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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - need correction plz!
need correction plz! < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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need correction plz!: correction plz
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:43 Di 20.04.2010
Autor: bitte

kann mal jmd meinen Textauszug checken bitte >_>  

Tony Blair's Lord Mayor Banquet Speech does not start with a dry "It's great to be here"-statement. Instead, the former British Prime Minister first compares the past and present situation of the national interest. He considers the national interest in the past idealistic because it supposed to spread democracy worldwide. "The force of globalisation" has, however, seemed to transformed the idealistic view of the national interest into a realistic one.
The former Prime Minister then focuses on the depiction of globalisation, the global challenges and the possible solutions to global challenges. With the aid of an enumeration (l.7-8), the former Prime Minister stresses the fact that globalisation affects all fields of society. Additionally, he employs the pronoun "we" to not only emphasise the strong impact of globalisation on people, but also to establish a relationship with the audience.

need correction plz!: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:27 Di 20.04.2010
Autor: leduart

> kann mal jmd meinen Textauszug checken bitte >_>
> Tony Blair's Lord Mayor Banquet Speech does not start with
> a dry "It's great to be here"-statement. Instead, the
> former British Prime Minister first compares the past and
> present situation of the national interest. He considers
> the national interest in the past - as-  idealistic because it -was-
> supposed to spread democracy worldwide. "The force of
> globalisation" has, however, seemed to transforme( d) the
> idealistic view of the national interest into a realistic
> one.
>  The former Prime Minister then focuses on the depiction of
> globalisation, the global challenges and the possible
> solutions to global challenges. With the aid of an
> enumeration (l.7-8), the former Prime Minister stresses the
> fact that globalisation affects all fields of society.
> Additionally, he employs the pronoun "we" to not only
> emphasise the strong impact of globalisation on people, but
> also to establish a relationship with the audience.
>  [blaba..]

Fehler mit -  - markiert.
ob das zu der rede passt, weiss ich natürlich nicht.
Gruss leduart

need correction plz!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:27 Di 20.04.2010
Autor: bitte

Hey, danke Leduart! :)

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