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Forum "Grammatik" - grammatik
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grammatik: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:25 Mo 11.05.2009
Autor: buefler

Hallo zusammen,
Hab ein kleines Problem, welches sich English Grammer nennt. Wie ihr sehen könnt hab ich ein Kommentar verfasst bei dem es um Globalisierung geht. Diesen Text muss ich als Teilnote abgeben. Wäre nett, wenn jemand einen Blick drüber werfen könnte um die Fehler zu korriegieren.


It is important to begin b saying that globalisation is not something, but the term is. Through globalisation the world is changing faster. It is necessary to be well educated, because competetion is not anymore national, it has become international. On the one hand it is harder with globalisation, because competetion has become more. On the other hand everybody can profit from globalisation if he educates himself well. Because of this it is important to speak more than one language. English is one of the most important languages, because nearly everyone needs it in order to talk to other people in other coutries. Furthermore it is important to collect experience in foreign coutries. We as consumer profit also from globalisation because free trade and competetion keep prices low and inflation in check. Another important aspect is that not only first world coutries profit from globalisation but also third world countries. As a result absolute poverty has fallen dramatically in many poor countries.

But there are also arguments against globalisation. Especially older people become often unemployed because they are too old to get educated. Another point tp consider is that many children in poor countries of the world are working up to 16 hours a day. They work under bad conditions and do not get much enough money at the same time. Consequently, most of this children can not go to school and they will never get to know, how a normal child behaves. A further problem is that not every country of the world profit at the same level from globalisation.

In my opinion the richest countries of the world have not only a political but also a human resposibility for the people in poor countries. On the one hand the industrial nations are doing businnes with the developing countries and profit from them but on the other hand it seems like the richest states of the world do not care about the people in the poor countries. My view is that companies have a legal responsibilty for the welfare of their workers and that is why they should treat them like humans and not like mashines or animals. Furthermore the governments have to set through legislation minimum wages for the workers in their countrie.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Vielen Dank im voraus
Freundliche Grüße

grammatik: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:20 Mi 13.05.2009
Autor: matux

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