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sätze umformen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:00 Sa 10.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen...

Please connect the two sentences according the example.
Exemple: The car is red.It's Mr Brown's new car
                          The car whitch is red is Mr Brown's new car.

a) Kevin watches a man.It is the bank manager.
- Kevin witch watches a man is the bank manager.

b) Carol likes cooking. She will prepare the dinner.
- Carollikes cooking witch she will prepare the dinner.

c) Michael knows the girl. Her mother works at the hospital.
- Michael knows witch the girls mother workes at the hospital.

d) Mr Davenport likes being busy. He has to take it easy money.
- Mr Davenport likes witch being busy he hast to take it easy money.

e) Mr Davenport likes eating cake. He has to lose some weight.
- Mr Davenport witch likes eating cake to lose some weight.

f) Colin invited the boy.Sally talked to the boy at the Party yesterday.
- Colin invited the boy witch Sally talked to the boy at the Party yesterday.

ist das korrekt??

lieben gruß suzan

sätze umformen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:03 Sa 10.09.2005
Autor: kruder77

Hallo suzan,

> Hallöchen zusammen...
> Please connect the two sentences according the example.
>  ExempleExampel: The car is red.It's Mr Brown's new car
>                            The car whitch which is red is Mr
> Brown's new car.
> a) Kevin watches a man.It is the bank manager.
>  - Kevin witch which watches a man is the bank manager.

Das würde übersetzt heißen: Kevin welcher einen Mann beobachtet ist der Bankkaufmann...  
Du willst aber sagen: Der Mann den Kevin beobachtet ist ein Bankkaufmann

> b) Carol likes cooking. She will prepare the dinner.
>  - Carollikes cooking witch which she will prepare the dinner.

Das heißt übersetzt: Carol mag kochen werden sie wird das Dinner vorbereiten...
Sagen willst Du: Carol wird das Dinner vorbereiten weil sie gerne kocht.

> c) Michael knows the girl. Her mother works at the
> hospital.
>  - Michael knows witch which the girls mother workes at the
> hospital.

übersetzt: Michael kennt welche die Mädchen Mutter arbeiten in dem Krankenhaus...
Ziel: Michael kennt das Mädchen dessen Mutter im Krankenhaus arbeitet.

> d) Mr Davenport likes being busy. He has to take it easy
> money.
>  - Mr Davenport likes witch which being busy he hast to take it
> easy money.

Im oberen Satz verstehe ich den Sinn nicht...  
Steht der genauso da?

> e) Mr Davenport likes eating cake. He has to lose some
> weight.
>  - Mr Davenport witch which likes eating cake has to lose some
> weight.

fast richtig :-)

> f) Colin invited the boy.Sally talked to the boy at the
> Party yesterday.
>  - Colin invited the boy witch which Sally talked to the boy at
> the Party yesterday.

übersetzt: Colin lädt den Jungen welcher Sally gesprochen mit dem Jungen auf der Party gestern.
Ziel: Colin lädt den Jungen ein mit dem Sally gestern auf der Party gesprochen hat.

Pobierst du es nochmal?
Grüße Kruder

Ps: witch heißt z.B Hexe, betörendes Wesen... wenn Du dir bei Wörtern unsicher bist, kann ich Dir empfehlen. Das erspart Dir lästiges nachschlagen....

sätze umformen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 07:41 Mo 12.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Guten Morgen zusammen...
Please connect the two sentences according the example.

Example: The car isr red. It's Mr Brown's new car.
                The car which is red is Mr Brown's new car.

a) Kevin watches a man. It is the bank manager.
-   The man that Kevin watch is a bank manager.

b) Carol likes cooking. She will prepare the dinner.
-   Carol will prepare the dinner because she likes cooking.

c) Michel knows the girl. Her mother works at the hospital.
-  Michael knows the girl whose mother works at the hospital.

d) Mr Davenport likes being busy. He has take it easy now.
-  Mr Davenport likes being busy and he take it easy now.

e) Mr Davenport likes eating cake. He has to lose some weight.
-  Mr Davenport which likes eating cake has to lose some weight.

f) Colin invited the boy. Sally talked to the boy at the party yesterday.
-  Colin invited the boy with the Sally talked at the party yesterday.

ist das jetzt so in ordnung??

lieben Gruß Suzan  

sätze umformen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 11:50 Mo 12.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hallo Suzan

>> a) Kevin watches a man. It is the bank manager.

>  -   The man that Kevin watch is a bank manager.

Du mußt schreiben The man that Kevin is watching is a bank manager, denn er macht das ja gerade in diesem Augenblick und regelmäßig macht er es auch nicht

> b) Carol likes cooking. She will prepare the dinner.
>  -   Carol will prepare the dinner because she likes
> cooking.

Das stimmt mit deinem Schema nicht überein

Carol who likes cooking will prepare the dinner.

> c) Michel knows the girl. Her mother works at the
> hospital.
>  -  Michael knows the girl whose mother works at the
> hospital.

Sehr gut!

> d) Mr Davenport likes being busy. He has take it easy now.
>  -  Mr Davenport likes being busy and he take it easy now.

Mr. Davenport who likes being busy has take it easy now. Dein Satz ist zwar richtig, aber er folgt deinem Schema leider nicht.

> e) Mr Davenport likes eating cake. He has to lose some
> weight.
>  -  Mr Davenport which likes eating cake has to lose some
> weight.

Mr. Davenport ist ein Mensch, also mußt du who schreiben!
Mr Davenport who likes ....

> f) Colin invited the boy. Sally talked to the boy at the
> party yesterday.
>  -  Colin invited the boy with the Sally talked at the
> party yesterday.

Du folgst dem Schema nicht und leider ist der Satz auch sonst falsch.
Colin invited the boy with whom Sally talked at the party yesterday.

Liebe Grüße


sätze umformen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:59 Mo 12.09.2005
Autor: suzan

lieben dank :-)

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