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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - board game
board game < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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board game: hilfe-bittte
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:52 Do 15.04.2010
Autor: little.bubble

Hallo! ich bins wieder!
Es wäre wieder sssehr nett, wenn jemand darauf einen korrigierenden blick werfen könnte ;) DANKE im voraus

“Monkey board game”

The monkey board game is ideal for activities that you do not want to take too long. It is quite a flexible game whose rules can be changed to extend the game or add more vocabulary words.

The children repeat the words with a partner in a playful way.
¨linguistic skills: understanding and using some phrases while playing the board game; encouraging creative and spontaneous use of language; promoting communicative competence; knowing the correct words to the pictures => repeating the words;
¨cognitive, motor and social skills: following the rules of the game; playing fair with a partner; remembering the words to the pictures; counting the spots on the dice

There are many advantages of using games in the classroom. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.  They are motivating and challenging. Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help children to make and sustain the effort of learning. They encourage children to interact and communicate and they create a meaningful context for language use.

Cross curricular activities:
General science: the community; following rules

The pupils stand in a circle. Introduce phrases such as: “It’s my turn.” while you point at yourself. Then the children should imitate.
Then say: “It’s your turn.” while you point at the others. Other phrases:
¨ “What’s on this picture?” - point at the picture (monkey)
¨ “Throw the dice.” - take the big dice; play the dice
¨ “Throw the dice again.” - take the big dice; play the dice again
¨ “Cut one card.!” – take one card of the pile of cards
¨ “Move one square forward!” – take a step forward
¨ “Move three squares forward!” – take two steps forward
¨ “Move/Go back to the start!” – take a few steps backwards
¨ “I am the winner! Hurray!” – stretch the arms high up into the air

In this game, you need dice and counters. Players play the dice and advance according to the number that shows up. If they land on the monkey, they have to cut one card of the pile of cards. On these cards there is a picture or a word of the animal and the children should be able to name or read it. There are also cards with moving activities. If they land on the butterfly, they are allowed to play the dice again. If they land on the elephant, they have to move back to the start. The children should use words and phrases in the game to make sentences, ask questions.

The children pair up. Each pair gets a board game, cards, two counters and one dice.
Explain the rules for the game:
¨Do rocks, paper, and scissors, to see who begins to play the dice.  
¨He/She then moves his/her counter forward by the number of the spots on the dice. (For example, if there are 4 spots on the dice you can move 4 squares forward.)
¨If you land on the monkey, you have to cut one card of the pile of cards.
oIf there is a picture on the card > say the correct English word. (Another possibility is to describe the picture to his partner and he or she has to find out what animal it is.)
oIf there is a word on the card > read it.
oTry to solve the other riddles.
¨If you land on the butterfly, you can play the dice again.
¨If you land on the elephant, you have to move back to the start.
¨The first pupil to enter the “Finish” square wins the game.
(If you encounter difficulties of understandings, explain the rules in German too.)
The children should play the board game independently. If they need help, they should raise their hands. During the game the pupils should speak English. Motivate the children to speak English.

board game: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:59 Do 15.04.2010
Autor: metalschulze

> Hallo! ich bins wieder!

Hallo, diesmal bin ich's

>  Es wäre wieder sssehr nett, wenn jemand darauf einen
> korrigierenden blick werfen könnte ;) DANKE im voraus
> “Monkey board game”
> Skills:
>  The monkey board game is ideal for activities that you do
> not want to take too long. It is quite a flexible game
> whose rules can be changed to extend the game or add more
> vocabulary words.
> The children repeat the words with a partner in a playful
> way.
> ¨linguistic skills: understanding and using some phrases
> while playing the board game; encouraging creative and
> spontaneous use of language; promoting communicative
> competence; knowing the correct words to the pictures =>
> repeating the words;
> ¨cognitive, motor and social skills: following the rules
> of the game; playing fair with a partner; remembering the
> words to the pictures; counting the spots on the dice
> There are many advantages of using games in the classroom.
> Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the
> language class.  They are motivating and challenging.
> Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games
> help children to make and sustain the effort of learning.
> They encourage children to interact and communicate and
> they create a meaningful context for language use.
> Cross curricular activities:
>  General science: the community; following rules
> Introduction:
>  The pupils stand in a circle. Introduce phrases such as:
> “It’s my turn.” while you point at yourself. Then the
> children should imitate.
> Then say: “It’s your turn.” while you point at the
> others. Other phrases:
>  ¨ “What’s on this picture?” - point at the picture
> (monkey)
>  ¨ “Throw the dice.” - take the big dice; play the
> dice
>  ¨ “Throw the dice again.” - take the big dice; play
> the dice again
>  ¨ “Cut one card.!” – take one card of the pile of
> cards
>  ¨ “Move one square forward!” – take a step forward
>  ¨ “Move three squares forward!” – take two steps
> forward

wie jetzt three or two? ;-)

>  ¨ “Move/Go back to the start!” – take a few steps
> backwards
>  ¨ “I am the winner! Hurray!” – stretch the arms
> high up into the air
> In this game, you need dice and counters. Players play the
> dice and advance according to the number that shows up. If
> they land on the monkey, they have to cut one card of the
> pile of cards. On these cards there is a picture or a word
> of the animal and the children should be able to name or
> read it. There are also cards with moving activities. If
> they land on the butterfly, they are allowed to play the
> dice again. If they land on the elephant, they have to move
> back to the start. The children should use words and
> phrases in the game to make sentences, ask questions.
> The children pair up. Each pair gets a board game, cards,
> two counters and one dice.

dice ist plural, singular [mm] \rightarrow [/mm] die

> Explain the rules for the game:
>  ¨Do rocks, paper, and scissors, to see who begins to play
> the dice.  
> ¨He/She then moves his/her counter forward by the number
> of the spots on the dice. (For example, if there are 4
> spots on the dice you can move 4 squares forward.)
>  ¨If you land on the monkey, you have to cut one card of
> the pile of cards.
>  oIf there is a picture on the card > say the correct

> English word. (Another possibility is to describe the
> picture to his partner and he or she has to find out what
> animal it is.)
>  oIf there is a word on the card > read it.

>  oTry to solve the other riddles.
>  ¨If you land on the butterfly, you can play the dice
> again.
>  ¨If you land on the elephant, you have to move back to
> the start.
>  ¨The first pupil to enter the “Finish” square wins
> the game.
>  (If you encounter difficulties of understandings, explain
> the rules in German too.)
>  The children should play the board game independently. If
> they need help, they should raise their hands. During the
> game the pupils should speak English. Motivate the children
> to speak English.

Das sieht sehr sehr gut aus, [daumenhoch]
Gruss Christian

board game: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:04 Fr 16.04.2010
Autor: little.bubble

i bin ein wenig verwirrt wegen dice - die .....mir wurde erklärt, dass die pluralform von dice - die wäre und nicht umgekehrt..??!

board game: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:27 Fr 16.04.2010
Autor: pythagora

>  i bin ein wenig verwirrt wegen dice - die .....mir wurde
> erklärt, dass die pluralform von dice - die wäre und
> nicht umgekehrt..??!

ist aber leider umgekehrt^^ ich habe jedoch für sg. auch schon mal dice gesehen und das so auch kennengelernt..aler pl. ist auf jeden fall dice (steht auch so im dico und hier:
die (oder dice)--> sg
dice--> pl


board game: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:41 Fr 16.04.2010
Autor: Josef


die = dice noun
(plural dice)

1 (also die especially in AmE) [C] a small CUBE of wood, plastic, etc., with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games of chance:
a pair of dice * to roll / throw / shake the dice * (figurative) It was a last desperate throw of the dice to save his marriage.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Viele Grüße

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