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Summary: Umfrage (beendet)
Status: (Umfrage) Beendete Umfrage Status 
Datum: 19:05 So 08.03.2009
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Zusammen [winken],

ich habe eine Summary geschrieben. Bitte korrigiert sie, die ist für meine Lernzettel fürs Abi :-)

Den Artikel findet ihr []hier.
The newspaper article 'Harvard funds human cloning' from the english quality paper 'The Times' which was published on September 2, 2007 refers to the Harvard university which planns researching on ebryonic stem cell technology.

The Harvard-Researchers will seek to clone embryos by using cells from patients who have diseases like diabetes, motor neuron disease and blood disorders.
Colonies of embryonic stem cells which are disease-specific will be created.
With its help new treatments shall be develop.

The cloned embryos will be used to create embryonic stem cells which will grow into specialised adult cells and will mimic the diseases.

The aims are developing cures for diseases and taking nuclei from adult cells which belong to ill people and to transplant them into eggs which DNA has removed.
However the main aim is to develop cloned embryonic stem cells to transplatant as spare-partissue. The transplatant will genetically match to patients.

The Universiyt, which has an endowment of $27 billion, took more than two years to check the ethical and scientific credentials of the project. After the check they decided to support the project.

After the decision many critisicm has been voiced. For example the 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush, has campaigned in the UN for a global ban on all forms of human cloning.

Since 2001 federal funding is forbidden and attempts to outlaw the use of cloning for medical research have narrowly failed to pass in Congress.

Larry Summers, the the president of Harvard, reacted to the criticism. He said that the researchers and he himself respect the belief of the opponents but he has the oppinion that the suffering of the people justify the research.

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich alles richtig verstanden und wiedergegeben habe.

Da das ein langer Text ist, mache ich aus der Frage eine Umfrage, damit einer nicht alles alleine korrigieren braucht.

Liebe Grüße

Sarah :-)

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