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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - activity II
activity II < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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activity II: ausbessern
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:35 Sa 05.12.2009
Autor: little.bubble

Ich bins schon wieder! Wenn ihr etwas Zeit habt, so wäre es wirklich nett, wenn ihr das durchlesen und ausbessern könntet. Mein English ist leider sehr fehlerhaft!

Activity “Santa Decoration”

o) linguistic skills: understanding a row of introductions and transposing them into a doing
o) cognitive, motorically and social skills: training finemotorically skills by cutting out, drawing and sticking; getting (?) to know some Christmas traditions in Great Britain and America

oA large piece of red construction paper
oSmall scraps of black, yellow, and pink paper
oA pencil
oRed crayon or marker
oCotton wool

Talk about some traditions in America and Great Britain at Christmas.
o) Carol singers: Children go from house to house and sing Christmas songs. They often collect money for charity.
o) Christmas Crackers: These crackers looks like big bon-bons and they consist of a cardboard tube wrapped in a brightly decorated twist of paper. They are filled with sweets and little sayings. The cracker is pulled by two people and the cracker splits unevenly. The split is accompanied by a small bang.
o) Christmas dinner: On the enormous Christmas dinner there are traditional roast turkey and many other delicious things, such as the Christmas pudding (brit. plum pudding with brandy sauce).
o) Santa Claus (or Father Christmas): In the night from the 24th to the 25th December Santa Clause comes with his sleigh flown by his reindeers. Over the chimney he comes into the house and brings little presents to well-behaved children. He puts them into the children’s Christmas stockings.

Hand out the materials. Each student gets a red sheet of paper on which a half circle is prepared.
Explain and show how to make the Santa Puppet
1. Cut out the half circle from this red paper.
2. Twirl the half circle and fix it with glue.
3. Wait a minute.
4. Border this stencil on the pink paper.
5. Cut this small circle out. This circle is for Santa's face.  
6. Glue it on the red piece of paper.
7. Glue some cotton wool around Santa’s face.
8. Glue a cotton ball on the top of the red paper.
9. Draw eyes and a mouth on Santa’s face.
10. Look what you have got!
These Santas can be used as a classroom decoration. Another possibility is that the children give the Santa puppet as a present.

activity II: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:20 So 20.12.2009
Autor: matux

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