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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - grammatik brief
grammatik brief < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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grammatik brief: überprüfen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:59 Do 28.02.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

Camp Sunshine
Dear Ms Olivia James

I am writing to enquire about the job, because I am very interested on the job. My hobbies are swimming, reading and walking. My school qualification is the middle school qualification and I am speak the German language. I would like this job in our camp, because I will teaching children in the forest to live and that they are have fun. I like the trees and animals and I would show them the kids. And I liked the afternoon to singing at the fire and looking in the stars. I am the right person for this job because the work with the children makes me a lot of fun and to see new things at the forest. I look forward to hearing from you. Your Sincerely Luisa

Hallo ich bin es mal wieder Luisa und ich habe da mal eine bitte könnte jemand mal diesen brief durchlesen ich muss auf eine stellenanzeige antworten um in einem camp arbeiten zu dürfen und es muss ein Aufsatz über 150 Wörter sein und könntet ihr die grammatik überprüfen und ob ich in der richtigen zeit geschrieben habe, und mich nicht zu pft wiederholt habe wäre echt super nett von euch. Vielen Dank Luisa

grammatik brief: Korrektur
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:20 Do 28.02.2008
Autor: bobicar

Hallo Luisa, ich helfe dir gerne.

Camp Sunshine
Dear Ms Olivia James

I am writing to enquire about the job, because I am very interested on the job. My hobbies are swimming, reading and walking. My school qualification is the middle school qualification and I am speak the German language. I would like this job in our camp, because I will teaching children in the forest to live and that they are have fun. I like the trees and animals and I would show them the kids. And I liked the afternoon to singing at the fire and looking in the stars. I am the right person for this job because the work with the children makes me a lot of fun and to see new things at the forest. I look forward to hearing from you. Your Sincerely Luisa

Willst du sagen das du den job gerne hättest, weil es dir Spaß macht Kindern das Überleben im Wald beizubringen und was zu machen was ihnen Spaß macht?


I am writing to apply for thejob, because I am very interested in the job. My hobbies are swimming, reading and walking. My school qualification is the middle school qualification and I am speaking  German. I would like to have this job in our camp, because I like teaching children to live in the forest and do something fun with them. I like the trees and animals and I would like to show them to the kids.I liked to sing in the afternoon and to sit at the fire and looking on the stars. I am the right person for this job, because the work with the children is a lot of fun for me and i like to see new things in the forest. I'm looking forward to hear of you. Sincerely Luisa

Toller Text übrigens :) Wenn du Fragen zu den änderungen hast auf jedenfall fragen!! Öhm.. das blaue da hoffe ich das ich den Sinn nicht verändert hab und es so oki ist.

Gruß Marc

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