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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary
Summary < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Summary: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:20 Mi 20.10.2010
Autor: Phoenix22

The article “Pardon My French” by Michael Kimmelman deals with the problem of some French people who think that the French culture is suffering because it is more spoken by people outside of France. They worry not only about the influences of immigrants, but also about the elite in France, which is more and more using the English language and because of this they are concerned that French gets lost. However, the author says that French isn’t declining, quite the contrary, that it is thriving, especially in Africa, because they use French as a common language so they can communicate since they have so many different dialects and in addition to this prosperity also the literature outside of France is an aspect to the flourishing of French. Nevertheless they keep their own culture and politic point of view, because French doesn’t essentially mean that they have the same opinion as the people in France. In reference to the Africans or to other people outside of France, who immigrated, the author says that there are problems with the assimilation although they always talk about good intergration.


das soll ein summary sein. Kann vielleicht jemand mir ein wenig helfen, indem er es korrigiert und mir Verbesserungsvorschläge macht? :)

Summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:44 Mi 20.10.2010
Autor: leduart

Dein Stil ist flüssig und gut. Ich würde kürzere Sätze bevorzugen.

1.statt:  politic point of view besser political point of view ich den noch besser  point of view in politics
2.inhaltlich passen der 1.te und 2 te Satz nicht:
im ersten : people outside of France, im 2 ten nur von leuten in france die Rede.
3. in addition to this prosperity  welchen Wohlstand meinst du da ?
prosperity of language? oder doch eher wide spread of the language?
Gruss leduart

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