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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Romeo and Juliet
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Romeo and Juliet: summary
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:02 Fr 10.12.2004
Autor: Eirene

Zur Zeit lesen wir in der Schule das Buch brave New world, da im
Buch oft Zitate aus Shakespeare 's Romeo und Juliet vorkommen
muss ich einen kurzen vortrag halten, dafür brauche ich summary
von Romeo and Juliet, ich hab es schon so weit wie möglich gekürzt
da das ganze aber auf ein handout muss, muss das ganze noch
kürzer werden und wenn möglich in einfacheren sätzen.
Ich bitte das ganze euch durchzulesen und ggf. zu korrigieren oder
wenn ihr was kürzeres habt zu ergänzen. Danke

Servants to the Capulets and servants to the Montague family start
a street fight. Escalus, the Prince of Verona who angrily learns of this fight, declares a death penalty for further feuding between the two families.         Meanwhile Capulet is keen for Paris to marry his daughter Juliet and
plans a party to be held later that night. Romeo and friends decide to turn upuninvited.                                                                                                    At the Capulet's party, Romeo who is disguised by a masque (mask),
falls in love with Juliet on sight. Then both Romeo and Juliet learn
that they are each enemies of the other's family. Ignoring the danger, Romeo scales the Capulet's wall to be near Juliet.                           Unnoticed in Juliet's orchard, Romeo learns of Juliet's love for him.
After declaring their feelings for each other, the two decide to marry.
Juliet will send Romeo a messenger in the morning to make plans
for their wedding. Romeo catches up with his friends Mercutio and Benvolio. Juliet's messenger, the Nurse, arrives and the wedding is set for later that
day. The Nurse brings Romeo "cords" or ropes which will allow Romeo
to climb into Juliet's bedchamber as her husband later that night.
Act II ends with Romeo and Juliet's marriage.           Benvolio and Mercutio (both Montagues) meet Tybalt (Capulet). Tybalt attempts to provoke Romeo into fighting. Mercutio fights Tybalt and is killed. Romeo then kills Tybalt. Escalus, the Prince of Verona banishes Romeo from Verona threatening death should he ever return. Juliet
learns of Romeo killing Tybalt and despite being torn between her
loyalty for her family and Romeo, mourns her husband Romeo's banishment. Romeo learns of the banishment order, realizing he will
not be able to see Juliet again. Friar Laurence suggests Romeo go to Juliet's bed chamber to comfort his wife. Capulet, who does not know
of Romeo and Juliet's marriage, decides that the marriage of Juliet to
Paris must now proceed, bidding his wife to make Juliet aware of Paris' love for her.  Juliet does not want to marry Paris. Friar
Laurence tells Juliet to take a potion simulating death, allowing
Romeo to take her away, unopposed to Mantua since everyone will
think she is dead at the Capulet's ancient vault or burial ground. Juliet, who has decided to drink Friar Laurence's potion,
no longer opposes the wedding, delighting Capulet. Juliet succeeds in sleeping alone which allows her to take the
potion in privacy and to fall asleep.                 Lady Capulet and the Nurse are busy making preparations for the wedding. In the morning Capulet hearing music announcing Paris'
arrival, tells the Nurse to wake Juliet. The Capulet's learn that their daughter Juliet is dead. The wedding preparations are changed to
those of a funeral.     In Mantua, Romeo learns of Juliet's death,
deciding to risk his own life by returning to Verona at once to
see Juliet one last time. Romeo also buys some poison from a local Apothecary.  Friar John explains to Friar Laurence that his letter
informing Romeo that Juliet is not dead, did not reach Romeo. Friar Laurence tries again to inform Romeo of his plan and heads off to the Capulet burial chamber where Juliet will soon awaken.                        Paris mourns his bride that never was. Romeo arrives, opening
Juliet's coffin to look at his love one last time. Paris fights Romeo
whom he believes is desecrating Juliet's grave. Paris dies, Romeo
placing him beside Juliet. Romeo takes his poison, kisses Juliet and
dies. Friar Laurence arrives too late. Juliet, now awakens, asking for
her Romeo. Juliet kisses Romeo and stabs herself, dying. The Prince, Capulets, and Montagues arrive, Balthasar and Friar Laurence
explaining all. Escalus scolds the two families who finally end their feud.

Romeo and Juliet: Summary
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:19 Sa 11.12.2004
Autor: Mirosine1

Hi Eirene!Hast recht, deine summary ist wirklich zu lang.Das was du geschrieben hast, ist mehr so eine Nacherzählung.Naja, mal schauen was ich da so machen kann....  :-)


Servants of the Capulets and also of the Montaque family start a street fight.Escalus, the Prince of Verona, who angrily learns of this fight, declares adeath penalty for further feuding between the two families.Paris wants to marry his daughter Juliet, so Romeo and his friends decide to appear uninvided at the party.
At the party Romeo is diguised by a mask and falls in love at once with Juliet.It is love at the first sight.
Then both learn that they are enemies of the others family.
But they ignore the danger and Romeo scales the Capulet`s wall , to be near Juliet.
After declaring their feelings for each other, the two decide to marry.
Juliet will send Romeo a message in the morning to make plans for their wedding.Romeo catches up with his friends Mercutio and Benvolio.
Juliets messenger, the nurse, arrives at the wedding and brings Romeo ropes, wich will allow him to climb up into Juliets bedchamber, as her husband later that night.
The two Friends of Romeo meet Tybalt.Tybalt attempts them to fight aginst him.Mercutio died and in the end Romeo kills Tybalt.
Escalus banishes Romeo from verona threatening death shold he ever return.Romeo realizes that he will never see Juliet again.
Friar Laurence tells Juliet to take a potion, to simulate the death.She drinks the potion and falls asleep.
The wedding preperations are changing into those of a funeral.
The friar John explains Romeo that she is not dead, just asleep.
But it did not reach him.He looks the last time at her death body in the coffin, drinks his poison and died.
Juliet awakes now and sees that her lover is dead.She kisses him and steps herself in dead.  
The Prince, Capulets and Montaques arrive.The two friars explained what happens.
Escalus scolts the two families who finally end their feud.

So... Das wars...    Viele Grüße           Mirosine1

Romeo and Juliet: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:24 Mo 13.12.2004
Autor: Eirene

Hallo ! Hier hab ich das ganze nochmal einbischen verändert, bitte guckt nacht ob die Zeiten stimmen ( alles present)  Satzbau usw.   Danke                                  

Story Overview:  Servants of the Capulets and also of the Montaque family start a street fight. Escalus, the Prince of Verona angrily learns of this fight and declares a death penalty for further feuding between the two families. Capulet wants to marry his daughter Juliet to Paris that is why he gives a party. Romeo and his friends decide to appear uninvided at this party.
At the party Romeo is diguised by a mask and falls in love at once with Juliet. Then both learn that they are enemies of the others family.
But they ignore the danger and Romeo climbes up the Capulet's wall, to be near Juliet.
After declaring their feelings for each other, the two decide to marry. Juliet sends Romeo a message in the morning to make plans for their wedding. Juliets messenger arrives at the wedding and brings Romeo ropes, which allows him to climb up into Juliets bed chamber, as her husband in the night.
Then Romeo and his two friends meet Tybalt. Tybalt attempts them to fight aginst him. Mercutio dies and in the end Romeo kills Tybalt.
Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona threatening death should he ever return. Romeo realizes that he will never see Juliet again.
Friar Laurence tells Juliet to take a potion, to simulate her death. She drinks the potion and falls asleep. The wedding preperations change into those of a funeral.                                        Romeo learns of Juliet's death, buys some poison and decides to risk his own life to see her one last time. Friar's letter informing Romeo that Juliet is not dead, does not reach Romeo. Meanwhile Romeo looks the last time at Juliet's death body in the coffin, drinks his poison and dies.
Juliet awakes and sees that her lover is dead. She kisses him and steps herself to death.  
The Prince, Capulets and Montaques arrive and the two friars explain what happened.
The Prince scolds the two families who finally end their feud.

“Brave New World” and Shakespeare:      
                                                                                                                          In Aldous Huxley's “Brave New World" allusions to William Shakespeare and his works point out the contrast between the "Brave New World" and the world in Shakespeare's time and even the current time period. To demonstrate the differences between the two worlds, Huxley alludes to Shakespeare's works which characters consider distracting and uncivilized. They cannot understand the events in Shakespeare's works. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Capulet and Lady Capulet plan Juliet's marriage to Paris even though Juliet loves Romeo. Since the characters in "Brave New World" live in a self-satisfying world where they are promiscuous and rely on drugs like soma, they cannot relate to Shakespeare.

The allusions to Shakespeare create a timeline of contrast to support the idea of the changing world.

Romeo and Juliet: Summary
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:26 Mo 13.12.2004
Autor: Mirosine1

Hallo Eirene!
Ich hab das noch mal nachgeschaut. Die Zeit ist soweit in ordnung.  :-)
In dem Text  Brave New World  Fehlten Vielleicht  einige Wörter aber sonst war es sehr gut.

Hier einige Verbesserungsvorschläge:

.....In Aldons Huxleys " Brave New World" his allusions to Williams Shakespeare and his works point out .........

....Capulet and also Lady Capulets plan......

......character are consider.....

Viele Grüße  !   ;-)                        Mirosine1


Ist der Text Brave New World die Own Opinion  oder eine Introduction ?

Romeo and Juliet: Zusatz
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:38 Sa 15.01.2005
Autor: delee

Hallo ihr beiden!

Ich habe BNW auch kürzlich gelesen, jedoch nicht Romeo und Julia.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass du in deiner Erklärung am Ende, wieso Huxley Shakespeare so oft zittiert, noch kurze Ansätze zu den Charakteren, die hier wichtig sind machen solltest.
John als Opfer seiner eigenen Bildung zum Beispiel oder auch kurz Mond erwähnen.

Gruß Lee

// Ich hoffe meine Antwort kommt nicht viel zu spät =)

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