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Sätze Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:27 Di 08.09.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

During I read the magazine I came across (by accident) (to) the competition at/on the last page. – Sorry für diesen grauenhaften Satz, aber ich krieg den nicht geeignet hin.
I’m persuade I’m the right/proper person for that job. You can expect from me, a person, who is willingness to learn. Further characteristic feature are loyalty, honesty and also willingness to act on behalf of the company.
I’m convincef I’m the right person for this job, so that the unoccupied job would be occupied excellent with me.

I’m glad if you would invite me for a job interview.

Gruss Dinker

Sätze Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:03 Di 08.09.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
einige Anmerkungen

> During I read the magazine I came across (by accident) (to)
> the competition at/on the last page. – Sorry für diesen
> grauenhaften Satz, aber ich krieg den nicht geeignet hin.

Abgesehen von deiner Einschätzung des Satzes würde ich als Adressat dieses Anschreibens das "zufällig darauf gestoßen" nicht unbedingt positiv empfinden.
Wenn Du überzeugt bist, der richtige Mann für diese Stelle zu sein, dann solltest Du zumindest den Eindruck vermitteln, daß Du zielgerichtet vorgehst.

> I’m persuade I’m the right/proper person for that job.

Wenn schon "persuade", dann "persuaded", nach meiner Erfahrung ist "convinced" eher üblich. Aber das ist kein Dogma...

> You can expect from me, a person, who is willingness to
> learn.

Sie können von mir erwarten eine Person die ist Bereitschaft zu lernen.
Entweder "hast" Du die "Bereitschaft" (willingness) oder Du "bist" willens zu lernen / lernwillig.

> Further characteristic features are loyalty, honesty
> and also willingness to act on behalf of the company.

> I’m convinced I’m the right person for this job, so
> that the unoccupied job would be occupied excellent with
> me.

Zweimal "occupied" hintereinander.
Dein Selbstbewußtsein scheint in Ordnung zu sein, wenn die Stelle "excellent" mit dir besetzt wäre.

> I’m glad if you would invite me for a job interview.

Ich bin glücklich wenn Sie mich zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch einladen würden.
Du wärest glücklich, wenn...
Dann hättest Du vor "glad" ein "would be", das zweite "would" fiele weg und "invited" käme zum Einsatz.
Du könntest aber auch auf das bewährte "ich freue mich auf" - "to look forward to" zurückgreifen.

Bitte nochmal in Ruhe das Ganze ordentlich aufschütteln und neu ordnen.

You can do better!

Schönen Gruß

Sätze Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:33 Sa 12.09.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

> During I read the magazine I came across (by accident) (to)
> the competition at/on the last page. – Sorry für diesen
> grauenhaften Satz, aber ich krieg den nicht geeignet hin.

While reading the magazine I came across the competition on the last page.

M.E. besser: I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in the magazine “...”.

oder: I would like to apply for the post of ... which you advertised in the current edition of ...

> I’m persuade I’m the right/proper person for that job.

(I am persuaded to be the right person for that job.)

> You can expect from me, a person, who is willingness to
> learn. Further characteristic feature are loyalty, honesty
> and also willingness to act on behalf of the company.
> I’m convincef I’m the right person for this job, so
> that the unoccupied job would be occupied excellent with
> me.

ein paar Vorschläge:

I am 18 years old and due to take my school leaving exams this (e.g. July).  Before going on to university to study ... , I would like to take a year out and gain some work experience as well as improve my knowledge of  .... I am therefore writing to ask whether you migt have a suitable vacancy in your estaqblishmet from .(e.g. September)... onwards.

I have (advanced) word processing skills, specifically wiht the Word´Perfect programme, but could esasily adapt to another programme if required.

Although I have no experience with inventory control or bookkeeping programmes as such, I was always very good in Maths and Computer Sciences and think that I could learn to use whatever software you use in a short time.

I have already had considerable experience in ...


> I’m glad if you would invite me for a job interview.

I think that an interview we could have the opportunity of discovering whether I am the sort of person who would best fit the job.

If my qualifications meet your requirements, I would be pleased to receive furhter details about the post  ...

I would be happy to come for an interview at any time that is convenient to you.

Viele Grüße

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