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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - korrekturlesen essay
korrekturlesen essay < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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korrekturlesen essay: Korrektur english aufsatz
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:22 Mi 29.10.2008
Autor: tschosen

Hallo, müssen einen Aufsatz in einer Englischprüfung schreiben. Thema Dubai's cultural divide.  

Wäre prima wenn mir jemand den korrektur lesen könnte (grammatik, Inhalt...) oder Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Since the oil-industry had made their impact on Dubai’s wealth, the population is also rapidly growing. At the beginning it was a small village livng from pearl divers and fishing. Nowadays it’s a diverse and multicultural country.

Begin with the tourism, the local laws frightened western cultures. They strictly control alcohol, and ban homosexuality and kissing in public. For example, a British pair facing a three month jail sentence for having drunken sex on the beach.
Another important point is the business, which shows the cultural divides. People must be aware that Dubai is a high context culture, which means it is very person orientated. (Whereas) Germany for example is a low context culture they are task orientated.
Moreover, 250000 working Immigrants from Nepal, china, India and Pakistan working under bad conditions on building sites.
Additionally, the psychological analysis shows that the emirates ha a lower tolerance, which means a higher anxiety. Hofstede will define it as high uncertainty avoidance.

The bottom line is that people from western countries must know the codes of etiquettes. They should know the socially correct behaviour, manners and politeness.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

korrekturlesen essay: Korrektur
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:24 Mi 29.10.2008
Autor: DER-Helmut

Since the oil-industry had made their impact on Dubai’s wealth, the population is also rapidly growing. At the beginning it was a small village living from pearl divers and fishing. Nowadays it’s a diverse and multicultural country.

Begin with the tourism, the local laws frightened western cultures. They strictly control alcohol, and ban homosexuality and kissing in public. A British pair f.ex. facing a three month jail sentence for having drunken sex on the beach.
Another important point is the business, which shows the cultural divides. People must be aware that Dubai is a high context culture, which means it is very person orientated. Germany for example is a low context culture - they are task orientated.
Moreover, 250000 working immigrants from Nepal, China, India and Pakistan working under bad conditions on building sites.
Additionally, the psychological analysis shows that the emirates have a lower tolerance, which means a higher anxiety. Hofstede will define it as high uncertainty avoidance.

The bottom line is that people from western countries must know the codes of etiquettes. They should know the socially correct behaviour, manners and politeness.

...Satzstellungen ab und zu verdrehbar - aber okay!

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