psychosis
Reduction of the male sex hormone (testosterone). Quality and quantity will be affected. The testicles shrink, because testosterone and sperm cells move together.
Gynecomastia (breast gland growth in man)
For women: menstrual irregularities and with prolonged use to develop masculine characteristics like a deep voice, an Adam's apple, and a redistribution of adipose tissue, increased hair on the legs and in rare cases, facial hair. Enlargement of the clitoris and female infertility.

9. Makes anabolic steroids addictive?
Are book now, it is unclear if one hooked through the consumption thereafter. But it turns out that some athletes, according to an unmotivated and depressed consumption.

10. If the anabolic consumption prohibited?
The consumption itself is not prohibited. In order to act is prohibited.

Fragen an die Klasse

How do you recognize the use of anabolic steroids?
Very rapid increase in weight and muscle mass
Behavior changes
increased self-confidence (sometimes the opposite) vocal variation, increased irritability and aggression
Acne on his back, shoulders, arms and / or face
Rounding of facial features (moon face)
Big appetite, particularly increased consumption of protein
Change in the tone of voice, watch them to all women
Jaundice: yellow Tein, due to liver disorders
increased sexual desire, usually only temporarily.

Unsere Aufgabe war, ein Referat über ein Thema zu machen was wir gerne Vorstellen möchten. Dabei sollten wir der Klasse Aufgaben und Fragen stellen. Mein Thema geht über Anabolika. Habe mein Inhalt gerade zu Ende geschrieben. Bin nicht so gut in Englisch. Bitte deshalb um Korrektur.

Referat --> Anabolika: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:56 Do 16.09.2010
Autor: wildRover

Hallo playa!
Na dann mach ich mal den Anfang!

> Anabolika (Anabolic) Steroids
> 1. What is (are) actually anabolic steroids?
>  (Make) Something can grow.
> 2. What are anabolic steroids?
>  There are a group of hormones that are present (can be found) natural(y) in
> the body. One of the most    
> important hormones is (t)estest(e)ron (male sex hormone). You
> will be involved by another  
> hormone, produced in the testicle (was willst du in dem Satz sagen?). Testosterone determined
> the growth, development and
> function of male sexual organs. Testosterone makes also a
> boy to (a) man. In short ("Summarized" passt besser), a
> testosterone and related hormones with him a (their) masculinizing
> effect, which (are) also are called
> androgens. Androgens influence bone growth,elongation
> growth, muscle, skin and  (Vielleicht besser: Androgens influence the groth of:...)
> metabolism (protein synthesis). Androgens ha(ve) thus (thus am Satzanfang) also ("thus" heißt schon also ;) an
> anabolic effects.
> 3. Anabolic steroids in medicine
> Anabolic steroids is (are) administered (injected) in (cases of) anemia or after major
> surgery
> 4. Reasons for the consummation (taking) of anabolic steroids for
> athletes and sportsmen (,)
>  so that they make themselves stronger, faster, more
> aggressive, competitive(,)
>  (d)esire for recognition(,)
>  (d)esire for more and more masculine attractiveness (besser: handsomeness), so that
> their self-esteem rises.
> 5. Risk groups
>  Some studies are show(ing,) that anabolic steroids (are)consumed
> mainly between from 16 to 30 years. Anabolic steroids (would be useful) at all sports
> and in occupations where strength and muscle(s are necessary). On (The) most endangered group is (are) young people,
> performance (was willst du sagen?)and weight training activity (geht auch bodybuilder?). A study from
> Switzerland has also been show(ed,) to take recruits (probands) with a
> high consumption of tobacco and alcohol, (do) 4.5 times more (often take)
> likely anabolic steroids, as recruits with low
> consumption. (oder willst du sagen abhängig? das wäre addicted)
> 6. The effect of anabolic steroids on exercise performance
> and on the muscles
>  You can really increase muscle mass and strength
> performance by Anabolic Steoride. This only works if you
> make a diet with rich (lots of) calories and proteins and this
> combined with intense physical training. A study has also
> shown that anabolic steroids is both efficiency in power
> sports(hä?). For other sports, such as for example in endurance
> sports, the effect is not entirely clear. Although
> testosterone and similar hormones increase the number of
> blood cells take that over (and adopt) the transport of oxygen in the
> blood. But are the test results in terms of performance
> persistence not clear. But are the test results in terms of
> performance persistence not clear. There is finding also a (?)
> that consumption fall(s) under anabolic steroids, the plasma
> levels of testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone). This
> allows athletes to train under the influence of anabolic
> steroids resume faster because you are less tired after
> training.
> 7. Risks of use of anabolic steroids
> It is say hard (You can hardly say) what kind of damage you can add (do to) the body,
> because it consumes (depends on) the medicament, dosage, frequency of
> consumption and how the body reacts depends dadrauf. It
> also plays a major role, whether oral(it's) consumed by the
> syringe (or oral). But one thing is certain, that can have the high
> and persistent consumption of serious health consequences.
> Risk people are young people who are still growing and
> people for the (with) liver and heart disorders.
> 8. Diseases from anabolic consumption
>  severe liver and kidney failure
>  Hypertension
>  severe acne
>  loss of hair
>  Narrowing of the arteries (serum cholesterol)
>  Pychische disorders: vocal variation, aggression,
> depression, and in rare cases, psychosis
>  Pychische disorders: vocal variation, aggression,
> depression, and in rare cases, psychosis
>  Reduction of the male sex hormone (testosterone). Quality
> and quantity will be affected. The testicles shrink,
> because testosterone and sperm cells move together.
>  Impotence
>  Gynecomastia (breast gland growth in man)
>  For women: menstrual irregularities and with prolonged use
> to develop masculine characteristics like a deep voice, an
> Adam's apple, and a redistribution of adipose tissue,
> increased hair on the legs and in rare cases, facial hair.
> Enlargement of the clitoris and female infertility.
> 9. Makes (are) anabolic steroids addictive?
> Are book now, it is unclear if one hooked through the
> consumption thereafter
(It's not said, that you got addicted by anabolic steroids by using it only once) . But it turns out that some
> athletes, according to an unmotivated and depressed
> consumption (got the affinity to get addicted).
> 10. I(s) the anabolic consumption prohibited?
>  The consumption itself is not prohibited(, but the) In order to act (besser:trade)
> is prohibited.
> Fragen an die Klasse
> How do you recognize the use of anabolic steroids?
>  Very rapid increase in weight and muscle mass
>  Behavior changes
>  increased self-confidence (sometimes the opposite) vocal
> variation, increased irritability and aggression
>  Acne on his back, shoulders, arms and / or face
>  Rounding of facial features (moon face)
>  Big appetite, particularly increased consumption of
> protein
>  Change in the tone of voice, watch them to all women
>  Jaundice: yellow Tein, due to liver disorders
>  increased sexual desire, usually only temporarily.
>  Unsere Aufgabe war, ein Referat über ein Thema zu machen
> was wir gerne Vorstellen möchten. Dabei sollten wir der
> Klasse Aufgaben und Fragen stellen. Mein Thema geht über
> Anabolika. Habe mein Inhalt gerade zu Ende geschrieben. Bin
> nicht so gut in Englisch. Bitte deshalb um Korrektur.  

Ohne Anspruch auf Vollstänigkeit.

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