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Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:43 Mi 20.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

The tendency to curse from reality is also noticeable in our society. To be confronted with the reality means in some cases to be faced with unpleasant situation. It’s comfortable to avoid this situation in curses in Television, computer etc. But when you act in this way, the problem is further maintained and existed, because you haven’t solved it. But after you deal with the problem (auseinandersetzen) successful you will fell yourself better. But if you act in a passive way in accumulate the problem, eventually the problem will get so big  that you aren’t able to cope with it.

a large part oft he society was longing for a strong and charismatic leader. Eventually Hitler could persuade the citizen from his intentions and the folk standed excited behind him and don’t question his orders. For him war was a natural condition and legal instrument to achieve his aims. The individual was for him worthless and serve only als Mittel zum Zweck. The consequences were, 55 millions death the most horrible racial persecution and a industrial organize Jews extinction.


Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:00 Mi 20.05.2009
Autor: leduart

> The tendency

to curse=fluchen

> from reality is also noticeable in
> our society. To be confronted with the reality means in
> some cases to be faced with unpleasant


> It’s comfortable to avoid this situation

in curses

> in Television, computer etc. But when you act in this way, the
> problem is further maintained and


> because you
> haven’t solved it. But after you deal with the problem
> (auseinandersetzen)

successful =Adjektiv, man braucht aber?
you will fell yourself   I fell= ich fiel

> better. But if you act in a passive way in

accumulate Verb, kein Noun


> problem, eventually the problem will get so big  that you
> aren’t able to cope with it.
> a large part oft he society was longing for a strong and
> charismatic leader. Eventually Hitler could persuade the
> citizen

from falsches pr.
>his intentions and the folk

standed  falsche Verform

> excited behind him and

don’t falsche Zeit

>question his orders. For him war was a
natural condition=natuerlicher Zustand?

> and legal instrument to achieve his aims.
> The individual

was for him worthless and serve falsche Wortstellung, falsche Verbkonj.

> only als
> Mittel zum Zweck.= means to an end

sowas sagt einem auch leo!
>The consequences were, 55 millions death

> the most horrible racial persecution and a industrial

organize kein Adjektiv
Jews extinction keine moegliche Wortwahl fuer Vernichtung von Juden

Ich hab deine Fehler herausgehoben, verbessern musst du selbst, ich denk ne Menge ist Leichtsinn.
dass in jedem deiner engl. posts die Fehler mit den Formen I,you, und he, it, she auftreten ist schlimm. danach solltest du selbst suchen
I write, he writes.  they write oft fehlt bei dir das s
2. Adjektive und Adverbien unterscheiden.
3. benutzte Worte nachschlagen
Gruss leduart

Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:03 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: Dinker


by escaping in Television, geht das?

Gruss Dinker

Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:34 Do 21.05.2009
Autor: leduart

"ins Fernsehen entkommen" meinst du doch wohl nicht so a la supermodel?
Vielleich meinst du so was wie to immerse oneself in television shows. or in the unreal world of...
Gruss leduart

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