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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Text über "Energy production"
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Text über "Energy production": Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:21 Mi 02.05.2007
Autor: CptH

Hallo, ich schreibe gerade einen einseitige Text über einen Vortrag den ich in kürze halten möchte. Könnte vieleicht mal jemand drüberschauen und nach Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehlern suchen. Vielen Dank schon mal.

Part one: Nuclear power

Should all Nuclear power plants shut down, becaus the dangerousness of a worst-case scenario.
This topic is a base for heated discussions in Germany and other countries. As a result of this discussions, I decided to take this topic and try to reduce stereotypes.

Nuclear power plants have many advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, nuclear power plants produce a lot of energy. For example, all nuclear power plants, in Germany, produce 1779*10^15 Joule (eg That are 30% of the German primary energy demand.) every year. Nuclear power plants produce no greenhouse gases and are generally verry clean for the environment. A coal-fired power plant actually releases more radioactivity into the atmosphere than a normal functioning nuclear power plant.

On the other hand, are the disadvantages. Mining uranium is verry harmful for the environment. Improperly functioning nuclear power plants can cause big problems. The Chernobyl disaster is a good example. Chernobyl was bad designed and improperly operated, so it came to a worst-case scenario. Chernobyl scattered tons of radioactive dust into the atmosphere. The radioactive waste of nuclear power plants is toxic for thousands of years and theare is no place to store this waste for this long time.

The second part of part one, is a short explanation about the technic of nuclear power plants. I will explain how nuclear fission works and how the fission is used in nuclear power plants.

Part two: Solar power

In the second part of my presentation, I will explain how solar cells work and how they used.

Following, I will talk about the ad- and disadvantages of solar power plants. One big advantage is, that sunlight is free, but the disadvantages is, that the electricity generated by solar cells systems is not free. A Watt cost around 7-10€, from this it follows that solar power is verry expanive. A further plus point for solar cells is, that solar power do not cause any greenhouse gases. Solar power is verry advantageous for the environment.

At the end, I will give a short overlook about the Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC). TREC is a project to build great solar parks in the Sahara desert. With it, TREC will increase the development of the north African states and make sure, that the EU gets the needed energy, in the future.

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:[]=nickname:CptH&set_options[]

Text über "Energy production": Antwort (fehlerhaft)
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 12:14 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: DommeV

> Hallo, ich schreibe gerade einen einseitige Text über einen
> Vortrag den ich in kürze halten möchte. Könnte vieleicht
> mal jemand drüberschauen und nach Rechtschreib- und
> Grammatikfehlern suchen. Vielen Dank schon mal.
> Part one: Nuclear power
> Should all Nuclear power plants shut down, because the
> dangerousness of a worst-case scenario.
>  This topic is a base for heated discussions in Germany and
> other countries. As a result of this discussions, I decided
> to take this topic and try to reduce stereotypes.
> Nuclear power plants have many advantages and
> disadvantages.
> On the one hand, nuclear power plants produce a lot of
> energy. For example, all nuclear power plants, in Germany,
> produce 1779*10^15 Joule (eg That are 30% of the German
> primary energy demand.) every year. Nuclear power plants
> produce no greenhouse gases and are generally very clean
> for the environment. A coal-fired power plant actually
> releases more radioactivity into the atmosphere than a
> normal functioning nuclear power plant.
> On the other hand, are the disadvantages. Mining uranium is
> very harmful for the environment. Improperly functioning
> nuclear power plants can cause big problems. The Chernobyl
> disaster is a good example. Chernobyl was bad designed and
> improperly operated, so it came to a worst-case scenario.
> Chernobyl scattered tons of radioactive dust into the
> atmosphere. The radioactive waste of nuclear power plants
> is toxic for thousands of years and theare is no place to
> store this waste for this long time.
> The second part of part one, is a short explanation about
> the technic of nuclear power plants. I will explain how
> nuclear fission works and how the fission is used in
> nuclear power plants.
> Part two: Solar power
> In the second part of my presentation, I will explain how
> solar cells work and how they used.
> In the following, I will talk about the ad- and disadvantages of
> solar power plants. One big advantage is, that sunlight is
> free, but the disadvantages is, that the electricity
> generated by solar cells systems is not free. A Watt cost
> around 7-10€, from this it follows that solar power is
> very expensive. A further plus point for solar cells is,
> that solar power do not cause any greenhouse gases. Solar
> power is very advantageous for the environment.
> At the end, I will give a short overlook about the
> Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC).
> TREC is a project to build great solar parks in the Sahara
> desert. With it, TREC will increase the development of the
> north African states and make sure, that the EU gets the
> needed energy, in the future.
> Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen
> Internetseiten
> gestellt:[]=nickname:CptH&set_options[]

Ich hab ein paar Fehler korrigiert. Du schreibst very immer mit 2 r, das schreibt man nur mit einem... Insgesamt gefällt mir der Text aber :-)
Vielleicht guckt ja noch ein anderer drüber.

Text über "Energy production": Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:35 Do 03.05.2007
Autor: CptH

Hi, vielen Dank das du mir geholfen hast. Das mit dem very mach ich immer falsch, nach meinem Verständnis müsste man very mit zwei r schreiben, naja, leider mache ich die Regeln nicht.

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