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Forum "Technik" - XYZ-Werte in LRA
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XYZ-Werte in LRA: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Mo 18.02.2013
Autor: Biegefutzi

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

wie kann ich beim Rohrbiegen die XYZ-Koordinaten in Länge, Drehwinkel und Biegewinkel berechnen?
Die XYZ-Koordinaten, sowie den Biegeradius habe ich.

Beispiel: (Alle Radien 30)
0|  0  |0
100|0  |0

L     |R   |A
87,574|0   |45°

Ich habe ein Plugin für Mathlab gefunden, habe das Program aber nicht:
Formel von Mathlab:

function [Y,B,C] = xyz2ybc(Xc,Yc,Zc,R)

if( (length(Xc) ~= length(Yc)) | (length(Xc) ~= length(Zc)) )
    error('X,Y,Z are not the same size');

if(nargin == 3)
    % set the bend radius to zero for all bends.
    R = zeros(1,length(Xc)-2);
elseif(length(R) == 1)
    % set the bend radius to R for all bends.
    R = ones(1,length(Xc)-2).*R;
elseif(length(R) ~= length(Xc)-2)
    error('R size doesnt match the number of bends');

% number of bends is less than the number of XYZ points by 2.
for i = 1:length(Xc)-2

    % calculate the 2 vectors BA and BC, representing an angle ABC.
    V1 = [Xc(i)-Xc(i+1) ; Yc(i)-Yc(i+1) ; Zc(i)-Zc(i+1)];
    V2 = [Xc(i+2)-Xc(i+1) ; Yc(i+2)-Yc(i+1) ; Zc(i+2)-Zc(i+1)];

    % calculate the length of vectors BA and BC.
    V1l = Vlength(V1);
    V2l = Vlength(V2);

    % calculate the angle between the 2 vectors BA and BC.
    C(i) = pi - acos(dot(V1,V2) / (V1l*V2l));

    % calculate the vector perpendicular to the plan ABC.
    planeV(i,:) = cross(V1,V2)';

        % calculate the length of the straight by subtracting the tangent of
        % the bend angle.
        Y(i) = Y(i) - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
        Y(i+1) = V2l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);

        % calculate the length of vectors perpendicular to the plan ABC and
        % the plan of the bend before it.
        PV1l = Vlength(planeV(i-1,:));
        PV2l = Vlength(planeV(i,:));

        % calculate the rotation direction.  negative if counter clockwise.
        s=sign(V1 .* cross(planeV(i-1,:),planeV(i,:))');

        % calculate the rotation angle and multiply by the rotation direction.
        B(i) = acos(dot(planeV(i-1,:),planeV(i,:))/(PV1l*PV2l))*s(1);
        % calculate the length of the straight by subtracting the tangent of
        % the bend angle.
        Y(i) = V1l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
        Y(i+1) = V2l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);

        % rotation of the first bend is always zero.
        B(i) = 0;

% calculate the length of a 3D vector.
function l=Vlength(V)
l = [mm] sqrt(V(1)^2 [/mm] + [mm] V(2)^2 [/mm] + [mm] V(3)^2); [/mm]

Erst einmal Danke fürs durchlesen!

XYZ-Werte in LRA: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Do 21.03.2013
Autor: matux

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