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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - write a dialogue
write a dialogue < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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write a dialogue: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:53 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen...

Please write a short dialogue at the supermarket. A reporter speaks to a customer.

Begin like this and write about 200 words.

Reporter: Do you mind if I ask you some quenstions?

Customer: Not at all...

Reporter: Ok, have you ever bought in another shops?

Customer: Yes, I have, in all shops here.

Reporter: Why do you buy your things in all this shops?

Customer: Because I need them.

Reporter: Ok. And have you ever bought sports goods here?

Customer: No, I haven't, but I've look for ilk things and I haven't found anything for me.

Reporter: Why haven't you got found anything for you?

Customer: Because I didn't like this.

Reporter: ok. Have you ever looked for electronical equipment here, let's say for DVDs?

Customer: No, I don't even have a DVD recorder.

Reporter: Now let me ask you some questions for your person.
What is your favorite shop here?

Customer: My favorite shop here is the Customer-shop ;-).

Reporter: All right. And where do you live?

Customer: I live here in London.

Reporter: Do you like London?

Customer: Yes, I like London very much.

Reporter: Ok, that's all I need to know. Thank you very much. Good-Bye.

Customer: No problem, Good-Bye.

160 words.

ist das ok so?

write a dialogue: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:00 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: kruder77

> Hallöchen zusammen...
> Please write a short dialogue at the supermarket. A
> reporter speaks to a customer.
> Begin like this and write about 200 words.
> Reporter: Do you mind if I ask you some quenstions?
> Customer: Not at all...
> Reporter: Ok, have you ever bought in another shops?
> Customer: Yes, I have, in all shops here.
> Reporter: Why do you buy your things in all this shops?
> Customer: Because I need them.
> Reporter: Ok. And have you ever bought sports goods here?
> Customer: No, I haven't, but I've look for ilk things and I
> haven't found anything for me.
> Reporter: Why haven't you got found anything for you?
> Customer: Because I didn't like this.
> Reporter: ok. Have you ever looked for electronical
> equipment here, let's say for DVDs?
> Customer: No, I don't even have a DVD recorder.
> Reporter: Now let me ask you some questions for your
> person.
>  What is your favorite shop here?
> Customer: My favorite shop here is the Customer-shop ;-).
> Reporter: All right. And where do you live?
> Customer: I live here in London.
> Reporter: Do you like London?
> Customer: Yes, I like London very much.
> Reporter: Ok, that's all I need to know. Thank you very
> much. Good-Bye.
> Customer: No problem, Good-Bye.
> 160 words.

eine andere - meine -  Version:

Reporter: Do you mind if I ask you some questions?

Customer: No, of course not! Please ask me your questions.

Reporter: Ok, thank you! Have you ever bought in another shop?

Customer: Yes, I did.

Reporter: Why do you buy things in all these shops?

Customer: Because I need or like them.

Reporter: Ok. Have you ever bought sports items here?

Customer: No, I haven't.  I've looked for a jogging suit  but I haven't found anything that fits me.

Reporter: Why haven't you found anything else for you?

Customer: Well, that is a good question. I don´t know why!

Reporter: Ok. Have you ever looked for electronical equipment, may be TV's,DVD-Players, or something similar?

Customer: No, I didn't. I don't like to watch TV.

Reporter: If it don't mind  you I would like to aks you some questions about your person. How old are you?

Customer: No of course it didn't mind. I'am 36 years old.

Reporter: Thats nice! And where do you live?

Customer: I live in London.

Reporter: Do you like London?

Customer: Yes I do. I like London very much!

Reporter: Ok, that's all I need to know. Thank you very much. Good-Bye.

Customer: No problem, Good-Bye.

Wörter nicht nachgezählt :-)

write a dialogue: Idee/ Tipp
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:24 Di 13.09.2005
Autor: emma


ich muss sagen, dass ich deinen Dialog und den neuen vorgeschlagenen Dialog sehr gut finde. Meiner Meinung nach wäre mir nicht so viel dazu eingefallen.
Ich habe noch zwei kleinere Tipps für dich, die dir hoffentlich helfen werden.
1.) Singular--> Plural: shop--> another shop (another= ein anderer)
    nicht  another shops>!!!--> vielleicht kannst du dann besser schreiben, several shops oder so
2.) Mir sind in deinem Text winzige Tempusfehler aufgefallen
     Präsens--> Vergangenheit. Solltest du deinen Text abgeben, überfliege ihn noch einmal   ( Lehrer sind sehr pingelig bei solchen Sachen und bewerten solche Fehler nicht sehr freundlich. Das habe ich schon am eigenen Leibe erfahren müssen. Ich hoffe, dass ich dir helfen konnte.


write a dialogue: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 08:35 Mi 14.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hallo Suzan

>> Reporter: Do you mind if I ask you some quenstions?

> Customer: Not at all...

Besser, No, I don´t mind.

> Reporter: Ok, have you ever bought in another shops?

Laß die Oks weg, die stören nur.
to buy [b]at[b], Präpositionen mitlernen

> Customer: Yes, I have, in all shops here.

Yes, I bought things at all shops nearby.

> Reporter: Why do you buy your things in all this shops?


> Customer: Because I need them.

Das klingt nicht schön, Versuch doch mal: Weil sie so schön nah sind und ich keine Auto besitze.

> Reporter: Ok. And have you ever bought sports goods here?
> Customer: No, I haven't, but I've look for ilk things and I
> haven't found anything for me.

I´ve looked for... [b]but[b] I haven´t found anything here.

> Reporter: Why haven't you got found anything for you?

Das got weglassen, das ist falsch.

> Customer: Because I didn't like this.

Nicht so schön, eher etwas im Sinne von, Ich habe leider nichts passendes gefunden. (Unfortunately I haven´t found...)

> Reporter: ok. Have you ever looked for electronical
> equipment here, let's say for DVDs?
> Customer: No, I don't even have a DVD recorder.
> Reporter: Now let me ask you some questions for your
> person.

about your person

>  What is your favorite shop here?
> Customer: My favorite shop here is the Customer-shop ;-).
> Reporter: All right. And where do you live?

Lass die Füllwörter wie ok und all right weg. einfach Where do you live?

> Customer: I live here in London.
> Reporter: Do you like London?
> Customer: Yes, I like London very much.
> Reporter: Ok, that's all I need to know. Thank you very
> much. Good-Bye.
> Customer: No problem, Good-Bye.
> Wenn es keine 200 Wörter sind denk dir noch ein paar Sätze aus



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