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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - film review
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film review: so gut?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:32 Sa 20.06.2009
Autor: lalalove

hallo :D

Ich hab hier eine Fimreview zum Film "a cinderella story" geschreiben.

Hoffe ihr geht sie mal durch und korrigiert falls Fehler auftreten.
Verbesserungsvorschläge (Satzbau usw) wären auch ganz gut,
Daanke =)

A Cinderella Story is a teen romantic comedy film starring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray written by Leigh Dunlap.

At 8 years old, the blonde Samantha Montgomery lost her father to an earthquake, leaving her to live in an attic, while her stepmother Fiona, and stepsisters, Gabriella and Brianna take over her life. With popular kids Austin Ames, Shleby Cummings, and their crew, then her house family, the only escapes she has are the Diner or restaurant Staff, her best friend Carter, and an online buddy-Nomad. They both go to North Valley High and dream of going to Princeton. They have a relationship that goes on through text messages and emails. He finally asks her to the Halloween dance, where they meet, and she finds out Austin is Nomad. Not knowing who his 'Cinderella' is, he goes on one of the toughest quests ever, as Sam's friends convince her to tell him. He finds out at a more than humiliating pep rally that Cincerella is 'Diner Girl'. She finally tells off her steps, and she manages to tell off Austin. At the end, they supposedly end up dating, going to Princeton, and she finds her dad's will, stating it leaves everything to Sam. Happy Ever After? Who knows.

Very cute movie with a good telling.
I really enjoyed this movie. It was really cute, but sad, too. However, it’s a good movie! It’s also good for any age. I’d totally recommend this movie to anyone.

At one place, (ain einer Stelle)
Sam’s Dad tells her early in the film, “Fairy Tales don’t come true, but dreams do.” “A Cinderella Story” is about having the courage to believe in your dreams and being determined to make them come true, even if that includes standing up to your true love… and learning that your best look is being yourself!

film review: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:49 So 21.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> hallo :D
> Ich hab hier eine Fimreview zum Film "a cinderella story"
> geschreiben.
> Hoffe ihr geht sie mal durch und korrigiert falls Fehler
> auftreten.
>  Verbesserungsvorschläge (Satzbau usw) wären auch ganz
> gut,
>  Daanke =)


ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:

A Cinderella Story is a teen romantic comedy film starring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray written by Leigh Dunlap.

AtWhen she was 8 years old, the blonde Samantha Montgomery lost her father toat an earthquake, leaving her to live in an attic, while her stepmother Fiona, and stepsisters, Gabriella and Brianna taketook over her life. With popular kids Austin Ames, Shleby Cummings, and their crew, then her house familyUnverständlich, the only escapes she has are the Diner or restaurant Staff, her best friend Carter, and an online buddy-Nomad. They both go to North Valley High and dream of going to Princeton. They have a relationship,thatwhichgoes on through text messages and  emails. He finally asks her to the Halloween dance, where they meet, and she finds out Austin is Nomad. Not knowing who his 'Cinderella' is, he goes on one of the toughest quests ever, as Sam's friends convince her to tell him. He finds out at a more than veryich glaube die Redewendung "more than" ist im Englischen so unbekannt humiliating pep rally that Cincerella is 'Diner Girl'. She finally tells off her steps, and she manages to tell off Austin. At the end, they supposedly end up dating, going to Princeton, and she finds her dad's will, stating it Was willst du damit sagen? leaves everything to Sam. Happy Ever After? Und damit? Who knows.
Very cute movie with a good telling.  I really enjoyed this movie. It was really cute, but sad, too. However, it’s a good movie! It’s also good for any age. I’d totally recommend this movie to anyone.

At one place early in the film Sam’s Dad tells her early in the film “Fairy Tales don’t come true, but dreams do.” “A Cinderella Story” is about having the courage to believe in your dreams and being  determined to make them come true, even if that includes standing up to your true love… and learning that your best lookWas meinst du hier mit []Look? is being yourself!



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