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Datum: 16:38 Sa 12.08.2006
Autor: sosmybrain

The First American Settlers

In September 1620 the „Mayflower sailed from Plymouth (England) to the New World. On board were 102 people. These “Mayflower Pilgrims” could not stay in England because they were not allowed to worship God in the way they liked. They had left farms, friends, jobs in England to make the long journey into the unknown taking their children and very few possessions with them.
After 65 days on the Atlantic suffering from hunger and disease, they landed on the coast of the “New World”, in Massachusetts, and founded a settlement called Plymouth.
It was winter and many died from hunger and cold. Native Americans (then called Indians) taught them how to hunt and plant corn. In September the Pilgrims harvested their first crop.
They celebrated Thanksgiving together with the Indians.
Today Thanksgiving commemorates the courage and faith of the Pilgrims. It reminds Americans that their nation began with the Pilgrim Spirit.
More and more people followed in search of freedom and a better life. By 1776 there were 13 English colonies in North America.
On July 4, 1776 these colonies declared their independence with the words “All people are created equal”. The “American Revolution” started.
The British Parliament put new taxes on the trade of the colonists but the new “Americans” refused to pay them. They protested and threw ship loads of tea into the harbour (the Boston Tea Party).
Soon war broke out. The American army fought under George Washington and won in 1781.
The pioneers moved farther west over the Mid-Western Prairies to the “Promised Land”. Many died or were killed but by and by more and more states were founded.
By 1860 the southern states were highly agricultural. On large cotton and tobacco plantations there worked more than 4 million slaves from Africa who could be sold like cows or horses.
When Abraham Lincoln became president, the southern states left the union as they feared Lincoln would abolish slavery.
Four years later the Civil War broke out. It lasted for four years before the North won.

The First American Settlers

The story deals with the Pilgrams. They sail with a ship to England. Many People would have a freedom there. All on board had left their few possessions.
The new world were a settlement in Plymouth.
In the second part the Pilgrims consists friendly with the Indians and celebrating a new courage. Many colonies followed. As conclusion a American Revolution were be created. But the British Parlament reacts to put new taxes of the colonists. Peoples became anger and the war were broken out. These died and the pioneers founding more states. On the southern states, they develops a good agriculture with working slaves on the field. The Result, when came a new President the side left the union and the second war were before the North won.

Könntet Ihr bitte den Text kurz nach Fehlern /Verständnis /Grammatik /Satzbau/ etc. untersuchen, danke im vorraus

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Gruss und schönes Wochenende


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Datum: 21:24 Sa 12.08.2006
Autor: Marion_

Hi Peter,

ich korrigiere erstmal deinen Text und sage dann noch was zu dem Inhalt.

Im Allgemeinen Zusammenfassungen bitte im Präsens schreiben, also simple present und, wenn nötig present perfekt!

Ich habe beschlossen, den Text zweimal zu korrigieren. Einmal lasse ich die Zeiten mehr oder weniger so wie sie sind, beim zweiten Mal schreibe ich es  in Präsens um.

The First American Settlers

The story deals with the  Pilgrims. They sail with a ship to England. Many People  would be free there. All on board have left their few possessions  behind.
The new world  was a settlement in Plymouth.
In the second part the Pilgrims  lived happily together with the Indians and  celebrated a new courage. Many colonies followed. As  a conclusion, an American Revolution  was created. But the British Parlament  decided to put new taxes  on the colonists. Finally, people  became angry and the war  began. These   ones died and the pioneers  founded more states. In the southern states, they developed a good agriculture with slaves  working on the fields.
The Result was that, when a new President came, the side left the union and the second war was won by the North

The First American Settlers
The story deals with the Pilgrims. They sail with a ship to England. They hope to be free there. Everyone on board has left his few possessions behind.
The new world is a settlement in Plymouth.
In the second part the Pilgrims live happily together with the Indians and celebrate a new courage. Many colonies follow. Thus, an American revolution begins. But the British Parlament  puts new taxes on the colonists. Since people become angry, the war begins. These people/ones die and the pioneers found more states. In the southern states, they develop a good agriculture with  slaves working on the fields. The Result is that, when the new President comes,  the side leaves the union and the second war is won by the  North.

Ok, jetzt noch was zum Inhalt:
Sie sind wegen der Religion geflüchtet.
Die Amerikanische Revolution hat nicht wegen den Kolonien an sich begonnen, sondern weil die Kolonien ihre Unabhängigkeit erklärt haben.

Die Neue Welt war Amerika und Plymouth war halt die Siedlung, die sie in der Neuen Welt gegründet haben.

Ansonsten würde ich noch erwähnen, dass Lincoln die Sklaverei abgeschafft hat und dass der Krieg, bei dem der Norden gewonnen hat ein Bürgerkrieg war.  

Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen.

P.S.: Kleiner Tipp: Nochmal Bildung vom Passiv anschauen!

Write a Summary (short): Thank you very much
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:16 Sa 12.08.2006
Autor: sosmybrain

Danke für deine Korrektur, du bist echt die beste. :-)
Also die Inhaltsangabe immer in Simple present oder Present Perfekt schreiben. ( he/she/it  -s     has +ed   I/you/they have +ed)

Das mit dem Bürgerkrieg und die Abschaffung der Sklaverei hatte ich auch überlegt mit rein zuverfassen, aber dann wird der Text wieder so lang :-( !

Zu dem Inhalt:

Also aus den Kolonien ist eine Siedlung enstanden (Plymouth) in der neuen Welt Amerika ?:-)))

Ich werde auch erstmal ein paar Sätze in das Passiv setzen. Danke für den Tip. Übung macht den Schlauen =:-)

Happy Weekend

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Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:52 Sa 12.08.2006
Autor: Marion_

Hi Peter,

aus den Kolonien ist keine Siedlung entstanden. Die ersten Leute, die nach Amerika gekommen sind, haben halt ihre Siedlung gegründet und sie Plymouth genannt, weil sie auch aus einer englischen Stadt waren, die genauso hieß.

Übrigens wäre es nicht länger gewesen, den Bürgerkrieg zu erwähnen. Aus "second war" hätte man einfach "civil war" machen können :-).

Gute Nacht

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